View Full Version : Non Codex SM Upgrades/ FAQs??

09-26-2009, 11:40 PM
:confused: One of our Club Members (in Australia) claims he heard that GW had put out an upgrade or FAQ granting the improved Storm Shield saves, Machine Spirit BS & increased L/Raider Termie capacity etc to non Codex Chapters e.g. BA, DA & BTs.

Does anyone know or heard of this??

09-27-2009, 12:04 AM
I have heard of nothing official that does this. I recall one of the GW staffers writing something to the effect of "if your opponent doesn't let you use the new stats, they are a git", but that contradicts something that another staffer said which was essentially "use the rules in your codex".

09-27-2009, 12:47 AM
I've heard, and we play it this way, that if the codex came after the SM codex and they don't have the new stats, they don't have them, but if they came before the new codex and don't have a new one itself, then they can opt to use the new codex stats for that vehicle as long as they are consistant in using all vehicles/troops that are in the new codex that their list allows.

09-27-2009, 02:19 AM
GW has said repeatedly that they will not be FAQ war gear for the other SM chapters to bring their war gear in line with C:SM war gear. I say just stick it out with pride and scoff at smurfs and their 3+ invuls! Real marines dont need that junk anyway! :p

09-27-2009, 02:29 AM
Nver heard of no FAQ. Maybe your friend should produce a copy along with thee web page so we all can share in his delusion.
Otherwise I agree with Lobster.

"I've heard, and we play it this way, that if the codex came after the SM codex and they don't have the new stats, they don't have them, but if they came before the new codex and don't have a new one itself, then they can opt to use the new codex stats for that vehicle as long as they are consistant in using all vehicles/troops that are in the new codex that their list allows. " - Lobster-Overlord

09-27-2009, 03:39 AM
I do agree that if someone forces you to play with old rules they are an utter git. However, not as much as GW are for not bringing it all into line in the first place. It's completely ridiculous for, for example, the Land Raider, to function as a completely different tank depending on which army it's in.

09-27-2009, 07:06 AM
It's in the DA FAQ:
Q. There are a number of cases where things with the same name have different rules or characteristics in Codex Space Marines and Codex: Dark Angels, such as the different transport capacity for the Land Raider. There are also a number of new items of equipment in the Space Marines Codex that are not this one.

Which version of the rules should I use, the latest version, or the one in Codex: Dark Angels?

A. Strictly, you should always use the rules from your own Codex, and this is the default solution you must use if you and your opponent can’t come up with a better one (you’ll find that this might be the case in tournaments, for example!).

However, always keep in mind the foreword we have written to all of the Errata and FAQ documents, as well as ‘The Most Important Rule’ described on page 2 of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook, which states ‘… it is important to remember that the rules are just a framework to create an enjoyable game.

Winning at any cost is less important than making sure both players – not just the victor – have a good time.’ On this basis if an opponent asks you if it’s okay for them to use the latest version of the rules for a piece of equipment, or if they can use a new item from Codex: Space Marines in their own army, then you should say ‘Yes, of course you can!’ Please note that ‘The Most Important Rule’ cuts both ways, and because of this, if you feel that a piece of new equipment might spoil the game for your opponent by giving
your own army an unfair advantage, then you are honour-bound not to use it.

As you can see, the nature of the Most Important Rule means that it’s impossible to give a black and white answer to any question that may arise; instead you and your opponent need to discuss things and come up with the answer that makes both of you the happiest, keeping in mind that having a good time is more important than gaining a small in-game advantage. If for any reason you can’t do this, then simply revert to the default of using the rules from your own Codex.

Katie Drake
09-27-2009, 10:32 AM
Forge World also released updates for a couple of their oldest Imperial Armor books that brings the cost and stats of vehicles in line with the new Codex: Space Marines. It hardly solves the wargear problem, however. :(

09-27-2009, 04:45 PM
Check the Dark Angels FAQ: http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m1810079_DarkAngels_Oct_2008_5th_Edition_FAQ.pdf

Short story; officially, you must use the rules in your codex. However, you have GW's unofficial permission to houserule it.

09-28-2009, 12:14 AM
I wonder what would happen if I showed up to a tournament and asked my opponent to allow me to use the new rules . . . I'd probably get docked on sportsmanship points!

They would probably be all too happy to "let" me use the new smoke, though ;)