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09-27-2009, 08:37 AM
they are making a warhammer 40k movie starring the Ultramarines

www.ultramarinesthemovie.com/news | Ultramarines The Movie

www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=222438]Ultramarine Movie - WarSeer

09-27-2009, 08:47 AM
That is fantastic news, I cant wait!

(hope this isn't an elaborate hoax!)

09-27-2009, 09:35 AM
I wish they had waited until they had something physical before evealing this news. like a picture or some storyline fluff or something, the suspense may cause my death...

09-27-2009, 10:33 AM
It will be interesting to see how it gets released. I cant see it in Cinemas somehow. DVD section at GW?

09-27-2009, 11:21 AM
Very, very neat idea. Although IIRC this idea was floated around back a number of years and it well just kinda layed there. Remains to be seen, if it does happen then I like many others I imagine will be all over it.
Respects, Emperorsaxe

09-27-2009, 12:13 PM
Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouth ankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthan kyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthanky outhankyouthankyou...
Then again, I hope everyone is prepared to rebound from another Eragon style disaster. It's a distinct possibility.

09-27-2009, 12:16 PM
Eragon was a terrible book also....:confused:

Anyway, I have high hopes for this.

09-27-2009, 12:19 PM
I'm with TSINI, the site is horrible ATM, just says the tagline, then ...dadada... Ultramarines. Lame. we couldn't even get any pics? this tells me they're still in production, which means the movie's a long way off :(. the problem with doing this, and having the gamers know about it, is that the longer the wait, the more unrealistic the expectations are, and no movie lives up to the hype (well except District 9, but you get the point). i would have preferred if they waited until they had something to show before going public.
just my 2 pennies

09-27-2009, 01:30 PM
Eragon was a terrible book also....:confused:

WHAT did you just say?
OK, so if you ARE a heretic and didn't like Eragon, in that case be prepared for this movie to suck. It's a distinct possibility.

the David
09-27-2009, 04:51 PM
has any one here seen the last few 40K movie? I have on on VHS and now it's youtube


09-27-2009, 10:39 PM
Well, if all they have is that, I'm guessing it's not even in pre-production yet.

However, it is heartening that they've finally decided to try out a movie - a first since the old BloodQuest days.

09-28-2009, 01:26 AM
Can't wait to see what they do for this. Any word on a when it will be out?

09-28-2009, 02:32 AM
I hope it is good, I will be refrain from getting my hopes up until we actually have some information to base speculation on. I am relieved they didn't go for an animated Tau themed film though. Or Imperial Guard vs Tyranids cough*Starship Troopers*un-cough.

09-28-2009, 02:41 AM
Awesome news. If a movie like this can do well for GW then it means bigger and better movies for the future

I hope this one kicks ***

person person
09-28-2009, 10:39 PM

09-29-2009, 05:34 AM
WHAT did you just say?
OK, so if you ARE a heretic and didn't like Eragon, in that case be prepared for this movie to suck. It's a distinct possibility.

lol, that sounds like all the imperium MUST like Eragon or else be a heretic, which is rediculous, over 4/5ths of the imperium would be destroyed in that case. the movie was so incredibly bad, it gave me a hideous disease of the iris, and I only saw about 3 mins of it, the cgi gave me explosive diahorrea, and the acting made me throw up like a vomit cannon.

09-29-2009, 08:01 AM
...the problem with doing this, and having the gamers know about it, is that the longer the wait, the more unrealistic the expectations are, and no movie lives up to the hype

Spot on.

What I'm worried most about is who GW has chosen to produce the movie. Codex Pictures (I'm assuming this is just an name for a team assigned to this movie) is who does/did all of the LEGO BIONICLE movies and commercials and such. The BIONICLE vids are good, but not great and Codex Pictures is certainly not who I would have chosen. The expectation as I perceive it is that fans want the movie to be like the DoW2 cinematics done by Relic. This just isn't and will not be the case with Codex Pictures behind the wheel. Unfortunately I think the final product will be visually cartoonish and have rather unnatural physics.

09-29-2009, 08:37 AM
lol, that sounds like all the imperium MUST like Eragon or else be a heretic, which is rediculous, over 4/5ths of the imperium would be destroyed in that case. the movie was so incredibly bad, it gave me a hideous disease of the iris, and I only saw about 3 mins of it, the cgi gave me explosive diahorrea, and the acting made me throw up like a vomit cannon.

I am aware the movie was terrible. I was attempting to state that you are a heretic if you didn't like the BOOK.

09-29-2009, 08:41 AM
Heresy! quick lock all the doors, nail crooked bits of wood across the windows!

Lord Anubis
09-29-2009, 01:08 PM
Alas, I hold very little hope for this. Games Workshop has just seemed so control-freakish for the past few years, I have a strong sense they're going to try to have too much influence over this rather than leave it to people who... well, know how to make movies.

Sort of the same way you can always spot the difference between when they hire one of the game designers to write a Black Library book and when... well, they hire a writer to do one. :(

09-29-2009, 01:22 PM
I hope it is good, I will be refrain from getting my hopes up until we actually have some information to base speculation on. I am relieved they didn't go for an animated Tau themed film though. Or Imperial Guard vs Tyranids cough*Starship Troopers*un-cough.

What you mean? Paul Verhoeven is a genius! Look at showgirls......... Pure class. :D

Lord Azaghul
09-29-2009, 01:23 PM
My only concern: it will be release straight to dvd and the only way to get it is direct order for 120$ (free shipping with additional space hulk purchases!!)

09-29-2009, 02:16 PM
At least it won't be live action... that would turn out terrible because of likely a small budget.

For the first time, Games Workshop’s globally renowned Warhammer 40,000 universe is to be realised in a feature-length movie on DVD.
Ultramarines is a 70-minute sci-fi thriller that will use CGI and state-of-the-art animation production techniques. Games Workshop is delighted to be working with UK-based production company Codex Pictures, who have the momentous task of bringing the Warhammer 40,000 universe to the screen.


09-29-2009, 09:53 PM
While we can certainly debate the wisdom of using Codex Pictures till the Crusades comes home, it does have a few advantages:

Being an established company, the odds of this actually happening at some point in time are actually pretty good
The fact that they've made a few "good" productions already (even if they're not great), means that the quality is likely to remain somewhere in the "good" range
No film will be up to everyone's expectations, but if they can churn out a few decent works, then GW will feel much more brave about giving the OK for more

09-30-2009, 08:55 AM
Alas, I hold very little hope for this. Games Workshop has just seemed so control-freakish for the past few years, I have a strong sense they're going to try to have too much influence over this rather than leave it to people who... well, know how to make movies.

Sort of the same way you can always spot the difference between when they hire one of the game designers to write a Black Library book and when... well, they hire a writer to do one. :(

You have a point, but I think the more GW gets involved with this thing the better. We are talking about the movie company that ruined Bionicle before Bionicle ruined itself... If GW makes sure to be a part of the process we probably won't get a climax involving Calgar and Kharn playing football to decide the fate of the universe:confused:.

09-30-2009, 05:59 PM
io9 picked up the story, the comments are rather funny (and wrong Jack Black as Horus!)

person person
09-30-2009, 06:04 PM
...a climax involving Calgar and Kharn playing football to decide the fate of the universe:confused:.

I hated that scene when I was 7.

The worst part about it being done by Codex, is the CGI gonna be...meh. Has Codex done any other films?

09-30-2009, 07:22 PM
(and wrong Jack Black as Horus!)

Actually, given his performance as the biker in anchorman, I can see it:

Horus: "You just destroyed everything I love. What do you love?"
Big E:"Sanguinius"
Horus: "Yeah? Then watch this!"
Big E: "Nooooooooo!!!1"

10-12-2009, 06:05 PM
So I signed up to get email updates about this movie... Nothing yet. That must mean that they are moving pretty slowly on this thing.
I just watched part of that Bionicle movie (couldn't make it past two minutes)... I really hope that GW has enough sense to not allow their "intellectual property" to be debased in such a cartoonish way.
If codex pictures hasn't completely revamped, and tries this from a more mature and sufficiently dark perspective this thing is going to suck worse than crap popsicles!
Here is hoping, with the obvious shift from comedic fluff to grim-dark from one edition to the next, that Games Workshop ensures the proper tone and quality before releasing this movie.

Lord Anubis
10-13-2009, 12:04 PM
We are talking about the movie company that ruined Bionicle before Bionicle ruined itself...

I just watched part of that Bionicle movie (couldn't make it past two minutes)... I really hope that GW has enough sense to not allow their "intellectual property" to be debased in such a cartoonish way.

This, actually, is just what I was referring to. Why is everyone assuming Codex pictures messed up Bionicle, and not that the LEGO corporation was standing there the whole time insisting they make it just like it turned out?

LEGO makes great toys. They know nothing about making films.

Games Workshop makes wonderful games and figures. They know nothing about making movies.

They also have a publishing arm that puts out a fair amount of decent books per year (and some stinkers, too-- let's be honest). Their publishing arm also knows nothing about making movies.

Despite what many people like to think, filmmaking is an entirely different beast than anything else. You don't tell stories the same way. You don't have the same kind of pacing. You don't have the same kind of dialogue or action scenes. Things that work in medium A do not work in Medium B.

My fear is that Games Workshop is going to stand over this, tie the creators' hands, and micromanage it into the ground. So what could be a really cool movie is going to have a lot of people wishing it had been just bolter porn. :(

10-13-2009, 01:19 PM
I think that you are right Lord Anubis, it seems that anyone can recognize a terrible movie once it is made... It it most likely much more difficult to see it while it is still in production.
To ensure that the feel is right and the fluff is accurate there is a certian amount of standing over the movie creators that must be done, but there should be quite a bit of letting things happen as they should as well.
I think that it all comes down to the story, which will no doubt be writeen by one of the existing authors... One can hope that they bring in a successful screenwriter to properly adjust the pacing to assist in that.

The name Codex pictures seems a bit strange too... Was this thier name prior to picking up with Games Workshop? Or is Games Workshop creating a movie/video arm of their company by acquiring an existing company. "Codex" isn't a word you find much outside of GW unless you are talking about the study of ancient manuscripts.
I have been unable to find any reference to Codex Pictures outside of their website... that includes on the iMDB webside about the Bionicle movies.
I want to be optimistic about this, because GW has been very successful in most of their endeavors.

Also, will we be seeing Captain Uriel Ventris in this movie..? Anyone?

10-13-2009, 01:32 PM
Games Workshop makes wonderful games and figures. They know nothing about making movies. They know a lot about writing beautiful sci fi. I will be expecting good things.

It is my opinion that GW's backstory for this supposedly paltry game is some of the best science fiction ever written.

10-13-2009, 01:45 PM
They know a lot about writing beautiful sci fi. I will be expecting good things.

It is my opinion that GW's backstory for this supposedly paltry game is some of the best science fiction ever written.

Well, there's writing, and then there's writing. GW's background is "written" in the sense that a series of somebodies came up with it, but that doesn't necessarily mean that every piece of "writing" that constitutes the greater background is well done. It is one of the marks of the true geek to be able to look past the latter to the former (and I'm right there with you in doing so), but movies have to exist primarily as the latter.

10-13-2009, 01:49 PM
I think that you are right Lord Anubis, it seems that anyone can recognize a terrible movie once it is made... It it most likely much more difficult to see it while it is still in production.
To ensure that the feel is right and the fluff is accurate there is a certian amount of standing over the movie creators that must be done, but there should be quite a bit of letting things happen as they should as well.
I think that it all comes down to the story, which will no doubt be writeen by one of the existing authors... One can hope that they bring in a successful screenwriter to properly adjust the pacing to assist in that.

The name Codex pictures seems a bit strange too... Was this thier name prior to picking up with Games Workshop? Or is Games Workshop creating a movie/video arm of their company by acquiring an existing company. "Codex" isn't a word you find much outside of GW unless you are talking about the study of ancient manuscripts.
I have been unable to find any reference to Codex Pictures outside of their website... that includes on the iMDB webside about the Bionicle movies.
I want to be optimistic about this, because GW has been very successful in most of their endeavors.

Also, will we be seeing Captain Uriel Ventris in this movie..? Anyone?

Hope so....

10-13-2009, 05:53 PM
Well, there's writing, and then there's writing. GW's background is "written" in the sense that a series of somebodies came up with it, but that doesn't necessarily mean that every piece of "writing" that constitutes the greater background is well done. It is one of the marks of the true geek to be able to look past the latter to the former (and I'm right there with you in doing so), but movies have to exist primarily as the latter.

I respectfully disagree. But only for one reason: George Lucas.

Yeah, I know. Seems unrelated, right?

George Lucas, after the immense success of Star Wars, never really wrote another script again. What happens now (and is most evident with the new Indiana Jones movie, as well as the later Star Wars prequels), is basically as simple as this: George types up a story outline. Very basic, probably just a bulleted list. Then he pays screenwriters to turn that outline into a movie script.

Once I learned this, it really explained the scene with Shia LeBouf and the monkeys. Regardless, the later Star Wars movies (which were all done this way) were heralded as great pieces of film by critics and the later two were hailed by fans when they released. Most of what makes Star Wars cool doesn't even come from it's creator (the modern images of Jedi conjured up by newer games and the Clone Wars, as well as the final battle between Obi Wan and Anakin in the third movie, the entire idea of a jedi being more of a telekinetic ninja is contrary to the original and very lame ideas Lucas had put to paper about Jedis being basically priests who wielded broadsword like weapons in slow-paced duels, where they did not use the force because it was supposed to require immense concentration). The stuff Star Wars fans know and love has become canonical mostly because Lucas could give two craps and let all kinds of people write books for him.

GW has the huge advantage of knowing full well what their IP is, it isn't a thing that needs developing. The movie needs to be badass and epic and full of the grimdark deliciousness that keeps us all hanging out in the 41st millenium, and having a team of skilled writers who have tinkered with every aspect of that IP will help the process immensely. If a complete dumbass like George Lucas can be heralded as a godly gift to science fiction then I don't see why it is so farfetched to see much more dedicated folks like Phil Kelly get similar recognition one day.

10-13-2009, 06:15 PM
George Lucas and Star Wars is exactly the situation I was thinking of, actually. Star Wars, as an IP, is still a great piece of space opera. Nevertheless, plenty of actual Star Wars products are bad. Whether any given Star Wars product is a good piece of space opera depends on the artist(s) that is(are) actually producing that product. The quality of Star Wars, as an IP, is not a good predictor of whether any given Star Wars movie, book, game, or other product will be a good movie, book, game, or other product.

I don't deny that it helps to know the IP that you're making a product out of. Marvel Studios is a good example. That whole project was started on the theory that, while Marvel might not know much about movies, it does know its own IPs. Iron Man was, in part, a vindication of that principle. But Iron Man was also made by people who know movies. If you had people who knew the Iron Man IP overseeing people who didn't know movies, I don't think the Marvel influence would have saved the product.

EDIT: Re-reading your post, I'm not sure if you're contending that the 40K background is more fleshed out than the GFFA. If that's the case, I respectfully disagree. I don't doubt that George Lucas doesn't have an encyclopedic command of the totality of Star Wars. But people like Leland Chee and LucasArts' Star Wars continuity department do. And I don't think either of them are really more or less in flux than the other.

Lord Anubis
10-13-2009, 09:39 PM
What happens now (and is most evident with the new Indiana Jones movie, as well as the later Star Wars prequels), is basically as simple as this: George types up a story outline. Very basic, probably just a bulleted list. Then he pays screenwriters to turn that outline into a movie script.

Errrr... not quite. When screenwriters talk about "an outline" they mean something from 25-60 pages. Lucas is very, very involved in the story and script development. Worked with David Koepp almost non-stop on the last Indy movie, in fact.

Marvel Studios is a good example. That whole project was started on the theory that, while Marvel might not know much about movies, it does know its own IPs. Iron Man was, in part, a vindication of that principle. But Iron Man was also made by people who know movies.

Mmmmm... again, except that's not quite what happened. Marvel showed their Iron Man "bible" to a set of screenwriters and said "Can you make a movie out of this?" They said yes and basically got left alone. Later Jon Faverau came on as director and brought the screenwriters he'd been using on his attempt at adapting A Princess of Mars. Marvel pretty much left them alone, but all of the writers credited the fact that Iron Man was such a solid character to start with they didn't need to change much.

A better way to look at it is all the things that did change when they adapted Iron Man. And there are lots and lots of them. Tons, really. But they all make perfect sense for a film adaptation, and if Marvel had said "No, this is how it has to be," well, that screenplay would've suffered greatly.

Again, not saying Games Workshop has bad ideas. They're great ideas. I wouldn't be in the game now if it wasn't for all the backstory and fluff. But there is a huge difference between having good ideas and having a viable feature film script. Or being able to write one.

10-14-2009, 12:42 AM
While I am inclined to agree, if George Lucas can hire a screenwriter to turn some of his terrible ideas into a coherent movie, why can't Games Workshop? (To the degree that their finances will allow, of course).

There is just as much likelihood that it will be well made as there is that it will be trash, if you ask me.

10-14-2009, 11:00 AM
While I am inclined to agree, if George Lucas can hire a screenwriter to turn some of his terrible ideas into a coherent movie, why can't Games Workshop? (To the degree that their finances will allow, of course).

There is just as much likelihood that it will be well made as there is that it will be trash, if you ask me.

Oh, they totally can. Hopefully they will.

Asymmetrical Xeno
10-14-2009, 11:29 AM
They know a lot about writing beautiful sci fi. I will be expecting good things.

It is my opinion that GW's backstory for this supposedly paltry game is some of the best science fiction ever written.

While I like 40k, id hardly say its some of the best sci-fi ever, and besides its not really sci-fi at all, more gothic space fantasy than anything, and obviously influenced by other things (dune, LOTR, terminator, Alien ect).

Its hardly in the same league as Olaf Stapledon, Hal Clement or Arthur C Clarke.

10-14-2009, 11:34 AM
Even Worse the movies a 12!
What i'd like
coolplot, blood gore, plot twists, flashbacks(heresy), long, in cinemas, psyco preists, =][=, and whats in the DoW+bloodquest!= scary dark twisted:D
what we'd get
cartoon orks, no gore, advert for black reach, smurfs win, = nice, happy, cartoon, fail:mad:
i'm not hoping:(



10-14-2009, 12:15 PM
Remember that fantasy violence gets away with alot more then actual violence in the world of film censorship.

Lord Anubis
10-14-2009, 03:35 PM
Not in the world of film ratings, though. Too much blood and gore can shoot you up to an R rating very quickly in Hollywood.

Watch something like Hellboy or Lord of the Rings and really look for that sort of stuff. You get a lot of implied violence and gore, but they're actually pretty tame.

If memory serves, on the commentary for Hellboy Guillermo del Toro talks about getting around the rating board by having coins and little gears and such "splatter" in different scenes.

Again, I'm not saying it can't happen. I just really hope Games Workshop will back off and let the people who know what they're doing do their jobs. With how control-obsessed they've acted over the past few years, it just doesn't seem likely. :(

10-14-2009, 10:00 PM
what we'd get
cartoon orks, no gore, advert for black reach, smurfs win, = nice, happy, cartoon, fail:mad:
i'm not hoping:(

While this is all very possible, I am really hoping they do the battle against Hive Fleet Behemoth. It's an awesome story arc, has bugs, ships and titans, and we could make fun of Starship Troopers fans when they see an ad and think they're getting another movie...:D
Though I wouldn't mind orks either, as long as they don't do them a la William King.

10-15-2009, 12:36 PM
The British Board of Film Classification is somewhat more liberal then its American counterpart.

10-20-2009, 04:16 PM
that is awsome but i hope they dont make it look stupid or anything because then i may have to punch the closest person to me because i will be so mad:mad:

person person
10-20-2009, 09:33 PM

This is either gonna be awesome or absolute fail.

10-21-2009, 05:16 PM
Everytime i think about the fact theres gonna be a film i cant help but get excited even though I dont have that high expectations for it :(. Ive had a few ideas about what a good film could be like and i came up with a new one today. I know this film wont be anything like this, but it would be cool to have it basically be about the selection process for novices to be taken and become astartes.

The whole film could be an awesome fantasy style epic with some children(though not bratty kids, GOD NO, maybe youths is a better word :P) taking on a crazy strugle to help protect the people of their world or appease dark gods or some kind of ritual style event along those lines, with a massive twist right at the climax revealing that actually these guys are being watched by space marines looking for their latest catch of initiates.

Clearly there would have to be very subtle hints, but nothing that would give it away at all to someone who wasnt a fan of 40k so that the ending was a true shock ending. Perhaps chuck in a tiny glimpse of what the main characters become as fully fledged astartes, maybe even in an "expect more about this guy" kind of way, to show how truely amazing the transformation is and that there is a massive universe out there that you didnt even come close to imagining till the focus zoomed out from the characters world.

Would be such an amazing film if someone did one like this, I can only dream :)

10-21-2009, 08:15 PM
*Cough* Bloodquest *Cough*

10-22-2009, 01:15 PM
*Cough* Bloodquest *Cough*

Part of me says tru7h, but another part, the part that watches the DoW trailers on a regular basis, says it has better odds than bloodquest....

The Imperator
10-24-2009, 11:22 PM
my friend dosn't believe in the 40k movie

he says it was a lie created by some crazy fan at the gamesday

when he went to the website he said that anyone could have done it.

but i belive its real

person person
10-25-2009, 12:45 AM
Honestly, I was very skeptical when I first heard about it.

10-25-2009, 01:06 AM
Its on the GW site:rolleyes:

Chuck Norris
10-25-2009, 01:35 AM
Its on the GW sitethis plus chuck norris make it true

person person
10-25-2009, 02:11 AM
Its on the GW site:rolleyes:

Thats the only reason I think its true.

10-25-2009, 05:44 PM
Unless it's another Mystery Box campaign for something far more sinister. OOoo... :rolleyes:

10-26-2009, 10:04 AM
What was that all CG movie that came out a while back. Final Fantasy something... something.

Bad movie but the CG was amazing, so if we can get something like that there's hope. But voice acting will be interesting, who will "star" in the film? Anyone we know? It can be done but the margin of error is oh so small.

Either way it will be like a train wreck... none of will be able to turn away.

Subject Keyword
10-26-2009, 02:02 PM
I don't understand why there is a debate as to whether it will be bad. It's centered on an army not so lovingly referred to as "Smurfs" or "Vanilla Marines" by the very gaming community that supports them. The U-marines will win, they will grunt a lot, and the orcs will fall down.
Now, if Pixar were making a Space Wolves movie, I would understand the uncertainty...

10-26-2009, 11:11 PM
i remember watching bionicle movies...they werent actually that bad...
..they were made by codex

10-27-2009, 12:29 PM
what I find funny is how everyone is complaining about how bad it is going to be, but you know we all are going to go and see it. . . Bad or not.


10-27-2009, 09:36 PM
The U-marines will win, they will grunt a lot, and the orcs will fall down.

Personally, I'll be pulling for the Orks to win, but that's just me =)

Until there is more info about the movie, there's no telling just how good or bad it MAY be.
Hope for the best and expect the worst, and it'll be somewhere in between.