View Full Version : Physic Cards Box

07-01-2012, 03:24 PM
DOes anyone else feel the card box is...a bit empty?

As if its got space left for future expansions?

Mr Mystery
07-01-2012, 03:36 PM

Expect racial specific disciplines as and when the books come out. Likely in addition to the disciplines they can currently choose, as per Fantasy.

07-01-2012, 03:44 PM
I also think the opening mechanism is stupidly flimsy and will not last long. The cardboard one fantasy magic cards come in more durable.

07-01-2012, 03:52 PM
I also think the opening mechanism is stupidly flimsy and will not last long. The cardboard one fantasy magic cards come in more durable.

Agreed. Inearly broke it first time i tried to open it cos didnt realise it was a swing. I can see it breaking very fast

07-01-2012, 05:01 PM
Yes it is junk. I had to put them in a different box. Before it gets broken. I also have the templates. They seem like a toy you get at McDonalds. Shoddy too.

Brass Scorpion
07-01-2012, 11:58 PM
Physic Cards Box

Physic cards? Psychic cards perhaps.

Anyway, I would consider the possibility that the box is larger than the current contents to allow for expansion sets to fit inside of it.

07-02-2012, 01:57 AM
Yes it is junk. I had to put them in a different box. Before it gets broken. I also have the templates. They seem like a toy you get at McDonalds. Shoddy too.

I accidentaly trod on my box yesterday. My room is a tip. It is still intact, so it can't be that bad. Admittedly, I don't think it would have survived if it had been open at the time.

As for the templates, I 'borrowed' a friend's to see how much force they would take before breaking (naturally, I didn't use my full strength... they weren't mine and I don't want to break the other childrens' toys) by pushing on the lightning with my thumbes while pulling back on the edges with my fingers. I tell you what they are tougher than they look. Yes, I'd expect the average gamer to be able to break them with the bare hands, but I have broken many of the green templates with less force, same for the white ones and the less said about the really old, brittle dark greys the better...

The paint job on them, same as the gold fantasy ones, does leave a little to be desired. A small amount of the silver paint does stray a couple of millimeters onto the blue of the lightning, but for something painted by machines (I can't imagine these being hand painted) they are pretty decent. I also couldn't find any particular mould lines or overtly noticable cutting marks, so however GW did the injection molding on these they've cone a good job of it. I suspect the job was subcontracted to a chinese toy manufacturer. GW giving us a product they don't have the facilities to produce on the scales we demand; a good thing in my book (even if it does mean we are still waiting on a couple of shipping containers of Dice...)

07-02-2012, 02:02 AM
I never judge somethings quality by how much damage a geek boy can do to it before it breaks.:rolleyes: You should see some of the damage our clubs gaming tables get just by the little barstuds playing a few games a week on them.

Also, opening something the wrong way and having it break really isn't its fault.

07-02-2012, 02:07 AM
I can vouch the psychic card box feels a little, weak. But The templates and the new tape measure are far sturdier than pictures make them seem.

Seriously the templates feel really meaty.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
07-02-2012, 02:07 AM
I quite like the slidy mechanism, plus, it fits snug-ly in my Gamer's Bag! :D

07-02-2012, 02:10 AM
I never judge somethings quality by how much damage a geek boy can do to it before it breaks.:rolleyes:

Aye, but I am no ordinary geek boy. I'm an engineer with a talent for breaking stuff ;)

Sometimes I can even fix it :p

Cpt Codpiece
07-02-2012, 06:37 AM
Aye, but I am no ordinary geek boy. I'm an engineer with a talent for breaking stuff ;)

Sometimes I can even fix it :p

so you are a mek then? or is it a big mek? :D:cool:

i will give my thoughts on both the cards and templates hopefully within the hour........ damn lazy postman.

but yay tape measure shipped today too so hopefully have it on thursday.

07-02-2012, 01:28 PM
I quite like the slidy mechanism, plus, it fits snug-ly in my Gamer's Bag! :D

Mine doesn't. It's too big to go in the dice box pouches so it has to go in the main section where you codex is designed to fit. The templates are pretty sturdy.

On a vaguely related note, has nayone managed to get their pin badge attached to their gamers bag? I can't get the bloody thing to go through the holes and I'm loathe to start stabbing holes in my shiny new bag.

07-02-2012, 04:21 PM
Totally agree the box is too flimsy ~ how is the dice box ? I never ordered one of those