View Full Version : 6th

07-07-2012, 12:33 AM
So, I have acquired my copy.

This is simply the best laid out rulebook for 40k. The rules make sense, are worded quite well, and are fun. The layout is well done, as well as the indexing is amazing.

Yes, there are a handful of hand waviness rules, but they are for very specific cases.

As far as power weapons with special rules, I am on the fence, however, it is quite clear that second edition was the inspiration for the weapons. Even Power Mauls have concussive, which they did back in second edition.
As I am looking through my Angels of Death codex, and Dante clearly had a Power Axe.

Since many of GW's rules have spawned from precedent, it leads me to believe that Dante has a Master Crafted Power Axe.

Furthermore, this conclusion would fold in any USR on a weapon does not mean the weapon is Unique; which would mean that Blade Encarmines are Master Crafted Two Handed Power Weapons. Mauls, axes, spears, and swords that are two handed and master crafted.

However: http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showpost.php?p=215737&postcount=89

07-07-2012, 03:52 AM
The book is excellent! It's a good ruleset, the best worded and clearest 40k yet. Yes there are loopholes that the rules lawyers will argue over, but on the whole a job well done.
When is an axe not an axe- when it belongs to a gamer that wants to gain an advantage over another gamer rather than play it for what it is!
Play it as an axe folks, and wait for the next round of FAQ's to address it, like everyone else that feels hard done by with their codex.

07-07-2012, 05:09 AM
Have to say I agree with the clarity of the rules overall, most misunderstanding I've seen so far have come from people not reading the rules properly. There are more pictures to make some of the rules easier to follow as well. Do we know who actually wrote the rules section, the book tells you who the authors are but not who wrote which section. My guess is on Ward, but does anyone know for certain?

07-07-2012, 05:24 AM
I am surprised how cinematic the rules feel. Especially the assault phase with the constant pile in moves.