View Full Version : Want some opinion regarding anyone playing 6th with armoured force recently

07-05-2012, 09:21 PM
Hi all,

Did anyone, who got armoured force, play recently in 6th edition rules? I want some opinion on the new Hull Point if it greatly reduce the potential of armoured force or not? Your opinion is apprecitated.


07-05-2012, 10:36 PM
Offensively, vehicles are shootier than before. As long as you keep them alive, rifleman dreadnoughts and predators are still good.

Transports are slower and clumsier than before. No more hiding MSU inside a dozen rhinos. You can get some boosted movement, but you need to be able to get out and fight. Assault armies are going to require open topped vehicles or something with the assault rule.

Low armor vehicles evaporate when stuff looks at them. Heavier vehicles can die just as quickly, depending on what guns the other army has.

As long as you keep out of assault, don't let anyone melta your vehicles, and stay away from things like Necrons with Gauss, vehicles do fine. But the days of Razorback spam are over. Now you have to have a purpose for bringing a vehicle, just like with any other unit. They're no longer auto-includes.

07-06-2012, 06:54 AM
Razorback spam
Can you please explain this (for somebody who is new to this forum and does not know the local 'slang')

07-06-2012, 08:05 AM
Can you please explain this (for somebody who is new to this forum and does not know the local 'slang')

A razorback spam or "X" spam is basically using one type of unit and having as much as you can fit in your army taking in consideration points of course. So in this case, someone could be using 7-12 razorbacks (or whatever) in the same FOC.

It's not really a term used only for the game. Same thing goes for otherthings like spamming emails. same principal.

07-06-2012, 09:05 AM
I think you will see more tanks and fewer transports. Big guns are more powerful now, so expect to see Vindicators, Demolishers, etc. I have found that the rule that allows a full strength hit under the entire blast template, not just the hole, is a huge difference maker. You are far more likely to get a penetrating hit.

Armored infantry still has a role, but the rule that you can't take an objective now from inside a vehicle changes a lot of strategy. No more hiding a tac squad in a razorback, or a PCS in a chimera, to hold an objective. Your troops have to be more in the open now.


07-06-2012, 10:00 AM
The big change for vehicles other then hull points making them weaker is the blast. The fact that you no longer limit yourself to the middle hole makes a huge difference. the rule about shooting everything when moving won't affect much the game since you need 6s to hit. Yes you will have a lucky shot here and there but in general firing these weapons will not be game changing on average. You won't get 6s very often unless you're lucky and add this to the perfect situation. This is barely a buff if you ask me, but it is a buff. It does make tanks like landraider more dangerous but only if the dices like you.

07-08-2012, 08:39 AM
i played IG with 3 Leman Russ and some chimeras and a devil dog versus a foot blood angels army.
it was an unfamiliar sensation that the hull points made the russ tanks survived.
hitting is stilll my problem but they survived .
chimeras are still good but now a glancing hit is ok and a forecast of doom.
so i think that vehicles are now lts say balenced

07-08-2012, 09:04 AM
vehicles are dead
vibro cannons eat vehicles
lance weapons assault flyers ... the vehicle is on its way out
killed 2 land raiders with an an eldar dark eldar allied list on round 3 vibro cannon lance dead.. its just gonna get uglier form here

07-08-2012, 10:37 AM
killed 2 land raiders with an an eldar dark eldar allied list on round 3 vibro cannon lance dead.. its just gonna get uglier form here

LOL, something positive about ELdar!!!!!

i still havnt played my 1st 6th game (will be upcoming thursday) but im guessing im splicing i a few tanks to see how it works :P

07-09-2012, 01:34 PM
I haven't had a chance to play yet, but I'm betting an increase in techpriest/techmarines in vehicle heavy lists in the near future.

07-09-2012, 01:42 PM
Finally got my first game in., 2x GK vs nids and tau. The tau with their S5 guns basically opened every tank we had on our side fairly easy. we had (in 2x2k FOC) yea big game. 2 rhinos, 3 rbacks, 1 chimera, 2 venerables and 2 SR and by turn 4, most were gone. OK not everyone has S5+ shooting all round but still. The SR didn't get shot at very much so they didn't see any trouble. Its seemed all ok. not to fragile overall as long as you have the numbers so armies with 2-3 vehicles won't be seen very much I don't think. All out or none.