View Full Version : Fortifications - so will we get new scenery models to back this up?

07-07-2012, 04:00 PM
So, I figured this was more a modelling query than rules, so I apologise if you think it should be elsewhere. However, I also thought my concerns were more likely to be shared by people on this board.

My thought is this: We have plenty of imperial sets to represent Imperial fortifications. Which, to be fair, covers Imperial Guard, Space Marines of most colours and, with a little effort, Orks. But that's pretty much it. So does that mean we can expect to have scenery sets for non Imperial and Xenos armies?

I know that Forgeworld do a number of sets, but assuming one doesn't have the money for that route, nor the time to scratch build, what then?

If anyone does have Xenos scenery they want to share in this board that'd be cool :) Who knows, when I get round to making some Tyranid scenery I may even be able to add it to this thread.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
07-07-2012, 04:03 PM
Although this is just speculation - since the Fortifications in the BRB are can be used by any army (despite having Imperial fluff) I'd imagine that future Xenos 'dexes might include Xenos-specific fortifications in the actual Codex. A model would probably be released at the same time.

Otherwise, I'd suggest poking around toy stores and seeing if there are any suitable playsets that are similar enough to existing Xenos' aesthetics.

07-07-2012, 09:01 PM
They have said the new fortifications will be coming out via White Dwarf and PDF. While I expect to see more Imperial buildings I would expect (hope) that the various Xenos races would each get at least on specific terrain piece as a kit. I know if they made some Eldar terrain they would sell a ton to all the Eldar players, after they finished weeping for joy.

07-08-2012, 01:45 AM
The signs from fantasy aren't desperately positive. Everything is very empire themed there with some chaos chucked in.

07-08-2012, 06:21 AM

07-08-2012, 02:19 PM
I just did a post about this on my blog but if you don't wanna go there here's the meat:


Dark Arts Stores First Contact Terrain (http://www.darkartstore.darkartminiatures.com/categories/FIRST-CONTACT-TERRAIN/)

Mr Pink's awesome Tyranid terrain including xenos barricades

