View Full Version : Equivalent of Army Builder

07-07-2012, 06:40 AM
Hey guys! Just getting back into the Hobby, and I was wondering if there is anything equivalent to Army Builder?

I would just subscribe again, but I don't have a job at the moment, and Army Builder won't let me manually upload new Files so that I can update my lists. It's very saddening, actually. Army Builder is so useful.

A second question I have, too, is if there is an Army Builder App? I have an iPhone and iPad (albeit older) that I absolutely love for browsing PDFs, so it would be doubly cool to make lists on it.

Lastly, if anyone else uses a tablet, what PDF browser do you find works best? I'm just using iBooks right now, and it can be pretty damn slow at times.

Thanks! Hope everyone is enjoying Sixth.

07-07-2012, 08:19 AM
Hey guys! Just getting back into the Hobby, and I was wondering if there is anything equivalent to Army Builder?

I would just subscribe again, but I don't have a job at the moment, and Army Builder won't let me manually upload new Files so that I can update my lists. It's very saddening, actually. Army Builder is so useful.

A second question I have, too, is if there is an Army Builder App? I have an iPhone and iPad (albeit older) that I absolutely love for browsing PDFs, so it would be doubly cool to make lists on it.

Lastly, if anyone else uses a tablet, what PDF browser do you find works best? I'm just using iBooks right now, and it can be pretty damn slow at times.

Thanks! Hope everyone is enjoying Sixth.

You can manually update the files from AB40k.org without having to pay for a subscription.

I use Adobe Reader for reading PDF's on my Xoom. Works great. Does Adobe not make a PDF reader for the iPad?

Mr Mystery
07-07-2012, 09:35 AM
I use my Codex, paper and a pen...... Can't get cheaper than that!

07-07-2012, 02:45 PM
Try battlescribe, it takes a little work to get set up but seems to work pretty well.

07-07-2012, 03:06 PM
Just to let you know, I recently submitted BattleScribe to the Apple Appstore for iPod and iPhone. It's going through the review process now and should become available soon.

There's already a version for Android phones/tablets/Kindle Fire in the Google Play and Amazon appstores.

Hope that helps.

07-07-2012, 03:34 PM
Battlescribe is a free alternative, or as someone else has suggested pen paper, or word processor/spreadsheet programme of your choice :)

07-08-2012, 12:52 AM
You can manually update the files from AB40k.org without having to pay for a subscription.

I use Adobe Reader for reading PDF's on my Xoom. Works great. Does Adobe not make a PDF reader for the iPad?

I just put the PDF files into iTunes and then put them into iBooks on the iPad. You can also download the FAQ's etc straight from the Internet and read them in iBooks.

07-08-2012, 02:12 PM
Paper and pen and codex is the most simple, cheapest, and easiest way of doing things. Unless you studied liberal arts and can't do math real good (see what I did there;)).

If you really want to type something up, just use excel or even word. I can't stand army builder format, it's practically unreadable. If your opponent wants to look at wargear or rules, that's what your codex is for. With armybuilder, I can't even tell how many units my opponent has taken, or how many models are in each unit. I can never tell if I missed a random unit of scouts or something buried in that mess somewhere.

I've never used battlescribe, so I can't say anything about that.

07-09-2012, 05:08 AM
sure, pen and paper is cheapest, but you need the codex already or at hand. I use Quartermast on my iPad and grabbed all the templates I needed from:


Works great, I even added a few of the Forge World models that were missing as you can edit the databases.

07-09-2012, 06:36 AM
sure, pen and paper is cheapest, but you need the codex already or at hand
If you don't have the codex you are doing it wrong.

07-09-2012, 09:49 AM
I have a feeling that with GW partnering with a digital media company we may find some form of official GW army builder at some point, with in App purchasing now available tablets are just screaming for more GW content. However, cheap won't be a word associated with it I imagine ;-)

07-13-2012, 06:04 AM
Just to let you know, BattleScribe Mobile Pro is now available for iPod/iPhone in the iTunes Appstore. Free version was rejected and I'm working on getting it resubmitted. I'll announce on twitter/Google+/the website when it becomes available.