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View Full Version : I wat to steal your imperial guard tactics ;-)

09-25-2009, 12:17 PM
Title says it all, give me guard tactics as all I recieve are a lot of bullets/energy blasts/claws/axes/death-things.

09-25-2009, 01:49 PM

Magos Bellum
09-25-2009, 02:29 PM
I am guessing that you want tactical advice, so here it is basic guard tactics.

Stay out of cc unless necessary to stall or finish off a unit (there are a few exceptions).
Guard are a firepower based army, so keep your finger on the trigger (in other words shooting your adversary until dead is usually the best and simplest option).

For more details, go find the imperial guard tactics pdf on warseer or on boot camp.

09-26-2009, 06:31 AM
Chimeras are hax, put guys in them to shoot out and put your artillery behind them and your opponent is gonna have an annoying time breaking you down into your softer parts

09-26-2009, 09:34 AM
Remember the Three P's:
1. Placement: Fields of fire and secure flanks are really the basics for IG.
2. Pinning: Remove all their fast moving stuff first (Rhino's, Chimeras, Trukks etc). So they have to slog across your fire zones at a snail's pace.
3. Pounding: Concentrate your fire on scoring units (remember the half-strength rule) and anything that can threaten your gun-line.

09-26-2009, 10:49 AM
plasma, to their face, nuf said!

09-26-2009, 10:59 AM
3. Pounding: Concentrate your fire on scoring units (remember the half-strength rule) and anything that can threaten your gun-line.

Out of interest what do you mean by the half strength rule? Are you talking about not being able to contest/control objectives at under half strength, because that rule is gone now.

09-26-2009, 11:04 AM
I have concluded that pinning is essential, I have to slow the enemy down and bring my firepower to bear. Mortars are your friend as are sniper rifles.

09-27-2009, 02:22 AM
Out of interest what do you mean by the half strength rule? Are you talking about not being able to contest/control objectives at under half strength, because that rule is gone now.

Really? And people wonder why I never win :D

Agh! Pound them anyway!

09-27-2009, 07:51 AM
3 Ps eh? worth a try-thanks guys

09-27-2009, 10:02 AM
ok, heres a quick rundown of how my 500point combat patrol force fared in a tournement i took part in yesterday

i took

Platoon Command Squad - Powerweapon, missile launcher, 2 grenade launchers - 65 points
Infantry Squad 1 - autocannon, grenade launcher - 65 points
Infantry Squad 2 - autocannon, grenade launcher - 65 points
Conscript Squad - 20 men - 80 points
Heavy weapons Squad - 3 autocannons - 75 points
Heavy weapons Squad - 3 heavy bolters - 75 points
Armoured Sentinel - plasma cannon - 75 points

against space marines, this force fared REALLY well, the conscripts could take any shooting or assault, while the volleys of heavy weapon fire whittled down the power armoured marines. using the single order of my platoon commander - FRFSFR is very handy, makes the conscripts deady in a firefight, or even just a single infantry squad. Move Move Move also aids the force with mobility, i found that running is excellent for repositioning my heavy weapons, because you only want them to move once if at all, to get the most out of their firing.

basically my tactics could be summarised as this

"always run the conscripts at the enemy or objective" this does 2 things, it makes the opposing player react to the large mass of men charging towards them, and it also draws their fire away from the useful squads, the heavy weapon teams and infantry squads.

once the enemy forces were whittled down to manageable sizes, then start to advance the other squads to any objecitves. if no objectives, keep the squads still, or as far away from enemy squads as possible to avoid combat.

against orks though, conscripts were terrible, bike squads are just too shooty, able to kill all of them in a single shooting phase, leaving other units open for assault with no cover.

so to summarize this post early, if you want to field veterans in carapace you can, but remember they are still just guardsmen in combat - my preferance is to field as many basic troops as you can, to hold up the enemy while other squads prepare to fire on the enemy after they win the combat. its about numbers rather than power. larger games, get in early with the armour, at least one russ (any varient) and a valk if you like mobility (mine havent been that successfull though) medusas are also great, especially an armoured crew compartment one - not open topped.

one tactic I have learned from a friend, is the armoured sentinal clump - it was spectacular at yesterdays tourney
its utterly brilliant in its simplicity.

if the enemy has a hand to hand specialist squad, get an armoured sentinel into combat with them. they won't kill it, because they have to assault the front armour of 12, it holds them up, pretty much indefinately. then you jut concentrate on killing everything else, then mob the combat with men when you can spare them.