View Full Version : 6th and assaulting with beasts

07-03-2012, 05:16 PM
So looking at the rules it appears beasts are never slowed down by difficult terrain during movement or a charge. What isn't clear is if you still assault at initiative 1 if you charge through difficult terrain even though you are not taking a difficult terrain test.

07-03-2012, 05:30 PM
The rules only state moving through difficult terrain. 5th actually stated if you had to roll for difficult terrain then you had your initiative reduced.

This seems like a d*** move to those Xenos armies without grenades that ignored terrain.

07-03-2012, 05:40 PM
Agreed. Thanks for the clarification!

07-04-2012, 01:45 AM
No, the rule says they are not slowed down by diff. terrain, not that they ignore moving trough it.

There's not anything in the rules that mentions rolling dice as being slowed so either the rule applies to all effects of difficult terrain, including the I reduction.

Or it applies to none of it and the rule for things that ignore difficult terrain is useless since you aren't technically slowed by terrain as it's not stated anywhere in the rule.

Besides, what fits best into forging the narrative:

That beasts/bikes/jump/jet infantry just cruise trough the terrain that infantry struggles with, and only suffers the occassional broken ancle, to rain down terror and destruction on the hapless enemy who have no time to gain the benefits of the fortification they are hiding behind?


That the above tiptoes trough stuff they could easily breach while the enemy they assault just sit back, laugh and throws back a few beers while shouting "git off my lawn" and taking potshots at them.

One of the two fits the WH40K narrative while the other belongs on SNL, so untill there's an FAQ that says that I'm wrong, jump packs, jet packs, bikes, beasts and cavalry charge trough terrain without rolling the additional die and chosing the lowest, as well as ignoring the I reduction.

Because either both effects are what GW mean by slowed down, or none of it is and the above types of units will have to roll as infantry regardless of what they are charging trough.

07-04-2012, 11:33 AM
For what it's worth, Jump Infantry fall into the same category as Cavalry/Beasts when it comes to charging through terrain. Either they're all reduced to I1 or they ought to all go at initiative. Jump packs move through terrain "freely" but that's functionally the same as not having your movement reduced by terrain.