View Full Version : Win a 50pt Army and a Colossal (SoCal Smackdown Sept 21-23))

07-01-2012, 10:35 AM
Yes the Subject line is correct! The grand prizes for the main WarMachine events at SoCal Smackdown (http://www.socalsmackdown.com) this year are a 50 point (legal) army of your choice and a Colossal of your choice.

We have several really amazing events planned this year for WarMachine players, so we hope you come and play to get a chance at those prizes! Our main tournament is a War Machine Weekend Alternate Qualifier site as well. Here is the schedule of events:

Friday: September 21

Casual Players (all day): Iron Arena and Special Event- Domination

Team Tournament: 12:30-6pm
50 pt. event
Steamroller 2012 event. 25 points per player/50 points per side

Mangled Flesh & Metal: 6:00 – 10:00 p.m.
Mangled Flesh and Metal is a 25 point Warcaster / Warlock with Warjacks and Beasts only. No troops, no solos…no mercy.

Midnight Madness: Shed No Tiers
35 points lists. Scenarios will be Steamroller 2012.
All lists must be tiered army lists. Players may bring up two lists and choose between the two each game.

Saturday: September 22
Casual Players (all day): Iron Arena and Special Event Colossal Book Event

Smackdown Main Event – Tournament of the Casters 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
50 pt. event
Entry Fee $10.00. Steamroller 2012 rules. Player may bring two lists and choose between the two at the start of each game. First Prize 50pt army of your choice!!
(Note: the 50 point army must be a legal 50t army, tiers not allowed, although we do expect a few tears!)

Midnight Madness: Highlander – There can be only one!
35 points. SR 2012 Scenarios.

Sunday: September 23
Casual Players: Iron Arena and WRATH Book Event

Hardcore Baby! 11:00-6pm
35 pts.
Hardcore event. All models must be painted. Accelerated timing.
Rules and scenario are simple for this event…kill the opponents Warcaster / Warlock…there can be only one! First Prize: Colossal of your choice!

We look forward to seeing all of you there at Smackdown!