View Full Version : Flash Gitz?

07-02-2012, 12:52 PM
I'm not an ork player, but I read the FAQ and saw that Flash Gitz now have shooting attacks that ignore cover. Ork players, does this change your mind about them at all?

07-02-2012, 02:17 PM
Having saw this in the FAQ, I ran them in my first 6th Ed. test game. I think they are improved by this, but I feel they are still a bit too expensive for their output.

07-02-2012, 03:42 PM
they are better but they are still a hybrid unit and thus a lot of people wont take them (IE, they are okay at shooting and okay at h2h, but nobs are better at h2h and loota's are better for shooting)

I think they are pretty cool though. I faced some with s6 guns and they shot down my venom (ignoring the jink) then shot into my incubi and rolled AP2 =( Then the archon and surviving incubi slaughtered them, but the Archon was very vexed at them ^^

they might be decent AA for orks, since hitting on 6's isn't that big a downgrade and the flyer can't dive to get a cover save, but probably still overpriced for what they do