View Full Version : Necron Air Superiority

07-03-2012, 11:05 PM
So, at 2k, I'm playing:

4 night scythes, 2 doom scythes, 2 command barges
3 night scythes have 6 gaussmortals, cryptek w voltaic staff
1 has Dlord w 7 Dmarks
barges have mindshackles and 2+ saves(without barge)
2 doom scythes
got a grot squad of 8 warriors w tremor/crucible cryptek for obj holding

so far, w variations, i'm 4-0 both eldar, nids, GK. good players, bad dice.

so- what is really going to hurt this list?

i usually try to go 2nd and not seize. try to stay in my fliers
if i go first, my fliers will probly, just come in, and leave airspace to come back later, to shoot your fliers/hydras first.

the night scythe is a ded. transp. can ignore shaken/stunned, S7,4 TL guns 11 all around- cheap
deploys troops no matter how far, never hovers. my guys dont take s10 hits, we just go back in reserve. its the best flier out there.

the death ray is no joke, i blew up 3 vehicles with one shot, autohits, even fliers, s10 ap1 3d6 line - moderate price.

its almost like- forget the assault units. i used to spam wraiths, now i dont bother.
til they release flakks, this kind of list is golden.

charging chariots are great! ap1 warscythe is better than a chainfist

there's almost nothing to shoot at.

any suggestions to improve it, or tactics to crush it?


07-03-2012, 11:56 PM
Off the top of my head I'm thinking 3 Warpheads, with good rolls your planes and such are getting tagged by 36 inch Str 10 AP2 melta shots, and with Horde orks i can play board denial early on although this would require some luck with terrain and run rolls. ;)

Drakkan Vael
07-04-2012, 12:15 AM
Take an army with a bastion, add a quad gun and someone with bs 5 to shoot with it.
Shoot down the Doom scythes first.

The quad gun used with the Skyfire and Interceptor rules used with BS 5 at strength 7 will allmost guarantee one dead flyer every turn.
Take an Eldar Dark Reaper Exarch with his special rule to negate cover saves (on p. 96 BRB is stated that all special rules of the gun and the firing model are used), and you will loose one flyer each round (4 twin- linked shots BS 5, strength 7 negating cover saves).

The rest of the army is more or less irrelevant.

07-04-2012, 05:24 AM
Although the Quad Gun is a Gun Emplacement, which has T7 and 2 wounds. Guess you can target this separately, so all those Flyers will be bombarding it.

Still, plenty of points left for Eldrad to cast Prescience and Perfect Timing on war walkers with Scatter Lasers (24 Str 6, rerolling misses = about 7 hits, 2 glances vs AV11, no cover saves, distance might be a problem), and cast Perfect timing on a 2nd unit whilst Farseer casts Prescience on it.

I make that 2, possibly 3 Flyers down per turn with a threat range of @28". Or go with Eldar Missile launchers = 2-3 glances at range @42".

Drakkan Vael
07-04-2012, 05:28 AM
Actually it is not separate. You add it to the bastion. And on P. 96 are rules for emplaced weapons in a building (picture ond P. 97).

07-04-2012, 05:38 AM
Ah yes. And Perfect Timing can only affect Eldrad's own unit - drat. Back to the mathhammer.

07-04-2012, 07:50 AM
Orks would be the ideal enemy for this one. Orks dont care about the snap shot protection that flyers enjoy. Their entire playstyle has been designed to counter low BS. As such sheer weight of fire will cause problems for the Scythes.

Even basic Ork infantry can put out a hefty amount of shots and at AV10 those Scythes risk being hulled by any standard infantry gun with a decent rate of fire. Lootas however may very well be the single best non-skyfire Anti Aircraft unit in the game. With the number of shots they ger they WILL get hits and at S7 theyre gonna punch through that armor.

And its not even tailoring a list cos lets face it, Lootas arent exactly a rare sight

07-04-2012, 08:13 AM
IG see your air superiority, and raise you the best anti air currently in any army. A hydra, vendetta or quad gun emplacement will likely kill a flyer every turn each. I anticipate some furious dogfighting, and a lot of AA fire going on between these two army.

07-04-2012, 11:05 AM
First thing, I would combat it by moving close to the fighters, with only a single 90 degree turn before a straight line 18" move and front arc fire ray, i'm likely to be missed.

07-05-2012, 05:14 AM
am i right in reading the FAQ that seems to imply that the Night Scythe does not need to Hover for it's passengers to disembark?!?!?!

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
07-05-2012, 05:21 AM
I'd say so. :D

07-05-2012, 08:28 AM
am i right in reading the FAQ that seems to imply that the Night Scythe does not need to Hover for it's passengers to disembark?!?!?!

seeing as it can't hover. Thats is correct.

07-05-2012, 08:33 AM
ah right, i was under the impression that all flyers with transport capacity could and had to in order for passengers to disembark

07-05-2012, 08:47 AM
Necron flyers have supersonic rule which prohibits skimming, limiting their movment

07-05-2012, 09:13 AM
Necron flyers have supersonic rule which prohibits skimming, limiting their movment

Supsonic doesn't mean anything now. It is a normal flyer. Though, it can go 36' and beam its cargo down while flying, thanks to FAQ as well.

07-05-2012, 09:15 AM
thats what i thought Nachodragon! i think that seems very feasible as a transport! load it with Tesla Immortals and then just zoom over and deploy them, the fact they have to snap fire that turn will be counter balanced by any hits actually being 3 hits due to the additional tesla!

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
07-05-2012, 09:27 AM
It says on the FAQ to remove Supersonic and change it's type to Flyer.

07-07-2012, 01:06 AM
ok- i still dont think youve shot me down, my scythes come in on my turn, drop payload(probly not) and blast whatever aa you had and maybe their neighbors. we are av 11 all around and we can ignore shaken/stunned sometimes. if you wreck me, we dont die, go back into reserve. what if it was 3 doom scythes, and 6 night scythes?? ok your quad gun will get at least one, but how many quad guns are you going to buy? 6? hydras? no interceptor rule and my death ray blew up 3 tanks with one shot s10 ap1. the only thing that does worry me is eldrad w 2+++ cover. how about zandrek takes stealth away? 3+++ little better.

im not trying to be a pompous ***, im just trying to counter your counter to this list. mathhammerically.

necrons came up so far so fast, too bad weve got no B bros. its a lot to shoot at rolling 6's.
i know its still beatable, and the chewy center is paper, but what else can i doo to beef up this list against the defenses out there?

07-07-2012, 05:50 AM
Hyperios, land speeder tempest, hydra platforms, barracudas, firestorms, thunderbolt all have 'AA'.

07-07-2012, 07:21 AM
Hyperios, land speeder tempest, hydra platforms, barracudas, firestorms, thunderbolt all have 'AA'.

Tynskel is right, and new rumors have it that Forge World stuff will be 40k official "for realz this time!" very soon. So we might be seeing a lot of new AA and fliers available for use very soon. It could be that Necron air superiority will be extremely short-lived.

07-07-2012, 10:27 AM
thanks for all the feedback! bleep blorp

07-07-2012, 11:57 AM
Although the Quad Gun is a Gun Emplacement, which has T7 and 2 wounds. Guess you can target this separately, so all those Flyers will be bombarding it.

Still, plenty of points left for Eldrad to cast Prescience and Perfect Timing on war walkers with Scatter Lasers (24 Str 6, rerolling misses = about 7 hits, 2 glances vs AV11, no cover saves, distance might be a problem), and cast Perfect timing on a 2nd unit whilst Farseer casts Prescience on it.

I make that 2, possibly 3 Flyers down per turn with a threat range of @28". Or go with Eldar Missile launchers = 2-3 glances at range @42".

Warwalkers with duel Scatter Lasers would end up being Twin-Linked so a Squadron of three would only have 12 shots and you get to reroll misses.

I think taking a Scatter Laser & Shuriken Cannon combo just might be better since you get 21 shots.

07-08-2012, 12:51 AM
but i'll get to shoot them first. we talking 3 war walkers? s10 ap 1 D ray autohits plus 4 s 7 tesla. twice if i have to. they vehicles armor 10,11?

ulitimately i know im killable, just tryin to figure this out.

07-08-2012, 04:11 AM
My list could easily beat it.

I use 2 command barges with anrakyr, 4 night scythes and 2 doom scythes, flavoured with some immortals.

Kinda unimaginative, I know but I like to abuse the flyer rules whilst I still can. Gotta get my wins in somehow.

Saturn 3
07-11-2012, 09:19 PM
I dont know if this is covered but has anyone considered what Nemessor does for the scythes?

08-23-2012, 06:12 AM
Also your theory about having to go first and just zooming your flyers back off the board to bring them in later does not work. BRB pg. 80 says "In a turn in which a Flyer enters the board from reserve, it can do so facing any direction you wish, providing that the resulting move will not carry it off the board again.". So if you come in before my flyers do then you will be shot down by flyers.

08-23-2012, 07:06 AM
I'll be happy to face this list with my three nightwing, three phoenix list.

I just played a necron player who thought he was hot **** because he had 5 flyers. I used that divination power that lets me basically pick and choose when my reserves come in. I went first but was able to hold all but 1 nightwing and 1 phoenix back... all of his stuff came in 2nd turn.

He tried shooting down both of my flyers with futile effort. 2+ and 3+ evades are awesome.

3rd round, every one of his flyers were dead.

Also - the easiest way to kill a necron flyer list - is kill all the units that the necron player has on the table first turn. If at the end of his turn he doesn't have any models on the board, he loses the game.

Hard to do but it can be done by a decent drop pod SM force.

08-23-2012, 07:08 AM
Warwalkers with duel Scatter Lasers would end up being Twin-Linked so a Squadron of three would only have 12 shots and you get to reroll misses.


You're thinking the wraithlord.

War walkers do not twin link their shots if they take two of the same gun.