View Full Version : Bolster Defenses...lets just settle this right now.

06-30-2012, 03:10 PM
The FAQ's update for Codex:SM seems to be in error. It states that the last sentence should be replaced with: "For example, a normal ruin with a 4+ save for the walls, and a 5+ save for area terrain, would offer 3+ and 4+ saves respectively" which is a repetition of the second to last sentence. *sigh*

The last sentence that gets replaced btw is : "A ruin can only be bolstered once"

The Grey Knights and Blood angels seem to have the correct entry, instructing you to replace the entire entry with : "Bolster Defenses: After deployment, but before scout redeployments and Infiltrate deployments, nominate one piece of terrain in your deployment zone (this must not be one you have purchased as part of your army). The terrain piece's cover save is increased by one for the duration of the game (to a maximum of 3+). For example, a normal ruin (4+ cover save) would instead offer a 3+ cover save. A piece of terrain can only be bolstered once." (this is the one directly from the BA codex, GK is worded slightly differently but still corresponds with the mechanics)

So now we have multiple versions of the same identical rule. Do their interns update the FAQs? Do they even bother to check them against each other?

Why do I care so much about this minor error? Because people seem to have trouble applying common sense to rules issues in the 40k community.

Now, according to the inevitable whines by the rules-literalist neck-beards, SM techmarines can bolster ruins ONLY but can bolster them multiple times. GK and Blood Angels can bolster any piece of terrain (other than bought terrain) but can only do it once.

So can we ALL just decide together that the complete new entry in GK/BA codex is the correct one, so that, at least on this rule, we can avoid all the 5th edition rule nitpicking and give GW time to hire a copyeditor.

06-30-2012, 06:22 PM
It does indeed seem to be a mistake and should probably say the 2nd to last sentence. But given how many typos and grammatical errors there are in WD, not to mention the new rulebook, it's hardly surprising they've made a mistake here.