View Full Version : Anticipating the Months to Come

06-29-2012, 09:02 AM

With 6E releasing Today/Tomorrow as just rules, I was curious as to what else you're all looking forward to this summer?

I know for me, there are few things:

40K 6E Box -- A no brainer, really. I'll be buying this unless it's over $150. Consistenly chock full of value, plus the mini rulebook, there's no real reason NOT to buy it.

Trollbloods Mountain King -- Despite all the haters saying he isn't strong enough, I have just the biggest nerd-boner for this model. I think he drips with character. I love him and can't wait to get one.

GenCon Indy 2012-- This will be only my 3rd GenCon, and its always one of the highlights of my summer. Things I'm looking forward to at GenCon include:

--Wrath of Kings--> I really hope we see either the rules or, at the very least, some more models at GenCon. Playing it at Adepticon was really quite fun, and the sculpting pedigree of the game is second to none.

--Super Dungeon Explore Expansion --> Can't wait for this. At all. I'd buy it now if they'd let me. Easily some of my favorite models, and my wife will actually play and enjoy the game. Win-Win.

As of right now, it seem like my GenCon "To Buy" list is rather low; however, we all know that can change quickly once you get in that massive hall.

So what are you looking forward to? Are you going to Gen Con, and if so, what is on your "To Buy" list?

06-29-2012, 09:07 AM
VOIDRAVEN!:p Oh and the Eldar flyer(s) too.

Also the rumoured Dark Eldar special characters. Mixed feelings about the box, I've little interest in Dark Angels and Chaos. I suppose it is likely the Marines may not have modelled on Dark Angels iconography but even so I'm not sure I need more marines for my little FSM force.

06-29-2012, 09:09 AM
I will buy the starter box even though I will likely use none of the models. I will either give them to a friend (for a price), or keep the best ones just to paint and ebay the rest. Its all about the mini book (depends on how the chaos dex pans out-might keep some allies)

Then yeah, fliers for all 3 of my armies are rumoured near future, as are DE models.

Then its just improving army lists for 6th ed, and waiting for daddy GW to give me a new dex....

06-29-2012, 09:22 AM
Are you an Eldar Player as well, Doc?

I have to admit that seeing the new Eldar release has me all sorts of excited. If they do half the job they did with the DE, we're in for some real treats. It'll be interesting to see how they do the boxed sets for aspect warriors. As I see it, they'll prob need 3 separate boxes so that they can tailor the armor types look correct. Banshees + Hawks, Spiders + Reapers, Scorpions + Fire Dragons. I think doing three would enable you to keep the sleekness of the Hawks/Banshees in the legs while giving alternate torsos etc.

As for the Boxed Set: We should really set up something on here to do trades for the box set, etc, to make sure everyone is getting the mumbo jumbo they need.

It'll be really interesting to see what is in the boxed set. I feel like it would be a really great place to reintroduce grav-bikes to the Ravenwing ;)

06-29-2012, 09:26 AM
I am, they're my first army. Tau followed, then DE (6 months before the new book though! No bandwagon jumping for me)

06-29-2012, 09:27 AM
Aspects would need a plastic set each, every armour set is significantly different from the others. You couldn't combine kits without seriously diluting the aesthetic.:) Seriously armour plates are different shapes, positioned differently, vary in number, there are Aspect runes on legs, torsos and sometimes arms etc.

So I'm expecting more Finecast Aspects or one or two individual plastic Aspects.:) However we haven't had a new vehicle type for Eldar since the 90s, the Wave Serpent nad FirePrism/Nightspinner both use the old falcon chassis. Really excited to see what we get with our flyers, and their were rumours of a new chassis type too though I'mnot getting my hopes up.:)

the jeske
06-29-2012, 09:31 AM
did you get the weaver a few years ago ?

06-29-2012, 09:31 AM
Platic Dragons and Banshees. The DA are generally alright.

Finecast Hawks and Reapers. And maybe a new aspect.

New Avatar, flier and Tank Chassis. Maybe a small version of the webway tank

06-29-2012, 09:33 AM
Aspects would need a plastic set each, every armour set is significantly different from the others. You couldn't combine kits without seriously diluting the aesthetic.:) Seriously armour plates are different shapes, positioned differently, vary in number, there are Aspect runes on legs, torsos and sometimes arms etc.

So I'm expecting more Finecast Aspects or one or two individual plastic Aspects.:) However we haven't had a new vehicle type for Eldar since the 90s, the Wave Serpent nad FirePrism/Nightspinner both use the old falcon chassis. Really excited to see what we get with our flyers, and their were rumours of a new chassis type too though I'mnot getting my hopes up.:)

So there's no way they could do similar legs and then change up the torsos? I mean, I'm clearly not as familiar with the models as you, but it appeared on the GW site that it could be a potential.

06-29-2012, 09:37 AM
I am very much looking forward to the starter set or sets.

The possible rumoured Tau flyer later this year is very much baking my biscuit.

I am very much looking forward to starting an Alpha Legion army so anything that can be a part of that is on my hit list.

06-29-2012, 09:39 AM
Nope, all the legs are quite different.:) It is subtle but that is what makes the Eldar so nifty aesthetically. I mean GW could still do it but it would be a blow to the overall look of the Eldar, and as Jes Goodwin is head of the plastics department I can't see him doing it unless he can find a way to do so without sacrificing the aeshetic.

So there's no way they could do similar legs and then change up the torsos? I mean, I'm clearly not as familiar with the models as you, but it appeared on the GW site that it could be a potential.

06-29-2012, 11:18 AM
Regardless, I'm sure we'll have another gorgeous summer here in San Diego (Oh, wait...that's just like every other day!!

06-29-2012, 11:35 AM
I predict July will see the release of codex: adeptus mechanicus.

06-29-2012, 12:08 PM
I predict July will see the release of codex: adeptus mechanicus.

Like Reecius said in his article. The Allies rule can really open up options for White Dwarf sub armies, like Adeptus Mechanicus. A simple WD army list, perhaps with few options (like my beloved Sisters of Battle) that may not be super strong on their own, but instead intended to compliment another army.

I hope GW does do this, and also releases a full Sisters Codex!!
I think it can bring a lot to the hobby and make the game fun and whimsical again. Tournaments can always disallow certain WD lists based on crazy combos or other factors.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
06-29-2012, 05:42 PM
I want new Chaos stuff...

Chris Copeland
06-29-2012, 05:52 PM
It looks like I have a summer of painting Blood Angels ahead of me. I've been a Tyrnaid player for all of Vth and I think it's time to take a walk on the power armor side.

I was also considering building a Blood Angel air force. Three Storm Ravens plus a GK Storm Raven via allies...

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
06-29-2012, 06:09 PM
I was also considering building a Blood Angel air force. Three Storm Ravens plus a GK Storm Raven via allies...

*cue Flight of the Valkyrie*

06-29-2012, 06:32 PM
Games Day Chicago, end of next month. Can't wait to get that 2nd Ed Space Maureen Captain.

More hot, hot Stormwall/Nemo3 action as we get the workplace Warmachine/Hordes group in gear.

Getting in some 6th Ed games with my Aurora Chapter before August rolls around and brings my synapses back to Chaos Space Marines (and Traitor Guard allies!), followed by September's boxed set release.

Gen Conning it up, and getting an early copy of the IKRPG core book at all costs. Seriously. I'll leave a smoldering heap of ruined mortal flesh in my wake if it comes down to it. Don't test me.