View Full Version : Death Company Dreadnoughts in 6th Edition

07-06-2012, 09:21 AM
I'm new to 40k (Although I have managed 4 games since 6th edition launched) and am building a Blood Angels force. I've noticed that in the BRB that Death Company Dreadnoughts are only listed as having 2 attacks rather than the 3 in the codex.
I cant see this in the FAQ's (it mentions referring to unit types and hull points but no change to profiles) so is this a misprint or have they had an attack removed? Mainly wondering so I can decide which version Im going to build.

07-06-2012, 09:52 AM
The Codex always trumps the BRB, so no fear, you still have a base of 3 attacks ;-)

07-06-2012, 11:39 AM
Actually, specific rule always trumps a less specific rule. That usually means the codex trumps the rulebook, but not always. Common misconception.

07-06-2012, 02:25 PM
They're useless anyway since they are ap 3 attacks with the blood talons - a huge oversite from GW imo

07-06-2012, 02:44 PM
AP3 still slaughters most infantry in the game. Just not an easy button when it comes to other things.

07-06-2012, 02:55 PM
An oversight. Really? You think that when they specifically and intentionally nerfed every single power weapon in the game, that they should have un-nerfed on of the most stupid-good close combat weapons in the entire game? Same thing I've heard from every other army out there. "Oh, woe, my Banshees are only AP3, it must be a mistake on GW's part." "Oh, but GKs will be terrible against Terminators now, why GW?"

Get over yourselves, everyone. Power weapons are AP3 now. And that includes you along with everyone else.

07-06-2012, 06:51 PM
Actually, specific rule always trumps a less specific rule. That usually means the codex trumps the rulebook, but not always. Common misconception.

Can you provide an example? i cant think of one off the top of my head

if my codex says i get potms with vindicators ala BT i get potms i dont care if the brb says potms only goes to lr's my codex says i get it.. until the erratas say no i do...

07-06-2012, 07:23 PM
The Death Company Dread IS 3 base.
Doesn't anyone remember the appendix in 5th Edition? It was chalk full of errors. We don't see people pointing to the appendix for rules!

It is a GREAT reference for those that forgot their codex, but in no way should form the basis for rules arguments.

07-07-2012, 01:34 AM
Can you provide an example? i cant think of one off the top of my head

Sweeping Advance.

07-07-2012, 11:07 AM
An oversight. Really? You think that when they specifically and intentionally nerfed every single power weapon in the game, that they should have un-nerfed on of the most stupid-good close combat weapons in the entire game? Same thing I've heard from every other army out there. "Oh, woe, my Banshees are only AP3, it must be a mistake on GW's part." "Oh, but GKs will be terrible against Terminators now, why GW?"

Get over yourselves, everyone. Power weapons are AP3 now. And that includes you along with everyone else.

First off, you're right.

That said, in the case of Banshees etc. we're talking about a space elf or a muscle-man or a green monster poking you with a sword. In the case of a DC Dred we're talking about a huge piston-driven machine hitting you so hard with a mechanical claw that you should go flying through the air in several pieces. Heck, the ones that just squeeze you in some big blunt fingers are AP2 S10. Even the description of a Blood Talon starts with the words "with the unstoppable mass of a Dreadnought behind it.." So in this case, I think the BA players have a smidgen more room to gripe than most others.

07-07-2012, 01:19 PM
Yeah, well, that unstoppable mass of dreadnought can't even stomp someone to death effectively either.

07-07-2012, 02:41 PM
They have made mistakes before with the Appendices, and never corrected them.

I don't believe the Attack Profile for the DC Furioso is one less, it is just a reference guide.
This is unlike the AP3 power weapons (of which the Blood Talons are also AP3), because that is an overarching rule that explicitly states unless there are 'no further rule' to look at the model and what it is armed with is the weapon it is using.

07-07-2012, 02:48 PM
Yeah, the only thing that you can really consider binding about the appendices are hullpoints and unit types. The rulebook specifically says to refer to the appendices for those things, but otherwise the codex has the details and is more specific for the statline.

07-07-2012, 03:42 PM
They're useless anyway since they are ap 3 attacks with the blood talons - a huge oversite from GW imo
I'm seriously not seeing what the issue is with power weapons being AP3, most things that my dreadnoughts will be going against are going to be having a save of 3+ or worse, sending a dreadnought against terminator squads are not a good idea, ok you will be striking at I so before the pfists, but, a 5 man squad will nearly always strike back at cause significant damage.

07-07-2012, 09:30 PM
I'm seriously not seeing what the issue is with power weapons being AP3, most things that my dreadnoughts will be going against are going to be having a save of 3+ or worse, sending a dreadnought against terminator squads are not a good idea, ok you will be striking at I so before the pfists, but, a 5 man squad will nearly always strike back at cause significant damage.

..And everybody else will be trying to get those three glancing hits with their krak grenades etc to turn it into a pile of scrap metal. With the exception of furiosos, dreds didn't fare particularly well under the new hull point rules.

07-08-2012, 07:02 AM
Don't forget ironclads!