View Full Version : Mixed Saves and LoS

07-08-2012, 12:06 PM
my head hurts from beating it against the brb!

here's how i understand it now-

in a group where all armor saves are the same- a character, who is out front, taking the first wounds can either
roll his own armor save fail it, then roll LoS, succeed, and another model within 6 dies without a save, instead of him.


he can elect to not roll his own save and if passing LoS make another guy roll that save.


in a group of mixed armor saves, the character taking wounds CANT roll his own save, fail, LoS and make someone else die instead.


he has to LoS first, make someone else take the save

is this right?
where in the rulebook does it spell this out?

you'd think a radical rules change like this would be more clearly worded, i dont see this in the text. it looks to me like any character can LoS any wound, or his own failed armor save any time he wants.

where does it say that is not so?
for the record, i hope it isnt.

07-08-2012, 01:09 PM
Look Out Sir happens when the wound is allocated. When you have similar armor saves, you roll all your saves at once and allocate failed saves to models. When you have mixed armor saves, you allocate wounds to models one at a time and take that model's save.

So in a unit with similar armor, you roll all saves and start removing models. When you reach the character, you've just allocated the wound to him, so you can use Look Out Sir to reallocate it and remove a different model. You've already failed the save, so the model dies.

In a unit with mixed armor, you allocate wounds first, then roll. So when you reach the character you allocate the wound, then use Look Out Sir to transfer it to another model, then take the other model's save because you haven't taken saves yet.

So no Ork Warboss granting 30 Boyz a 2+ armor save thanks to Look Out Sir. Each model may only use its own saves. If you're using a different model's armor save, you're doing something wrong.

You're correct that the rule is poorly worded. It comes down to the use of the word 'allocated'.

07-08-2012, 10:27 PM
Unless that boss is out front. He doesnt need to LoS, he can just take 30 2+ saves.