View Full Version : New kill of the Hill

07-07-2012, 02:52 AM
Move over Draigo, Mephiston, and Abbadon! There is a new combat king.

So I took Typhus for a spin today and I habe to say I think he is the biggest combat beast in 6th both in dueling and slaughter. His T5 means very few things out there that can ID him and most of those have to make it through his 2+ save first, Today he butchered draigo easily after stabbing himself in the foot in the first round. I think the only thing he needs to look out for is the Swarmlord other than that I do not think there is anything in the game that has a T characteristic that can actually take him on in combat.

07-07-2012, 03:21 AM
Gotta love killing him in one round of combat with 8 fire warriors two days ago :D lucky I know, but hilarious :D

I agree though, he is rather nasty

07-07-2012, 10:23 AM
Let Death Company Tycho get a charge in on him, and see how he likes 7 WS7, S5 attacks at I5 that reroll a missed wound and "ignore armor saves." If he does survive he can work his way through Tycho's artificer armor, iron halo, and FNP. He also has fleet and relentless, so he could forgo one of those attacks to take a melta shot at Typhus on the way in.

07-07-2012, 10:40 AM
I'd wager Lysander would have his way with Typhus. 2/3+ Eternal Warrior and all smashing S10 thunderhammer.

Maybe even Arjac would take him. He might die in the process, but he'd take Typhus down with him.

07-07-2012, 04:06 PM
I'd like to think Ghazgkull would have a chance, what with his own T6 and a S10 power klaw. Sure, he's only got a 5+ invulnerable, but since they're going at the same time...

07-07-2012, 04:45 PM
hmmmm my Thunderlord with hammer and shield made short work of him 2 out of 3 games i played against them in 6th (3rd game my buddy learned and made shooting/avoiding him a priority) but in general he is awesome

07-07-2012, 04:57 PM
A generic 90 point Necron Lord with Mindshackle Scarabs - let Typhus kill himself...

07-07-2012, 07:27 PM
Yeah, I played a Necron player who took 3 dudes with Mindshackle Scarabs, then had the guts to tell me Mordrack* was cheesy. We were just giving each other crap, though.

*He's not. He's pretty good, but very expensive and lacks access to basically all of the options that make people hate GKs, such as those fancy grenades and psycannons. And the list I took was mostly a joke, I basically just deepstruck a bunch of strike squads, which got them killed very quickly. We were just having fun, getting used to 6th ed. Paladins are still boss, though, even with the nerf to wound allocation.

One on one, a decked out overlord with mindshackle scarabs is probably the nastiest challenger in the game, simply for a solid statline and those mindshackle scarabs.

07-08-2012, 12:26 AM
a tooled up overlord like that is 50/50 I've found. In that I've played someone running him like that twice. First time, i passed my ldr. roll on the scarabs and beat him down. Second time, his lord won. So 50% success rate thus far.

Mr Mystery
07-08-2012, 05:51 AM
A generic 90 point Necron Lord with Mindshackle Scarabs - let Typhus kill himself...

Stop hitting yourself. Stop hitting yourself. Stop hitting yourself.

I love Mindshackle Scarabs me!

07-08-2012, 11:27 AM
Eldar's Prince Iriel, WS 6, I 7, A 4, 3+/4++
His weapon always wounds on a 2+ and ignores armor saves (plus he can throe it 12" as well)

07-08-2012, 12:05 PM
a tooled up overlord like that is 50/50 I've found. In that I've played someone running him like that twice. First time, i passed my ldr. roll on the scarabs and beat him down. Second time, his lord won. So 50% success rate thus far.

A tooled up overloard can get a 2/3+, with Reanimation on a 4+. Even if he isn't amazing offensively, between his defense and mindshackle scarabs that's pretty good for a challenge.

07-08-2012, 12:49 PM
Never took one against typhus, but an eldar wraithlord with sword.

T8, S10, I4, AP2. squish.

Mr Mystery
07-08-2012, 01:02 PM
A tooled up overloard can get a 2/3+, with Reanimation on a 4+. Even if he isn't amazing offensively, between his defense and mindshackle scarabs that's pretty good for a challenge.

Don't forget the Phylacatery. Granted it's not an essential item but if you can spare the points, it's a good little investment!

07-08-2012, 01:25 PM
Never took one against typhus, but an eldar wraithlord with sword.

T8, S10, I4, AP2. squish.

Yup, and with that sword he re-rolls failed to-hits in CC!

07-08-2012, 02:05 PM
The Dreadknight's slightly better than the Wraithlord for that, though. He's got an invulnerable save, he's killier, and thanks to the teleporter he's more likely to reach assault. And Marines can't voluntarily try and run away from him because they can't hurt him.

07-08-2012, 04:50 PM
The Dreadknight's slightly better than the Wraithlord for that, though. He's got an invulnerable save, he's killier, and thanks to the teleporter he's more likely to reach assault. And Marines can't voluntarily try and run away from him because they can't hurt him.

Just a note: marines can't run away from a wraithlord either, they all have S6 krak.