View Full Version : The Bastion...

07-04-2012, 06:41 AM
Any owners out there?

How many 25mm round bases fit on the battlements? How many would fit if there was a quad emplacement on top?

Finally, would anyone think using a turret section from the mighty fortress would be inappropriate? Thinking of a quad emplacement raised above the fighting platform, to ift maximum troops on.


PS Also thinking...

With Anti-Air on the roof, surely the quad cannon would have to point down to engage a flying base TLOS - could it do this or does its own battlements prevent this fire arc?

PPS - what cover save on top of the Bastion - the cover saves section says fortifications are 3+...

07-04-2012, 07:21 AM
from memory a unit of 10 will just about fit on it depending on how the gun is positioned. the turret from the mighty fortress? if you mean the turret from the fortress of redemption you wont have hardly any space at all left for models.

07-04-2012, 07:59 AM
No I mean this...


07-04-2012, 08:49 AM
personally i feel it would need a bit of work to make it more 40k (like removing the mysterious door 30ft in the air!) you might be better of converting a bastion into a 2 tier kind of thing. with the roof for infantry and then a further raised platform for a quad gun...

07-04-2012, 12:38 PM
The bastion kit comes with a small platform (about an inch) to mount the laser cannon or the comms array on. This will lift up the gun a little. As for shooting at a downward angle, good luck. With true line of sight the poor thing would have to be 6" higher than the battlements to hit something closer than about 18". :p

P.S. It, should still be able to hit most flyers (provided they aren't on shorter stands for some reason) but ground targets are right out.