View Full Version : Land Raider's in 6th

07-03-2012, 05:16 AM
So, I just finished the actual "rules" section of the book and something has occurred to me: The LRC is not going to be nearly as awesome as it was in 5th. The removal of defensive weapons is going to mean that you will have to choose to fire hurricane bolters at full BS, greatly reducing their effectiveness. I am even considering not using them. Any thoughts?

07-03-2012, 05:26 AM
Thats the least to worry about with Landraiders, especially with the new way vehicles die so quickly

07-03-2012, 05:28 AM
When you move 6", you get to fire one at full BS and the rest at snap fire (IIRC)

But they are all TL, so BS1 ain't as bad.

Drakkan Vael
07-03-2012, 05:39 AM
When you move 6", you get to fire one at full BS and the rest at snap fire (IIRC)

But they are all TL, so BS1 ain't as bad.

And with Power of the machine spirit you get a second gun at full Bs.

07-03-2012, 10:20 AM
I imagine they'll only be bad until the new SM codex, when the LRC will get some new rule allowing it to fire all its weapons when it moves.

07-03-2012, 11:12 AM
Bloody hell hope not Machine Spirit is enough.

07-03-2012, 11:25 AM
Any vehicle can fire all of its weapons when it moves.

don't move all guns
If you move 6 inches, 1 gun plus the rest on snap fire
if you move 12 all guns on snap fire

if you are fast, first sentence is 6 and second is 12, third is right out.

Power of the machine spirit lets you fire an additional gun at BS at a different target

So said land raider crusader can move 12, shot assault cannon at and hurricane bolter to the left on snap fire and the other bolter to the right with machine spirit. or whatever else along those lines

Yarlen Fireblade
07-03-2012, 01:15 PM
I tried A Land Raider Crusader three games on a varied TAC Deathwing army. The regular Land Raider is better in 6th if you donīt need the extra transport ability. 24 inch weapons on the crusader put you too much in melta way and two twin linked lascannons are a lot better now that every glance counts.

Only thing that really blasted it out of the blue was a 36 inch reserve zooming stormraven with the TL Multimelta. That thing will blow any vehicle out first turn it comes (moves 36 inch zooming from enemy border, fires in melta range, twin linked, +2 to damage roll on any non open-topped vehicle) Makes any AV look silly. Remains to be seen how frequent will storm ravens be.
I thing THAT is the tactic why the storm talon didnīt get any melta. Storm raven was a 5th design while Storm talon is a true 6th flier. Your only counter for that is currently an Interceptor AA gun on your fortification slot.

Apart from those already regular tactics, deep striking meltas, flanking meltas..., land raiders havenīt specially gotten any worse, theyīre the most durable of tanks in 6th.

07-03-2012, 06:10 PM
at first glance land raiders do seem vulnerable with only one more hull point then a rhino, but you have to consider that it is a lot harder to even get a glancing hit on them with AV 14 all round. i imagine that the usual tactic for them will be to move up 18" on the first turn and launch smoke, then advance, spew forth killy CC monsters and support them with its weapons, one assault cannon at full BS combined with snap firing hurricane bolters to weaken infantry and a shot at full BS with a multi melta to take care of a vehicular threat.

07-04-2012, 07:24 PM
That's exactly what I did in a game earlier today, worked out pretty well. The LR lasted until turn 3 under the sustained fire of 2 Exorcists, two multimeltas outside of 12", and finally got finished off by six inferno pistols at close range and a meltabomb. Meanwhile it had already disgorged its Hammernators into CC on turn 2, and allowed the entire rest of my army to move up almost free of fire. And it got a rhino and one of the exorcists before it blew up.