View Full Version : New FAQ are out

06-30-2012, 04:41 AM
Just to let you guys know i stopped by the games workshop site and new FAQ for 6th edition are out on the AUS site


06-30-2012, 04:51 AM
So it looks like Farseers are mastery level 1 and can be upgraded to mastery level 2 with spirit stones. Boo.

really wasn't expecting that.

Viel of tears is awesome though. Harlies may see a come back.

06-30-2012, 05:05 AM
I'm not that surprised to be honest, while Farseers should be mastery 2 that really is something that needs to come out of a new book, otherwise every race with a psyker would be demanding buffs from the FAQs. Not sure a 4+ cover save on harlequins is going to help them much, not when they can now be targetted by anything accross the board. Eldar lose another unique ability and get it replaced with generic crap.

The same for Dark Eldar, nothing that needed fixing has been fixed, just a few wording clarifications. Kliaves are confiemd AP3

On the whole when compared to the WFB FAQs for 8th they are a dissapointing lot. None of the things rendered useless/severely nerfed by rules changes have really been addressed.

06-30-2012, 05:17 AM
Not sure a 4+ cover save on harlequins is going to help them much, not when they can now be targetted by anything accross the board.

Its not just a 4+ cover save its +3 to any cover they receive. personally i'd rather have a 2+ cover save running through terrain (flip belts).

looking at some other faqs, most of it seems to be directed at preventing ally shenanigans (sanguinary priests only affect blood angels and so forth).

Techmarines are useful now. they can bolster any terrain, not just ruins and they can repair hull points. keep them inside a land raider and that beast becomes much more durable.

06-30-2012, 05:29 AM
Yes but it is +4 out in the open, certainly having them in cover boosts their survivability. Charging from 5+ cover would give them a 2+ save against overwatch, excluding templates. Under the old ruling they may not have been able to be spotted by the template.

06-30-2012, 06:16 AM
based on my quick reading of BRB template and blast weapons cant be snapfired and hence cant be used in overwatch shooting.

06-30-2012, 06:34 AM
Tempate weapons CAN overwatch, and given their assualt weapons they don't NEED to snapire.

06-30-2012, 06:39 AM
Page 13 says that Template weapons cannot be snap fired, and page 21 says that any shots fired as Overwatch can only be fired as Snap Shots. Also, in the same section on page 13, it says that it is important to note that weapons that do not require Ballistic Skill to hit cannot be snap fired.

Edit: and then I read the section on page 52 where it says Template weapons can Overwatch. Derp! :D

06-30-2012, 06:40 AM
Interesingly the SM FAQ invalidates the WD entry for the Stormtalon and tells you to use the one in the rulebook. I'm sure people will be glad at not having to lug that copy of WD around with them anymore.

06-30-2012, 06:47 AM
under template weapons it talks about the effects they have when a unit is charged but has template weapons.p52 wall of death

06-30-2012, 06:51 AM
Yep, D3 hits per template weapon. Considerably better than getting the full force of it, not as big a nerf for templates as not letting them do anything. Fair all around in my opinion.

06-30-2012, 06:55 AM
Ok cool its d3 kinda funny how figuring that out took you to 3 different places in the rule book :rolleyes:

Yarlen Fireblade
06-30-2012, 07:07 AM
Just my two cents, I played a couple of times Eldar yesterday, BRB in hand.

Spirit Stones are not mentioned in the FAQ in any way. As it is now per codex, they allow one extra power to be cast, no mention to warp charge.

Template weapons will snapfire D3 hits out of you automatically and ignore cover. On the whole, while harlies couldnīt be fired upon from afar, they were massacred if fired upon from near. Now they can be fired from anywhere, but are much more resilient to near firing units, as they will never lose 2+ cover except by templates. Also, remember that in 6th, what canīt be seen, canīt die. If Harlies are well placed behind cover, the opponent may kill the one or two he can see, and will waste a lot of firepower on your 2++ save. I think they have not lost on the whole.

Give a try to Shining Spears... 48 inch movement, hammer of wrath, jink at 4++ or 3++ by grace of skilled rider. Overpriced, but really funny to use now. Jetbike characters would also benefit from that save, as granted by the exarch.

10 pathfinders and their aimed shots can ruin the day for some specialist armies. Sergeants get 4+ to swap your aimed shot, but special or heavy weapons do not get it. And of course, even sergeants can fail its save.

Eldar vehicles get 5+ jink and can fire two weapons while moving 12 inches. Falcons are more useful.

The basic divination power is akin to Guide, with a 24 inch range, and works in CC too as itīs meant for "to hit rolls". You can boost anything you need in that range, not just the old 6 inches guide range which was very difficult to keep on an Eldar army. On the other hand, a psyker in a transport with no fire points can only affect the transport, himself or the transported unit.

Wound allocation is as worse as it gets, IMHO, but armies like Eldar can use its mobility to flank and fire at units from the side where the special weapons and characters are, much like in reality. No shielding your special troopers forever unless on a troop sphere XD

Eldar in particular have not fared so bad, specially taking into account the nerfing of assault and vehicles. AV 12 vehicles donīt suffer as much as AV 11 massed does. They are no Land Raiders, but they always get jink save, that can be fortuned, can fire more on the move, allowing them to use their mobility to truly keep massed reprisals back while still having a good shot at it. No more of the "move 12", fire a single, meager hp3 weapon to probably no effect". Now itīs two weapons meaning at least three antitank shots for a falcon, while keeping jink save.Now agility based but frail Eldar armour makes more sense fluff wise. Eldar armour was not for moving a hell of inches, but for keeping a medium amount of firepower and a good amount of mobility, coupled to a "evasion on the move" factor. 6th has it perfectly right.

06-30-2012, 07:10 AM
Yarlen, check out the FAQ changes to Veil of Tears, Harlequins are even stronger than before.:) +3 to cover save and spotting distance.

Yarlen Fireblade
06-30-2012, 07:25 AM
Mmm, maybe Iīm missing something...
It says replace second and third sentences with Stealth and Shrouded. If we factor not sentences, but paragraphs (no sense otherwise) it removes the old pseudo night fight rules from the veil of tears description...

06-30-2012, 07:27 AM
Yes, if it said paragraphs it would just give us a +3 to cover save. But it doesn't, it says sentences. So we get both.:) It does make sense actually, it removes the redundant reference to warlock psychic powers and it changes what would be a significant nerf for an otherwise sub-par unit into a considerable buff. Until they change hte FAQ to reflect this, which I doubt they will, we get both.

Yarlen Fireblade
06-30-2012, 07:34 AM
Hahahah, youīre right! Too much speed reading for me to count sentences right I guess ;) Until they change it, thatīs it

Can also have a look at Dire Avengers. Using bladestorm does not prevent you from snap firing. Or from snap firing with Premonition cast (snap firing at your BS). Just wrap around your choice of unit to protect and lock and load for assaulters. Can also be coupled with Bad Luck (opponent repeats succesful saves)

Psychics are a great buff to Eldar in 6th. Thereīs no way for the opponent to deny a Blessing over your units, even if Deny the Witch gives everyone a chance against curses and warpfire.

the jeske
06-30-2012, 08:01 AM
guards not given an anti air craft rule , nids unable to man fortification weapons. no anti flyer weapons at all.
awesome nid faq.

Yarlen Fireblade
06-30-2012, 08:07 AM
There is a Flak missile entry in the missile launcher in the BRB. It probably means all imperial standard missile launchers have them for free. A kick in the butt if youīre not an Empire of Manīs minion...

Iīm guessing at a massive flyer busting faq to go with the rumored second wave, one to rule them all...

06-30-2012, 08:45 AM
Just my two cents, I played a couple of times Eldar yesterday, BRB in hand.

Spirit Stones are not mentioned in the FAQ in any way. As it is now per codex, they allow one extra power to be cast, no mention to warp charge.

They are mentioned in a roundabout way under Eldrad's entry in the FAQ where they say his mastery level is 3 (spirit stone included)

06-30-2012, 08:48 AM
Yep, but they don't get their own entry, which they really ought to have done. It is clear Spirit Stones give +1 Mastery level, but I can see people arguing it only applies to Eldrad because of this.

06-30-2012, 09:08 AM
So in the Ork FAQ, it states that if a unit has Toughness 4(5) that you only use the 5 and ignore the 4 completely. Does this mean Power fists(and such) no longer cause ID on Nob bikerz?:D:D

06-30-2012, 09:16 AM
Some of those FAQs smell of lazy, particularly the BT one.

Nids just got something of a boost... well they have two flying MCs that are going to be unpleasant to face. Necrons have very few changes really.
Daemons are down right horrible... everything has the Fear USR.
CSM are nice... Dreads sort of fixed.
SoB are okay I guess.
Tau are not bad.
Orks... I have no idea, utterly confounded, but looks good.

06-30-2012, 09:21 AM

So in the Ork FAQ, it states that if a unit has Toughness 4(5) that you only use the 5 and ignore the 4 completely. Does this mean Power fists(and such) no longer cause ID on Nob bikerz?:D:D

The FAQs are mixed, some do little more than clarify wording (Eldar & Dark Eldar) others (Necrons) actually give them some significant buffs. It implies there will be more updates as more things come up, I'm going to write some concerns to GW and hope we get some more FAqing in for Eldar. On the whole everything is good but there are a few things which hit us hard.:(

06-30-2012, 10:19 AM
So in the Ork FAQ, it states that if a unit has Toughness 4(5) that you only use the 5 and ignore the 4 completely. Does this mean Power fists(and such) no longer cause ID on Nob bikerz?:D:D

Yes, see page 16. It clarifies instant death as strength double toughness after modifiers.

The neuron night flyer went from possibly worst transport to possibly best, certainly the fastest

06-30-2012, 11:43 AM
Black Templar need a better FAQ, we got a thourough nerf, and as a lower army, it was really unneeded. Removed army wide preferred enemy. I know with shooting it was kinda powerful, but they could of said only applies in combat. Now they give us rage, wow 1 extra attack per model. I guess it does make our assault marines ok. But now the EC has to challange characters, and doesn't get any bonus for doing so.

Here, you must throw yourself at Abaddon, and nope, you don't get to cleave his head off. Especially now his sword is ap 3 I guess.

06-30-2012, 11:50 AM
Here, you must throw yourself at Abaddon, and nope, you don't get to cleave his head off. Especially now his sword is ap 3 I guess.

The movement penalties for Rage are gone.

06-30-2012, 11:57 AM
The movement penalties for Rage are gone.

The emperors champion must challenge Enemy characters in a combat.

06-30-2012, 12:02 PM
So in the Ork FAQ, it states that if a unit has Toughness 4(5) that you only use the 5 and ignore the 4 completely. Does this mean Power fists(and such) no longer cause ID on Nob bikerz?:D:D

You think that's awesome? Take a look at what it says about Flash Gitz and Tankbustas!

That said, I'm a bit confused about the Reinforced Ram. The FAQ seems to exclude its armour bonus from being used to actually ram. Wot da zog?

06-30-2012, 12:03 PM
You think that's awesome? Take a look at what it says about Flash Gitz!

Yeah, heh, its funny how the oldest book gets the best stuff :)

06-30-2012, 12:08 PM
Yeah, heh, its funny how the oldest book gets the best stuff :)

Black templar, Tau, Eldar, and Dark Angels sigh at that statement.

06-30-2012, 12:20 PM
Black templar, Tau, Eldar, and Dark Angels sigh at that statement.

My condolences :(

In these dark times, i find it good to see even one of the oldest book get some good for a change..

06-30-2012, 12:25 PM
Tau got a major buff, but my complaint was, Orks are no where oldest, and are almost garunteed a book before Tau and BT

06-30-2012, 08:17 PM
Black Templars lost Preferred Enemy for AAC, but gained Rage, so it's a trade-off. We gained Drop Pod Assault. What I'm confused with: did our Typhoons get set to match the Typhoons in the main book's Weapon Appendix or not? It's functionally different than standard Typhoons, but the FAQ doesn't say to ignore the codex and use what's in the BRB.

Uncle Nutsy
06-30-2012, 11:39 PM
enh, i dunno.

shooting got more brutal, especially for tau. but, they dropped the ball when it came to jet packs. still a 6" move whether or not I "use the jetpacks" exactly like in 5th. It would have been much better if the jet packs granted an extra 3" in the movement phase.

07-01-2012, 01:56 AM
enh, i dunno.

shooting got more brutal, especially for tau. but, they dropped the ball when it came to jet packs. still a 6" move whether or not I "use the jetpacks" exactly like in 5th. It would have been much better if the jet packs granted an extra 3" in the movement phase.

I bet in the next book, Tau get heavy weapons available to fire warriors and suits. The suits will be able to move and shoot them.