View Full Version : My first nerf... and its a biggy

06-30-2012, 08:36 AM
Possibly my World Eaters are taking a sabbatical until new codex.

1, furious Charge ONLY = S+1. No I+1. Totally changes the value of berzerkers.

2. Gorechild is now a power axe - hitting at I1. Kharne will now hit simultaneously with powerfists, chainfists, hammers etc and will last 1 turn against those he used to marmalise. Dreadnoughts that he used to use Flying fist of Judah on, will now mash him before he gets a chance.

Anyone else spotted any good ones out there?

06-30-2012, 08:38 AM
No assaulting the sam turn as disembarkation from a vehicle. Completely screws over Eldar armies in particular as our low armour save and toughness means we can't weather a turn of shooting well at all and we have no assault vehicles. As usual it doesn't impact Marines at all.

06-30-2012, 08:42 AM
Not even stationary?

06-30-2012, 08:43 AM

06-30-2012, 08:56 AM
Oh I see. Welcome to 6th Ed, home of the gunline.

06-30-2012, 09:25 AM
I am sort of ambivalent to my pretty eldar not being able to assault the turn they disembark. It was very rare that I was in position in 5th edition to actually assault the turn my guys came out of their transports. Mostly because I never liked expose my wave serpent's butt to the enemy.

6th edition for my army seems to whisper to me to field swooping hawks. I am probably going to listen to that voice for a while.

I would like to think that in our next codex we will get an assault vehicle or Banshees will get some sort of ability that lets them assault after disembarking.

06-30-2012, 09:28 AM
I am sort of ambivalent to my pretty eldar not being able to assault the turn they disembark. It was very rare that I was in position in 5th edition to actually assault the turn my guys came out of their transports. Mostly because I never liked expose my wave serpent's butt to the enemy.

6th edition for my army seems to whisper to me to field swooping hawks. I am probably going to listen to that voice for a while.

I would like to think that in our next codex we will get an assault vehicle or Banshees will get some sort of ability that lets them assault after disembarking.

I can see the vyper becoming a dedicated assault transport.

06-30-2012, 10:05 AM
Possibly my World Eaters are taking a sabbatical until new codex.

1, furious Charge ONLY = S+1. No I+1. Totally changes the value of berzerkers.

2. Gorechild is now a power axe - hitting at I1. Kharne will now hit simultaneously with powerfists, chainfists, hammers etc and will last 1 turn against those he used to marmalise. Dreadnoughts that he used to use Flying fist of Judah on, will now mash him before he gets a chance.

Anyone else spotted any good ones out there?

Khan is an ic so makes lookout sir, argh checks on a 2+, he is safer than he seems as long as his unit is left.

I was hoping the wave serpent would gain assault vehicle, that hurts elder a lot in the assault phase :(

06-30-2012, 10:36 AM
Gorechild should have his own special profile, meaning it will use its own rules?

Or does it just mean attack etc bonuses but still strike at i1?

Dunno what is my biggest hit.. I just posted ~15 lines of pure worry in
My 15 lines of worry (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showpost.php?p=211793&postcount=31)

Probably the most notable worry is how the NDK will perform in the coming years..

06-30-2012, 10:55 AM
Pretty much all Orks don't benefit from that +1I now, striking at 2... after guardsmen and Tau even, and at the same time as Necrons.

Yes, if they sticked a turn they would've either way, but that's not neccesarily what I guess Ork assaults are about.

Yes, I also know that the Ork that matters most in a squad of boys (the nob) will usually strike last anyway. But against any non marine armies I felt the I boost from FC was well worth it and needed.

But perhaps I'm overlooking something...went over the Ork faq earlier, didn't see anything that "fixed" it... so Orks now stuck with I2?

06-30-2012, 10:56 AM
Khan is an ic so makes lookout sir, argh checks on a 2+, he is safer than he seems as long as his unit is left.

I was hoping the wave serpent would gain assault vehicle, that hurts elder a lot in the assault phase :(

Except the ones he has killed by 'betraying' them...

06-30-2012, 12:18 PM
Yes Ork boyz mobz are stuck at I 2 and Nobz are stuck at I 3. :mad:

06-30-2012, 02:41 PM
Yes Ork boyz mobz are stuck at I 2 and Nobz are stuck at I 3. :mad:

Well, let's not fool ourselves... Nobz in general strike on I 1 anyway ;)

But the fact that I might even lose Boyz in an assault against IG or Tau even... both armies which clearly are not that assaulty, alongside the fact that they went from 3 to 2 just for the sake of nerfing other armies who have FC... I'm hoping they'll release FAQ 1.1 soon stating Boyz are I 3 (or get an additional rule saying the are I 3 on the charge; or even add it as a bonus the turn you waagh.).

We'll see.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
06-30-2012, 06:14 PM
My Necrons are very excited, Catacomb Command Barges are absolutely bent. :p

06-30-2012, 06:31 PM
Possibly my World Eaters are taking a sabbatical until new codex.

1, furious Charge ONLY = S+1. No I+1. Totally changes the value of berzerkers.

Wanna bet you get Rage and the extra bonus attack? And some new rules for Khornate Chainaxes?

2. Gorechild is now a power axe - hitting at I1. Kharne will now hit simultaneously with powerfists, chainfists, hammers etc and will last 1 turn against those he used to marmalise. Dreadnoughts that he used to use Flying fist of Judah on, will now mash him before he gets a chance.

Read the Unique Power Weapon rules. Pretty sure that applies to gorechild.

06-30-2012, 06:34 PM
Its been FAQ'd Darklink

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
06-30-2012, 06:47 PM
Wow, that kinda sucks.

06-30-2012, 07:49 PM
Pretty much all Orks don't benefit from that +1I now, striking at 2... after guardsmen and Tau even, and at the same time as Necrons.

Yes, if they sticked a turn they would've either way, but that's not neccesarily what I guess Ork assaults are about.

Yes, I also know that the Ork that matters most in a squad of boys (the nob) will usually strike last anyway. But against any non marine armies I felt the I boost from FC was well worth it and needed.

But perhaps I'm overlooking something...went over the Ork faq earlier, didn't see anything that "fixed" it... so Orks now stuck with I2?

You apparently never played during the green-codex days when Orks charged at 2x initiative value, boyz swung simultaneously to marines, and Nobs and Warbosses actually had to consider turning off their PK to swing with their Choppa at initiative values of unholy levels of awesome.

When the new codex hit, the Orks took a big hit in the initiative department due to only having a +1 without any (much needed) boost to bring them up to Initiative 3 base. It meant as a whole, they became an 'almost always strikes last' army, and had all the zeal and love for a good combat charge as a sleeping kitten. Personally, the removal of +1 initiative to Furious Charge means nothing. We still swing last against every army except the ones we don't need help against. And Orks are still an attrition army as far as combat is concerned, though the removal of No Retreat does wonders for them now. If that +1 initiative actually meant anything against the likes of the 3 worst combat armies in the game... then my only question is why aren't you running shootas?

07-01-2012, 12:41 AM
Going along with the Chaos Marines...... Our Daemon Princes are not Flying Monstrous Creatures when given wings, whereas the Daemon Princes in the Daemon Codex are( as are all the winged MC), and the winged ones in Tyranids all are....

Our Winged Monstrous Creature evidently is malnourished or something being the ONLY winged monstrous creature to not fly. We get him to be "Jump Monstrous Creature"...

Also, when you look at the other Psyker stuff, most Psykers with a set number of powers get to generate the same as what they have, which is the same for most of our Psykers... Except Ahriman. He knows 5 powers, which he can trade for 3 from the book. For comparison, Eldrad can get 4, as can 1 or 2 others.

And last, considering the big push with Allies for this edition, and Chaos Marines and Daemons being Battle Brothers and all, I was really hoping that they'd make it so Chaos Daemons could use CSM Icons.