View Full Version : Female Commissar from Warforge

07-04-2012, 09:39 AM
This is a brilliant resin miniature from Warforge. I really loved painting her up- especially the face.




07-04-2012, 10:07 AM
It's probably the best non-GW commissar on the market, certainly the best female commissar. Great paintjob too.:)

07-04-2012, 11:10 AM
Nice model, well painted. However I can't see a Commissar of any sex or persuasion, after the indoctrination, slacking off on the uniform from and wearing blue skinny jeans and a basque-ey vest top.

Maybe female commissar just out of bed as the camp is under attack...

07-04-2012, 11:39 AM
Apart from the ridiculous high heels (seriously sculptors, why do you do that?!)and depressing amount of cleavage, that's an excellent model. I might have to get one and GS it.

Nice clean paintjob too.

07-04-2012, 02:34 PM
Apart from the ridiculous high heels (seriously sculptors, why do you do that?!)and depressing amount of cleavage, that's an excellent model. I might have to get one and GS it.

High Heels are of the essence for an female commisar - they opticaly underline her authority:cool:

I think the look in her face is too nice for a commisar.

But a nice mini nevertheless not too fancy, not too sexy - usable.

07-04-2012, 02:46 PM
Nice paintjob there. I've a question, though - where'd you pick up this mini? I've googled and come up blank so far.

07-04-2012, 04:32 PM
Here is the link for the Eurobitz site if you want to order her:


Sister Rosette Soulknyt
07-05-2012, 05:07 AM
Um..she's a Commisar, who would ever argue with her????

Gaurdsman" um..ma'am, i think your out of uniform..cough"
Commissar" are you questioning me soldier? are you saying that a servant of the Emporer can't look good while i shoot dissobedient soldiers?"
Gaurdsman" no ma'am its just your outfit is having an impact on us soldiers"
Commissar" your right"

Booom..shoots gaurdsman in head
Commisar"moral restored"

Its a good looking miniature, why is we have to critisize it for how she is painted, dressed, can't some people just be happy that someone took the time to sculpt this figure when GW lack any creative streak unless its a SM. And how about not winging about the paintwork that he has put hours into, for me, that's a damn fine job, and i've been painting well over 25 years.

07-05-2012, 09:46 AM
Nice model, well painted. However I can't see a Commissar of any sex or persuasion, after the indoctrination, slacking off on the uniform from and wearing blue skinny jeans and a basque-ey vest top.

Maybe female commissar just out of bed as the camp is under attack...

Possibly, that's the case. The trousers she's wearing match the rest of the force (she was painted to match a Praetorian force, so blue trousers, red shirts and white undershirts are in order).

I will agree that her clothing is a little more stylish than most, but overall I had to admire the sculpting when I painted her up.

07-05-2012, 10:24 AM
needs a bigger rack, nothing screams command like 42 DDs