View Full Version : Couple of questions on Fortifications

07-05-2012, 11:49 AM
Being a Blood Angel player I can see a problem with the Skyshield Landing Pad.

If I Deep Strike a Land Raider of any kind, onto the pad, how does it get down as there are no rules for tanks moving up or down terrain?

If a vehicle is immobilised on the pad does this block any unit from deep striking onto the pad or can they as long as the models will fit on together?

07-05-2012, 12:53 PM
I would assume the Land Raider just has to take a Dangerous Terrain test to drive off the side of the pad... and likely wouldn't be able to get back up later in the game.

I would also think that as long as you can place the models in proper formation, you could still deep strike around an immobilised vehicle.

07-05-2012, 03:54 PM
An immobilized vehicle counts as impassable terrain, so you wouldn't be able to deep strike a unit on top of it.

07-05-2012, 04:38 PM
it is perfectly reasonable that the large pads would be used to dropping off equipment, not just personnel. I would build a ramp for you Sky Shield!

07-06-2012, 05:05 AM
Yep, there is a problem with deep striking a Land Raider onto a Skyshield, but it's not a problem with the Skyshield, it's that you want to do it in the first place! It's clearly not intended for that vehicle.

Personally I'd let you do it, but the only way it's getting down is for it to wait for its Thunderhawk transport! Once the Land Raider is there it would block other vehicles landing, and its LOS would be restricted to ground troops as they get close.

If that's too severe for you, and if your opponent is nice, then they may let you take a Dangerous Terrain test. I would modify it as per the 'jumping down' rules so a +1 modifier for every 3" or part thereof. In this case you'd be immobilized on 1,2,or 3. Or you could convert one to have an access ramp to facilitate this, then your opponent may have a clue as to the stunt you are trying to pull! I'd reward the effort of a good conversion with allowing a vehicle to drive on/Off via a ramp (although some could argue in a points adjustment to the standard Skyshield points due to the enhanced nature).

07-06-2012, 08:38 AM
In a competitive environment, I would say he's stuck there, can pivot and shoot and prevent anything else to get on that platform unless it fits and satisfies normal rules. In friendly games, take a dangerous terrain test at -1 or 2 depending on the height. A bit like units leaping off a building. Unless there is a ramp. But why would you be on that platform in the first place is also my question?

07-06-2012, 08:43 AM
In a competitive environment, I would say he's stuck there, can pivot and shoot and prevent anything else to get on that platform unless it fits and satisfies normal rules. In friendly games, take a dangerous terrain test at -1 or 2 depending on the height. A bit like units leaping off a building. Unless there is a ramp. But why would you be on that platform in the first place is also my question?
That is easy. No scatter or chance of mishap. Also you could raise the shields and give the land raider an invuln save.

07-06-2012, 09:01 AM
Sure but the whole purpose of a raiser is also to get troops in combat. so making it stand on a platform makes it a hell of an expensive brick for fire power it has not to mention blocking a pad for a while if not the whole game wouldn't you think? Unless you're turn 5 and it's your best place to go lolol I guess it could have uses in some very very rare occasions :)