View Full Version : Counts as Female Primaris Psyker

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
06-30-2012, 10:51 PM
So with the new allies rules, i am planning to make a female psyker. Added that i am already planning to use my Arbites as a Vet Gaurd squad.
Does anyone have ideas for how to make a female Primaris Psyker or alternate miniatures that can be converted easily enough??

06-30-2012, 11:54 PM
A Bretonnian Damsel on foot or a female Inquisitor model would be a good place to start.

07-01-2012, 01:45 AM
Vampire kits to get that real gothic aristocracy feel going.

07-01-2012, 02:06 AM
Foot damsels are pretty cheap, given you get a horse version too and should be easy to add bits of GS armour, equipment pouch, laspistol etc.

DE Lhamian would be my other choice - trim down the spiky bits and swap the weapons, paint in imperial colours.

Sanctioned psyker with a wych head swap and a bit of GS could also work

The female inquisitors have stupid hair and the vampiresses a bit too much skulls and frilliness for my liking.

Sisters of battle are too obviously power armoured and the dialogus sculpt is a bit poop.

07-01-2012, 01:54 PM
Might also be worth looking into the Sigmarite Sisters from Mordheim, they've got some good generic-ish 'robed females'.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
07-02-2012, 05:37 AM
Yeah its just a shame GW doesn't do more in the way of female miniatures, don't know if its a lack of creative design or keeping in the boys club.

But would be nice to see female IG commanders, Comissars, Psykers and squads.
I'd like to see them release Inq.Valeria too.

I like the idea of the damsels and the vampire miniatures

The Madman
07-02-2012, 02:49 PM
I think its more due to the fact they couldn't sculpt convincing females, most of the old female models have man faces or are disproportionate with the bodies to look right alongside male models. but now they have the technology to make such small frames.

07-02-2012, 02:58 PM
I think a lot of it could also be due to the fact that most people will default to the same 'type' of person they themselves are when asked to create a representation of one.

I.E. Tell an artist to come up with an IG officer design...if the artist is a white dude, odds are the character is going to be a white dude, too, as that will come more easily. It's generally the sort of thing that you have to take conscious steps against to avoid. And probably why most Imperial models in 40k are white men.

I too lament the lack of female sculpts.
I would love to be able to throw some women into my IG regiment, for example.

As for the female psyker - given any thought to some of the warcaster sculpts from Warmachine?

07-03-2012, 11:14 AM
don't know if its a lack of creative design or keeping in the boys club

My understanding of it comes from an old Jes Goodwin interview I found last year, where he noted it was policy not to make female models "because male gamers don't buy female models".

If that's their policy, well, way to play to the peanut gallery GW.

I would also say that Privateer Press and Infinity seem to prove that a load of errant nonsense quite nicely...

07-03-2012, 11:18 AM
It may have been true ten years ago, it isn't now. You only have to look at the models AoW, Reaper and Raging Heroes are putting out, lots of girls. Even Mantic copped a lot of flak when they suggested they wouldn't do female regiments. Now they are. Not sure if they actually said anything of the sort but when it was reported they did there was quite a fuss.

Speaking of which, there are a lot of Reaper sculpts that would make a good primaris psyker with a little conversion work.

I know it is purely anecdotal but our local stores couldn't keep Lelith Hesperax stocked for over a month after she was released. She was extremely popular.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
07-04-2012, 06:54 AM
Yeah most of the local gamers are scared to convert where i play, let alone buy Forgeworld. Only the store owner has had any luck with a Marbo version called Paris Marbo with the demolition charge, looks good too.

As for the GW miniatures, they are slowly getting better with the fantasy side, and Lility looked great too.
I'm leaning towards a Vampire miniature but found a fantastic miniature from Warmachine (would be better for a Inquisitor).
Look up Kommander Sorscha she is an amzing sculpt.

Now if only i did'nt have to take GK's for troops i'd make her with a Henchman squad instead.
But still looking into the right figure, but thanks for all the offers for a female psyker so far. Its great to see others share that GW doesn't do enough justice to woman in the hobby.

07-04-2012, 09:38 AM
Eldargal is absolutely right. There are tons of places to get brilliant female sculpts. My favorites are from the LE range from Studio McVey.

I would consider checking out the minis from Sodapop's Relic Knight's range- Isabau Durand looks like she might make a good female psyker.

Do check out Warmachine- Major Victoria Haley (the epic sculpt) would be a fantastic psyker character. Al together, every faction they've made has some great female sculpts in it.

Also look at Raging Heroes, Hasslefree, and Warforge for some good female sculpts.

I feel like GW is a little behind here, since their range of female sculpts is still small with fewer great sculpts.