View Full Version : Alpha legion ideas

Cpt Codpiece
07-02-2012, 07:03 AM
OK guys, i have long had a dabbling history with chaos. usually tzeench or slannesh (i did have small nurgle phase, but antibiotics helped that one :)).

after reading the HH novels and my natural fancy for green (love green, though hate painting it LOL) i have been spurred on to plan an AL force for 6th.

now my main Q is this....
given the AL nature of shifty shenanigans and the real purpose of joining horus, does anyone think they actually went full debased renegade and started with the flaying of innocents (unless its for recon/infiltration), and general worship nonsense.

i know they did not follow any of the big 4, and that they would never have deamons (both lore and codex supports this), but would they have gone all pointy and *ehem* horny? or would they just be marines in older suits or meybe new suits given that they did not go into the eye.

so do i use chaos bits in hope that they dabbled or use FW older MKs or converted SM bits, i have some ideas on what i want from my AL but with codex looming for a probable autumn/winter release, should i just hang off and complete my blood angels while i wait? (i will be plodding along with the BA regardless, but you all know what its like)

07-02-2012, 07:22 AM
Cool idea. I like Alpha Legion as well. I think it would be really cool if you modeled them as simply "ancient marines" without all the chaos spiky bits and what have you. I say go for it. The Blood Angels codex isn't going anywhere. Experiment by modeling up some Tac Squad and see if you're game for finishing a whole army. Thats what I usually do before embarking on a big project.

07-02-2012, 07:32 AM
Remember that the Alpha Legion only sides with Horus because they think it's in the best interest of the Galaxy, and henceforth themselves. From all the reading I've done, I get the impression that there are two Traitor Legions that don't really subscribe to all the "Chaos" stuff: Alpha Legion and Night Lords. While we've seen in the Night Lords novels that there are plenty of them that really don't like the Chaos worshipping, the Alpha Legion doesn't seem to subscribe to ANY of that.

So in short, I definitely think you could do a non-chaos Alpha Legion force and it would entirely believable.

Cpt Codpiece
07-02-2012, 08:21 AM
Great, glad that im not alone in thinking that :)

i have a spare tac box, that i got with the drop pod bundle, so i may have a go. ill probably convert them to be mostly MK IV to VI though, MK VII being an overall later development.

i have a little plan about the AL TBH, my avatar should be a big clue, and with allies coming back and cultists possibly coming in the codex.

07-02-2012, 08:29 AM
Don't the Alpha Legion human infiltrators have like, a brand on their body that is a snakehead too?

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
07-02-2012, 08:35 AM
There have been several references to mutated Alpha Legion, though - the current 'dex, for instance, mentions that their power armour often grows scales. I'd imagine just how chaos-y they are varies from warband to warband.

Black Hydra
07-02-2012, 08:38 AM
That brand should be a Hydra since it's the Alpha Legion's mark.

I also want to start an Alpha Legion army. In fact their name is my forum name: Black Hydra. Though when the new codex lands, I hope they have Dark Apostle rules so I can include him. I love those guys.

Other than that, go for ancient marines. I'm greenstuffing the Chaos details out of the regular CSM and turning their armor into reptile like skin. Slow process but it's coming out awesome. Can't upload pictures for another month though because I'm on a trip overseas. :(

Cpt Codpiece
07-02-2012, 08:59 AM
yeah, i think im gonns try and get a scale effect on some plates, should not be too hard to do though.

my avatar i will be using on the cultists/allies (cadians, with GS masks and modded helms)
my IG stormtroopers will be crimson guard

i will have destro as a comissar, cobra commander and baroness will be modelled too, either in command squads of IG or whatever (i have not looked into the IG side yet.)

i will make my sorcerer/librarian to be as close to serpentor as i can, it shold not be too hard to do, and if the coming dex gives tzeench sorcerers chariots (disks) then that will be wicked, if not he will have a 'bike'

the main body of marines will have the hydra logo with the cobra logo as an army badge.
TBH i have been planning a cobra force for a long time, just never had the ability to do it. since allies were removed form the game by the time i was able to make my conversions the way io want.

07-02-2012, 09:36 AM
I had a Alpha Legion army at 2k points before it was stolen out of my car. My army revolved around Korsario Khan, (not on a bike) for the out flanks special rules. I used arbites as my scouts, (infiltrators into society) and all old marine suits, including mk 1 preds and rhinos. (which I happen to have since i have been playing since the Emperor walked) Good luck and hope they work for you. I eally enjoyed playing them as it gave me a break from my Guard.

07-02-2012, 09:56 AM
From my experience, Painting scales can end up looking just as convincing as modelling them, and is, at least for me, much easier to do.

So you could always take that option as well.

Cpt Codpiece
07-02-2012, 10:28 AM
TBH i convert all my tanks to be old MKs (even before FW started doing it), my 1st kit was RTB01 so i have a soft spot for beakies and old rhino's & landraiders.

as for the scales i was thinking of using a tangerine bag (the net bag from the tangerines), and spraying over it to give the scales, either that or use the bag to imprint on GS. either that or just sculpt them normally

07-04-2012, 02:59 AM
Have you read the Vraks Campaign from forgeworld ?
There the Alpha legion went in as Marines in ower armor , which means no chaos marines , but
codex marines .

And there is leader called Arkos with bionics and a black sword

Cpt Codpiece
07-04-2012, 03:50 AM
not read the vraks one, the thing is i dont mind the older style armour, but i dont want the unnecesary spikes and horns.

adding scales and stuff is standard fare for me modelling wise, but i dont want to be giving them overly chaos wargear neither.

TBH i think im gonna hold off an any major work till the new dex lands. with the rumors of sept release for the new box set, hopefully the dex is not far behind....... in which time i may have changed my mind and went old school 1KS LOL (my other long time obsession)