View Full Version : New Wound Allocation rules

07-02-2012, 04:41 PM
How are people getting on with these ? So far Ive had one game and in that we both had different interpretations about how it works and now talking to someone else Im still confused . Do you just keep on rolling the saves one at a time til the closest is dead or do you allocate the wounds front to back and then make saves ? Can anyone put it in a Wound Allocation 101 for me ?

07-02-2012, 04:57 PM
The way I take it is you keep taking saving throws on the closest guy until dead. If there is still wounds to be allocated move on to the next closest. If all the armour values are the same you can take all the saves at once but just remove front to back.

07-02-2012, 05:24 PM
If all your armor saves are the same, you roll a bunch of dice at once and pluck casualties from the front.

If you have mixed armor saves, then you roll individual armor saves one at a time, starting with the guys in the front.

If a character gets a wound, you can take the Look Out, Sir and reallocate the wound to someone else.

Simple as that.

Emerald Rose Widow
07-03-2012, 03:48 AM
If all your armor saves are the same, you roll a bunch of dice at once and pluck casualties from the front.

If you have mixed armor saves, then you roll individual armor saves one at a time, starting with the guys in the front.

If a character gets a wound, you can take the Look Out, Sir and reallocate the wound to someone else.

Simple as that.

This, I dont understand why this is getting overcomplicated, it is literally this simple.

07-03-2012, 05:35 AM
This, I dont understand why this is getting overcomplicated, it is literally this simple.

poor wording on gw's part

07-03-2012, 05:42 AM
I would have edited the book for free and it would have been a thing of beauty.

Mr Mystery
07-03-2012, 06:00 AM
poor wording on gw's part

When the majority have no problem, the root is most likely comprehension rather than wording.

07-03-2012, 09:20 AM
If all your armor saves are the same, you roll a bunch of dice at once and pluck casualties from the front.

If you have mixed armor saves, then you roll individual armor saves one at a time, starting with the guys in the front.

If a character gets a wound, you can take the Look Out, Sir and reallocate the wound to someone else.

Simple as that.

Two quick questions (do not have rulebook yet sorry slow delivery)

1. Assuming a character is in front, does that character keep taking wounds until dead before the troops behind it are wounded?

2. Wolfguard in terminator armor +10 bloodclaws in power armor. Does the wolfguards 2+ save stop all the shots (assuming he makes saves) from a TS squad firing ap3 weapons at them? Seems kinda silly for him to matrix all the bullets away...

07-03-2012, 09:24 AM
This. The rule is crystal clear, people just need to pay attention and read it properly.

I would have edited the book for free and it would have been a thing of beauty.

07-03-2012, 10:04 AM
Ok but with look out sir do you allocate the wound AFTER youve failed the save on the character or BEFORE the grunt takes his save !? Makes a big difference

07-03-2012, 10:18 AM
Two quick questions (do not have rulebook yet sorry slow delivery)

1. Assuming a character is in front, does that character keep taking wounds until dead before the troops behind it are wounded?

2. Wolfguard in terminator armor +10 bloodclaws in power armor. Does the wolfguards 2+ save stop all the shots (assuming he makes saves) from a TS squad firing ap3 weapons at them? Seems kinda silly for him to matrix all the bullets away...

I'd have to double-check the Look Out Sir rules, but both cases are covered.

I'm pretty sure this is how Look Out Sir works, someone correct me if I'm wrong:

1. If everyone has the same armor save, roll wounds like normal. If the character is the closest model, a successful Look Out Sir (4+ normally, 2+ for ICs) will cause a different model to take the wound in place of the character. Everyone gets their normal save.

2. If there are mixed armor, Look Out Sir happens before you roll armor saves. If the character with the 2+ is in front, you take the Look Out Sir to put it on a different model, then take that other model's 3+ save or whatever. The character is untouched. Everyone gets their normal save.

So you don't have to worry about one guy granting the entire squad free 2+ armor.

07-03-2012, 10:43 AM
I'd have to double-check the Look Out Sir rules, but both cases are covered.

I'm pretty sure this is how Look Out Sir works, someone correct me if I'm wrong:

1. If everyone has the same armor save, roll wounds like normal. If the character is the closest model, a successful Look Out Sir (4+ normally, 2+ for ICs) will cause a different model to take the wound in place of the character. Everyone gets their normal save.

2. If there are mixed armor, Look Out Sir happens before you roll armor saves. If the character with the 2+ is in front, you take the Look Out Sir to put it on a different model, then take that other model's 3+ save or whatever. The character is untouched. Everyone gets their normal save.

So you don't have to worry about one guy granting the entire squad free 2+ armor.

Exactly correct. However the next wound will have to be placed on the character again (assuming he is still the closest model and alive), forcing another LOSir roll, until either the character is no longer the nearest model (probably because he died) or the wound pool is empty.

07-03-2012, 10:45 AM
I'm a little fuzzy on how it works with units of multi-wound models.

Example: My unit of 4 Ogryn (3 Wounds each) fails 4 saves. Do I lose 1 Ogryn, and a second one takes 1 Wound, or does each Ogryn take a single Wound?

I interpret it that I lose 1 Ogryn and another takes 1 Wound. Do you guys agree?

07-03-2012, 10:46 AM
Yep, wounds are allocated to the closest model 'til it's dead, then onto the next closest etc.

07-03-2012, 11:47 AM
There's only a couple more details we haven't covered, I think.

1. Wound pools
If you shoot and cause, say, 5 Bolter wounds and 2 Plasma wounds, the firing player determines which order they are resolved in. So you can either force two AP2 wounds on the closest model(s), or save those for after the bolter wounds. You can't mix it up.

This is good for killing Paladins and the like, because now it's much more difficult for the player to stack ID wounds on models that are already wounded.

2. Focus Fire
Focus fire lets you kill models out of cover. Cover is a model-by-model basis now. You shoot at your target, and tell your opponent you're only shooting at models with worse than a 5+ cover save, for example. He can then only allocate those wounds to models with a 6+ or with no cover save, so you can guarantee the deaths of models out in the open, or with weaker cover saves, while avoiding the guys with really good cover.

This does mean, however, that you cannot hurt the models that are in cover, so some of your wounds may be wasted.

Anyone, can you use Look Out Sir to circumvent this as the player getting shot at?

3. LOS/Range
Lastly, you are limited to killing what you can see (unless they perform a Look Out Sir to allocate the wound elsewhere). If you can only see 2 models, you can only kill 2 models, unless your opponent uses Look Out Sir. And once those two models are dead and you can't see the unit any more, you can't shoot any more.

Anyone, did that apply to shooting at units partially out of range as well?

07-03-2012, 11:59 AM
I think Look out sir can allocate wounds from focus fire. Look out sir is not allocating wounds, but resolving them against a different target that doesn't even have to be in LoS of the shooter, just within 6" of the Character.

Range is determined when you roll to hit, so even if you killed enough to put a weapon out of range, as long as it was within range when rolling to hit the wounds are still allocated to models out of range.

07-03-2012, 12:48 PM
I'm pretty sure it always works, I just don't have the book to check. I believe the wording is "any time a wound (saved or unsaved) is allocated to a character, the controlling player may transfer it to another model in the unit on a 4+ (or a 2+ for ICs)". Obviously not word for word, but I'm pretty sure it's the exact same meaning. Any time would mean, well, any time.

07-04-2012, 06:18 PM
I'd have to double-check the Look Out Sir rules, but both cases are covered.

I'm pretty sure this is how Look Out Sir works, someone correct me if I'm wrong:

1. If everyone has the same armor save, roll wounds like normal. If the character is the closest model, a successful Look Out Sir (4+ normally, 2+ for ICs) will cause a different model to take the wound in place of the character. Everyone gets their normal save.

2. If there are mixed armor, Look Out Sir happens before you roll armor saves. If the character with the 2+ is in front, you take the Look Out Sir to put it on a different model, then take that other model's 3+ save or whatever. The character is untouched. Everyone gets their normal save.

So you don't have to worry about one guy granting the entire squad free 2+ armor.

Is look out sir required? I can definitely see the advantage of NOT using it. Say for example My Wolfguard in Terminator armor + blood claws are charging towards a squad of Thousand Sons. They shoot me with their AP3 shells causing 6 wounds. If I look out sir, I am losing guys. If I try to make the saves on my WG, I have a chance to save all 6 and lose no one.

Is this allowed? i didnt see that LoS was required, just an option.

07-05-2012, 01:59 AM
If all your armor saves are the same, you roll a bunch of dice at once and pluck casualties from the front.

If you have mixed armor saves, then you roll individual armor saves one at a time, starting with the guys in the front.

If a character gets a wound, you can take the Look Out, Sir and reallocate the wound to someone else.

Simple as that.

The character can only lob the wound on to another model with LOS after the wound has been placed IF they have the same armour save.
If the character has a different save, then LOS have to be rolled before you roll save and the wound can thusly not be transferred off.

07-05-2012, 02:00 AM
Is look out sir required? I can definitely see the advantage of NOT using it. Say for example My Wolfguard in Terminator armor + blood claws are charging towards a squad of Thousand Sons. They shoot me with their AP3 shells causing 6 wounds. If I look out sir, I am losing guys. If I try to make the saves on my WG, I have a chance to save all 6 and lose no one.

Is this allowed? i didnt see that LoS was required, just an option.

That is allowed.