View Full Version : New Tank Hunters + Rending

07-06-2012, 01:19 PM
How does this work exactly? Lets start with a hypothetical situation. 5 Black Templar Termies with 2 Assault Cannons and Tank Hunters shooting at a Land Raider. Obviously they can re-roll anything that isn't a 6 on the pen, but what about when you fail that extra d3 on the rend? Can you re-roll that? Do you have to re-roll the whole thing? What if the 6 was a re-roll? You can't re-roll a re-roll, but the d3 wasn't a re-roll.. It hasn't come up yet in a game, but I can imagine it will.

07-06-2012, 01:38 PM
I would think you'd have to reroll the whole thing, the d3 is added as part of the armor pen and tank hunter lets you reroll the armor pen.

07-06-2012, 01:53 PM
seconded on the whole thing. you reroll it all since the d3 is conditional on the d6. think of your roll as "d6 *+ d3 if you get a 6)," just like if you are using a melta weapon in range, your roll is "d6 (+ d6 for melta)."

07-06-2012, 02:56 PM
Makes sense, I'll stick with that. Thanks.

Archon Charybdis
07-06-2012, 03:53 PM
It's not as nice as one might like, but if you're rolling to pen a Landraider and only get a 13, a second chance to rend again and roll something better on the d3 is better than nothing.

07-06-2012, 06:42 PM
It's not as nice as one might like, but if you're rolling to pen a Landraider and only get a 13, a second chance to rend again and roll something better on the d3 is better than nothing.

Agreed.. but overall templars got gang banged so bad they are all but unplayable now

07-07-2012, 03:41 AM
Sorry, but I have to disagree. Tank Hunter gives the ability to re-roll the Armour Penetration roll, but it's the Rending rule that gives the extra d3. It's an extra dice not THE actual dice for the AP.
How many chances do you actually want?! :-D

Joking aside though, if you want to be taking down Land raiders take Melta weapons or Lascannons- the weapons intended to take out heavy armour. This is why Lascannons have just been given the AP2 buff.

07-07-2012, 05:29 AM
Agreed.. but overall templars got gang banged so bad they are all but unplayable now

Hahaha- can someone say: exaggeration!

07-07-2012, 10:31 AM
I figured Templars would be hosed in 6th after readin the FAQ, but our local BT player seems to be doing just fine. The Emperors Champion is still nasty in combat, and getting +2 attacks on the charge can be situationally better than preferred enemy. BTs are still alive and kicking.

07-08-2012, 01:45 PM
I figured Templars would be hosed in 6th after readin the FAQ, but our local BT player seems to be doing just fine. The Emperors Champion is still nasty in combat, and getting +2 attacks on the charge can be situationally better than preferred enemy. BTs are still alive and kicking.

how do you figure that ? having played them for 10 years and won with them alot

ok lets see the EC has to challenge but yet cant beat anyone of power due to the fact of power weapon nerfage... termies will beat him any day of the week.. give me my EC from armageddon ill kick major ic butt but this version spare me

2 hq's now required which is crap.. thats a minimum of 115 point penalty.. abhor the witch is an almost useless vow now that everyone gets deny the wytch

no psychics of any kind.. inbuilt fluff i know anti psychic defense should be alot better then it is then

armor is decidedly more vulnerable..land raiders dying to vibro cannons meltas being uber deadly mcs hitting it on 3's vs 4's,, glances killing lrs utter garbage
POTMS Vindicators were great but now armor is too vulnerable

no flyers of any kind..
no devastators.. so the upgrade flakk missile wont be that much of a bump when its allowed for all missile launchers

bikes did get a slight bump.. yes
tank hunter... re roll armor pen great for the venerable dread but not so much for assault cannon termies.. power fists getting to re roll not bad though

overwatch is a screw job to them as well as anyone else especially since your designed for assault but you dont do it very well... assault termies being the one lone exception but even they got nerfed on fc

marines by themselves dont assault anything very well versus the other armies since power weapons are nothing more then glorified glow sticks

im sorry i dont see them getting any benefit that outweighs what they lost ...I take the worse case scenario view when i play an army what is the worst thing i will see in a tourney all the new rules benefit other armies much more so then Templars and were at least 2 years probably 3 away from a new dex if we dont get folded up into the SM codex

07-08-2012, 04:08 PM
wow dude. But I don't know if you noticed, but a majority of everything you stated is the SAME FOR EVERY CODEX.

Black Templars ally to get the Stormtalon or Stormraven. Other chapters have to do this, too.

Emperor's Champion 'nerf' isn't that bad when Every Character with a power weapon has the SAME issue. The Emperor's Champion, however, does have 2+ armor and a 4+ invulnerable.

whiners whine.