View Full Version : What are the key tactical estimates to be made to succeed in 6th?

07-02-2012, 01:42 PM
Simple question - what do we need to quickly understand and possibly resolve, in order to be successful in 6th?

For me, I have identified 2 I feel I need to get a grip of quick:

1. What is the best way to get AA capability into my army? My initial thoughts is probably bastion with quad cannon.

2. Is it worth taking vehicles with any facing on AV10? Because of the chance of getting glanced to death whereas before they may have sped around contesting obj, blowing smoke at 4+, and living the happy, hull point free life. This is particularly pertinent for assault type armies and their transports.

Second question I have not resolved to my satisfaction, I think inf is possibly the new black.

PS unlucky Hydras skyfiring at ground targets...

07-02-2012, 03:10 PM
I think firesupport vehicles are the only way to go. A Rhino or two isn't a bad thing, but no more razorback spam. But a couple of vehicles sitting in your back lines can still put out enough firepower to justify their cost.

Reserves are a big deal now, as well. You can't assault off of them, but you can shoot and you're much more reliable. I can see myself deepstriking Strike Squads and stuff in almost every game, now. Fitting Scouts/Infiltraitors/Outflanking into your list is another very useful too, especially with the new lengthwise deployment.