View Full Version : 40k dark angels

Dark talons
07-07-2012, 03:31 PM
Hi I just started with the hobby and found I really love the dark angels chapter of the space marines and was wondering if someone could email me or let me email them with a picture of my first finished dark angel space marine and show me what I could do to improve my modelling and painting.

Dark talons
07-07-2012, 03:38 PM
If anyone can help it would great thank you.

KrewL RaiN
07-07-2012, 04:41 PM
Best bet is to sign up to a free photohosting site (two examples are photobucket and imageshack), upload your image there, and then link it in your posts.

07-08-2012, 06:22 AM
ill give you a hand.
[email protected] (meh its on my blog so i do get a bit of spam)

im not a painting master but ive gotten 2nd and 3rd in a few local GW painting contests.