View Full Version : Space Wolf Models and Wolf Rider

09-25-2009, 06:22 PM
My first army was SW and I really, really liked them. The theme is fantasitic and models were top notch. This latest crop of SW seem to be really nice as well. I've gone down a different path deciding on Blood Angels for my return, after many years, to 40K.

I will say that the Wolf Rider has me scratching my head.

A Dire wolf in the 41st century? A mechanical wolf I could see. A Space Marine bike that was decked out to look wolf-like I could see. A dire wolf mascot on a chain I can see.

What is the tactical advantage of riding an animal into a bolter fight? What were they thinking?

I have to believe that GW allowed "looking cool" to overide common sense. Granted, most of 40K strains the bounds of suspension of disbelief, but this is way beyond my ability to rationalize. Here's how I see it going in the Space Marine hasty camp before the battle:

"Alright Marine, mount your wolf!"

"My what, sir?"

"Your wolf; mount your wolf!"

"You want me to do what to my wolf, sir?!?"

"Get on your wolf!!!!"

"Then what, sir?"

"Ride it into battle, Marine!"

"I'd rather take a land speeder sir."

"Take the wolf!!!!!"

"How 'bout we consider a Rhino instead…?"

<<<BLAM, BLAM>>>

"Next Marine! Mount your wolf!"




09-25-2009, 08:05 PM
ummm... wrong section...

09-27-2009, 10:25 PM
Is there any fluff to support marines riding wolves? I read the space wolve series and dont recall any mention of this. I find the idea interesting, just dont remember seeing anything about it.

09-28-2009, 01:54 AM
The fluff? They're giant wolf-themed warriors, in space. This is, let's not forget, a universe were FTL travel is achieved by flying through hell.

09-28-2009, 12:45 PM
Is there any fluff to support marines riding wolves? I read the space wolve series and dont recall any mention of this. I find the idea interesting, just dont remember seeing anything about it.

The fluff is coming and being retconned in.

The new audio book "Thunder from Fenris" is apparently supposed to detail how the wolf riders were an ancient Fenrisian tradition, we just didnt notice them before.

09-28-2009, 12:47 PM
Woot for creative liscense!

09-28-2009, 06:07 PM
Imagine the size of the wolve's spinal column to support the weight of a full blown space marine in power armour? DAMN!

09-29-2009, 08:05 PM
The following is a rant, be prepared:

Space wolf wolfriders. W T F? When did Space Wolves become fantasy gobbos? Are they going to chase down hobbits or something? I guess I'm a little peeved that, as an ork player, I don't have proper rules for boar riders, an existing mini that's no longer supported, but GW can turn around an market these retarded space wolf wolf riders.

Good Job GW!

09-29-2009, 08:15 PM
The fluff is coming and being retconned in.

The new audio book "Thunder from Fenris" is apparently supposed to detail how the wolf riders were an ancient Fenrisian tradition, we just didnt notice them before.

I'll have to look into that, not sure about an audio book, but I enjoyed all the other space wolve stories so I'll give it a try.

09-29-2009, 08:37 PM
The fluff? They're giant wolf-themed warriors, in space. This is, let's not forget, a universe were FTL travel is achieved by flying through hell.

This. You really can't get bent out of shape over Space Vikings riding giant robot Space Wolves when we've got mushroom soccer hooligan Mad Maxes, the Chaos god of wankers, and an entire race of Arnold Schwarzeneggers led by the Grim Reaper.

Katie Drake
09-29-2009, 10:18 PM
It makes some sense, fluff-wise... supposedly Thunderwolves are the biggest, nastiest land creature on all of Fenris and is supposed to be one of the deadliest animal life forms in the entire Galaxy (and that's taking into account all the nasty critters on other Death Worlds like Catachan!). So really, a wolf that's like 8 feet tall at the shoulder (that's a foot to six inches taller than a Space Marine) shouldn't have too much trouble carrying a Marine into battle, especially when it's probably all pimped out with bionic enhancements and stuff. I can see a Thunderwolf surviving being shot by some of the nastiest weapons in the 41st Millennium and surviving, though I really do think that they should be instant-killed by weapons of Strength 8+, rather than just S10. A lascannon should obliterate anything smaller than a Carnifex imo...

09-30-2009, 09:31 AM
It also states in the unit description that the wolves are cybernetically modified in order to be able to bear marines into combat. It also said that they are a near mythical secret, its implied that they're kept off of imperial records, and the space wolves deny that they use them in warfare.

It says:

"Despite theur near mythical nature, there exists at least one high calibre vid-steal of a trio of space wolves cavalry riding into battle against a large mob of armored orks. The havoc that ensues is startling even to a hardened veteran. In the footage of the vid-steal, the unmistakable silhouette of space marine riders are mounted upon what look very m uch like thunderwolves, albeit ones augmented with vicious adamantium jaws, hissing pistons and back-jointed metal limbs that end in razor sharp blades. Though the existence of the vid steal is a well guarded secret, no matter how often the space wolves deny the practice of riding beasts to war, rumors abound across the fenris sector about the glorious charges of the thunderwolf cavalry."

brother drakist
09-30-2009, 11:02 AM
So first we have gentically modified humans. Now have the bionic wolves. To be honest I thought it sounded pretty silly at first. However the models look good and you have to admit that the idea of Space Marines on giant wolves is quite amusing.

09-30-2009, 12:54 PM
"Despite theur near mythical nature, there exists at least one high calibre vid-steal of a trio of space wolves cavalry riding into battle against a large mob of armored orks. The havoc that ensues is startling even to a hardened veteran. In the footage of the vid-steal, the unmistakable silhouette of space marine riders are mounted upon what look very m uch like thunderwolves, albeit ones augmented with vicious adamantium jaws, hissing pistons and back-jointed metal limbs that end in razor sharp blades.

That probably because the boyz were just as shocked as I was to have boarboyz dropped while space puppies get to ride big doggies....

09-30-2009, 01:33 PM
While we are on the subject, does anyone else think that Njal Stormbringer in this months WD looks like the lion from "The wizzard of Oz" ? Space wolves and tigers and bears oh my !

09-30-2009, 01:42 PM
It makes some sense, fluff-wise... supposedly Thunderwolves are the biggest, nastiest land creature on all of Fenris and is supposed to be one of the deadliest animal life forms in the entire Galaxy (and that's taking into account all the nasty critters on other Death Worlds like Catachan!). So really, a wolf that's like 8 feet tall at the shoulder (that's a foot to six inches taller than a Space Marine) shouldn't have too much trouble carrying a Marine into battle, especially when it's probably all pimped out with bionic enhancements and stuff. I can see a Thunderwolf surviving being shot by some of the nastiest weapons in the 41st Millennium and surviving, though I really do think that they should be instant-killed by weapons of Strength 8+, rather than just S10. A lascannon should obliterate anything smaller than a Carnifex imo...

I have to say, initially I was completely against them...

But now, the more and more I read about them... they are kinda cool.