View Full Version : How many projects at any given time?

09-25-2009, 09:04 PM
So do you do one project at a time or several?

Right now I'm assembling an ork trukk and battle wagon to complete my 2000 Ork army for a battle on the 10th. I'm gluing together a space wolves runepriest. And I have a converted chapter master all base coated and ready to paint. At least that's is whats on the books to complete right now. This does not include the many armies that are on the back burner for now (Eldar & CSM to name a couple) I usually bounce back and forth between projects. Do I feel like painting? Assembling? Working out some new type of color scheme background fluff, drawing banners.....etc. I've been pretty focused on 40k of late, but every once in a while I'll work on fantasy to mix it up.

Some pics of my projects here:

Asymmetrical Xeno
09-25-2009, 11:03 PM
multiple ones, I cant stick to one myself as I usually get bored and lose inspiration. Currently it space marines (quantum chevrons), Ulumeathic League (minor-xenos) and Cult of the dragon Admech.

09-25-2009, 11:11 PM
Most of the time just one main project at a time. As I finish the end of it I will begin assembling or priming the second project. I also have a casual project or two that I work on when I need a break.

09-25-2009, 11:11 PM
A number of projects at once. Right now, I have a Deathwing army on the go, plus a platoon of Guard to supplement my Sisters, and my personal favorite, I am making a model of Inquisitor Eisenhorn. The Inquisitor is the most ambitious project I have done so far, and it involves a silly amount of green stuff (I was too impatient to wait for some other, easier to work with, pieces to come into my possession...).

09-26-2009, 01:16 AM
I used to let things get way out of hand. But now I'm determined to finish my guard army before moving on.
It takes alot of will power though.

09-26-2009, 06:58 AM
Well, I'm sticking to one project, but keep flitting about to different parts, or adding more..
From December to February I was converting/scratch-building an Inquisitor-scale Iron Father with full servoharness.
From then on til the start of july I had major work going on, so little to no time.

During this period, I decided to get back into 40k in a major way to build an Iron Hands army.
Started off trading a whole bunch of bitz to make up 20 tactical marines.
Then, a box of terminators.
Then, a box of assault terminators to convert..
Then, a devastator box and a commander..
Next, the Masters of the Chapter box, for characters.
Then, buy a dremel, and grind the icons off of Sicarius, Pedro Kantor, Vulkan He'stan, Huron Blackheart..
Now, a land raider, plus sprues for the crusader/redeemer, and the terminus ultra..
Also, the Iron Warriors Warsmith and squad conversion kit..

This in the space of three months, and all I've done is chop and change, blue-tac stuff together, greenstuff-cast some more AdMech icons..

Now my current problem is that I can't continue magnetising my land raider sponsons, because the crusader/redeemer sprue only comes with one set of couplings, so you either take the bolters or flame cannon..


09-26-2009, 07:30 AM

I got a Reaaver, 2 stompas, a Banblade to paint, Shadowsword, several special charecters, 60 ork boyz, some BA assault sq's thunderfire cannon, Space hulk minis, 3 lemon russes, at least thats what i can think of off the top of my head. I tend to do smaller models while waiting for the bigger ones to dry, and work on the big ones while waiting for green stuff to dry on the smaller models/or paint. All around i got a good system.

09-26-2009, 01:04 PM
All around i got a good system.

I wish I could say that, my system sucks. I have so many projects going on I tend to lose track of where I put the parts. It's still alot of fun, so I cant complain.

09-26-2009, 02:20 PM
I wish I could say that, my system sucks. I have so many projects going on I tend to lose track of where I put the parts. It's still alot of fun, so I cant complain.

Haha, too funny. I wouldn't quite say my system sucks. I just do what I like for he most part, but I DO have a lot of unfinished work lying around. I guess it goes hand in hand with being obsessed with wanting nearly every army that gets put out. But, I'm not complaining either. :)

09-28-2009, 02:29 PM
I really have no system. I do have different projects in different armies though. I have to finish a bunch of salamanders in time for a tournament so I have that to look forward to. I also want to make 2000pts of blood ravens so I have two librarians from that and a bunch of extra marines.

Sporadic Tau projects lay about as well. I've changed the color on them once when the army was coming together. My Salamanders will probably be the closest to getting completely finished. I've got lots of inspiration and have even started painting some sternguard for them.

Obviously from my name I have necrons. They are pretty much done and I have future plans for them. let's just say they are a project for the future as well.

09-29-2009, 08:56 PM
Here is my current Eldar army I'm working on. My friend is painting them for me since I'm crazy busy these days.


FW Avatar - 70% assembled

Autarch - primed and based

Karandras - primed, based

Farseer - primed and based

6 Warlocks - need to prime and re-base


6 Striking Scorpions - primed & based

7 Howling Banshees - primed & based

6 Fire Dragons - primed & based

5 Wraithguard - primed and based


10 Guardians with Shuriken Cannon - primed and based

10 Guardians with Shuriken Cannon - primed and based

10 Dire Avengers - primed and based

5 Dire Avengers - need to assemble

9 Rangers - primed and based

1 Wave Serpent - primed

6 Guardian Jetbikes - primed


6 Swooping Hawks - primed & based

1 Vyper - need to assemble


5 Dark Reapers - primed & based

1 War Walker - 60% painted with custom base

3 War Walkers - need to assemble

1 Wraithlord - primed and based

1 Wraithlord - primed & based 80% assembled

1 Falcon - primed

1 FW Revenant Titan w/ Pulsars - need to assemble this beast

09-29-2009, 09:40 PM
yeah...lets just say the entire Raven Guard 3rd company plus Auxiliaries from the 1st, 7th, 10th, Armory, and Librarium...and lets leave it at that...:eek:

Lord Castellan Mik
10-01-2009, 03:49 AM
I'm in the middle of the following multi projects:

50,000 points of Ultramarines

50,000 points of Cadian Imperial Guard

20,000 points of Goff and Evil Sunz Orks

A 12' x 6' game table

Two RoB gameboards

A TON of terrain from two city boxes of CoD

And a migrane


10-01-2009, 03:26 PM
This is an area I have a problem with. Right now on my painting desk I have a chaos Bane blade, Empire steamtank, 10 Berserkers, 2 Salamander Tac squads, 2 Ironclads and a Nurgle Daemon Prince.

All in various states of completion. If you go to my shelves I have dozens more at some stage of assembly or painting.

My recent resolution is simple - don't buy it if you aren't going to assemble it within 2 weeks and don't start painting it unless you are going to finish it.

I have been working under this formula for 2 months and I have finished several projects, knocked out the rest of my Emperor's Children army and found myself with extra money at the end of the month.

I could really learn to like this....... The one exception was Space Hulk.