View Full Version : Named characters in ally's

07-01-2012, 05:54 PM
I know I read somewhere that you were not allowed to take named characters as your allied HQ,but I'm starting to think it was only n the rumors. Can anyone please confirm or deny this please.

07-01-2012, 07:37 PM
As of my last reading the rules,from a book in my hands. there are no limitations on allies outside of the 1-HQ, 1- troop. After that its open to 1- troop, 1-elite, 1-fst atk, 1-hvy. special characters are welcome. Unless they FAQ that (which i hope they do).

07-01-2012, 09:08 PM
I believe it depends on what type of ally you have. For instance, battle brother allies are allowed to take independant characters. However Allies of convience cannot take independant characters. Perhaps Im reading this wrong... If not, I just want to know who is a independant character before I buy em.

07-01-2012, 09:51 PM
Unless they FAQ that (which i hope they do).

Why? The new FOC is too limited to really abuse, and the FAQs limit most other abuseable special character rules to be limited to their army only.

07-01-2012, 11:06 PM
I believe it depends on what type of ally you have. For instance, battle brother allies are allowed to take independant characters. However Allies of convience cannot take independant characters. Perhaps Im reading this wrong... If not, I just want to know who is a independant character before I buy em.

I doubt this is the case, as then most "allies of convenience" wouldn't be able to take the mandatory Allied HQ.

07-01-2012, 11:26 PM
The level of ally doesn't have anything to do with what units you take. Here's all it does:

Battle Brothers: You count as friendly units for pretty much everything. About the only thing you can't do is stick units from one army in the other army's transports.

Allies of convenience: You can't share any psychic powers or special rules, and IC's can't join allied squads, but otherwise you can fight and score objectives and stuff.

Desperate allies: Allies can't score or contest, and any time you're within 6" of an allied unit you have to take a test or not do anything because you're too busy keeping an eye on them so they don't backstab you.

Everyone can take IC's, and everyone can take special characters.

07-02-2012, 07:14 AM
i predict a hell of a lot of marbos and epidemius in the near future >>

im actually ok with the allowance of named characters as allies not just because it allows me to take an al'rahaem detachment with my ravenwing

and yeah there isnt really much room to abuse

07-02-2012, 02:13 PM
The Epidemius leading Chaos Marines with the mark f Nurgle will be a big one to abuse. Anyone for poison 2 wounds that ignore most all armor..oh my!