View Full Version : Ork Weird Boyz

07-03-2012, 12:16 PM
Hey -

I'm new to 40k, and planning on playing Orks. I'd also like to field a weird boy - but not a fan of the current single miniature that's for sale. I know I can make one through some conversion - but I'm looking for other minis that have been produced previously that can do the job. Any suggestions?

Also, if anyone can suggest other resources/ sites for an aspiring ork player, I'd appreciate it!



KrewL RaiN
07-03-2012, 12:50 PM
The fantasy Orc model range has some models that can work for a Weirdboy:


07-03-2012, 01:19 PM
The fantasy Orc model range has some models that can work for a Weirdboy:


Thanks - much appreciated

KrewL RaiN
07-03-2012, 02:05 PM
For my Orks, I would probaly go with the one with the carved bone staff. My Orks have a bone trophy theme and that staff would fit in perfect.

07-03-2012, 02:31 PM
I personally would not recommend a wyrdboy or warphead (or Zogwort), as they tend to be rather lackluster and only of use against armies without psychic defense of some kind. However, if you're set on trying them out, then I too would recommend the Fantasy models. The bone-staff 'great shaman' is IMHO one of the best 'orc/ork wizard-like' characters ever sculpted. The Wurrzag is a good one as well.

As far as other sites, the best one out there is The-Waaagh.com's forums. You'll never find a more dedicated or knowledgeable group of Ork enthusiasts.

Cpt Codpiece
07-03-2012, 02:31 PM
try this :)

07-03-2012, 10:13 PM
I personally would not recommend a wyrdboy or warphead (or Zogwort), as they tend to be rather lackluster and only of use against armies without psychic defense of some kind. However, if you're set on trying them out, then I too would recommend the Fantasy models. The bone-staff 'great shaman' is IMHO one of the best 'orc/ork wizard-like' characters ever sculpted. The Wurrzag is a good one as well.

As far as other sites, the best one out there is The-Waaagh.com's forums. You'll never find a more dedicated or knowledgeable group of Ork enthusiasts.

Thanks for the recommendation and the site recommendation. I want to include the weirdboy for style - not due the huge tactical advantage. With the new rules I'm also contemplating building an Ork/ Demon of K list - and have psyker for both.

KrewL RaiN
07-03-2012, 11:10 PM
Yeah nothing wrong with playing with what you like! I have been wanting to try the painboy and some other lol random units from the codex, but missing models and haven't got that shaman model yet has kinda stopped me lol.

07-04-2012, 01:54 AM
I love fielding my weirdboy, but then I love my orks for their randomness, ok weirdboy are you going to wipe out your squad or wipe out the one in front of you? Who knows?! It's brilliant!

07-04-2012, 04:08 AM
i agree, i think Wyrdboyz are the perfect embodiment of the Orkoid Armies! Either absolutely Amazing or about as much use as a Menora in 1945 Berlin- either way though they are Bonkers!

07-04-2012, 09:53 AM
i agree, i think Wyrdboyz are the perfect embodiment of the Orkoid Armies! Either absolutely Amazing or about as much use as a Menora in 1945 Berlin- either way though they are Bonkers!

My thoughts exactly. I was initially not too interested in the ork army - but after reading the codex, and looking at the models, I'm hooked! (Last night I found another tantalizing tidbit in the codex -- the part about the ork who carries a gun who shoots a warp Snotlings round at his foes - brilliant!)

If I learn the game well enough I may try to play at Adepticon - but I dig the modeling aspect of the game much more than the min/ maxing munchkin style of play. I also look forward experimenting with the allies feature -- I think an Ork/ Chaos Nurgle/ Khorn army would look amazing!

07-05-2012, 05:13 AM
the name of the person who entered escapes me but several (probably more than my mind will accept now) years ago, i remember a beautiful nurgle ork in golden daemon.....


07-05-2012, 02:19 PM
the name of the person who entered escapes me but several (probably more than my mind will accept now) years ago, i remember a beautiful nurgle ork in golden daemon.....


Great figs! Thanks for sharing!

07-05-2012, 04:48 PM
Awesome :)