View Full Version : My Eldar/Dark Eldar Army

06-27-2012, 12:21 PM
Hey guys. I have to admit from some of the scary comment snipers I've seen taking shots on the BoLS articles I thought the forums were going to be some kind of gamer pressure cooker. But its actually a pretty relaxed and friendly place, so I thought I'd pop on and share my army progress.

My basic army concept is that of a rogue Craftworld warhost led by an Autarch in exile. Overtime he has accrued a large number of Corsair (Dark Eldar) allies.

I have a huge collection of models but here's whats on the front burner.





Most of this stuff is a WIP, so comments and crits appreciated.

06-27-2012, 12:31 PM




Some better pics of my DE Warriors are soon to come. Comments and crits always welcomed.

06-27-2012, 12:47 PM
We're lovely on here. No *****y ness from the comments on here

Always nice to see another eldar player of both kins around here, and damn is your stuff gorgeous. All of it. The scorpion and Razorwing in particular. Simple, clean and awesome

Welcome aboard!

06-27-2012, 01:38 PM
Welcome, mate! Yeah, I agree with Dr. looove here, the scorpions and razorwing look very good in that colour scheme. Not that the rest looks bad though. On the contrary! :D

06-27-2012, 02:04 PM
ooh!fantastic. and now you can use your army with 6th ed allies!

06-27-2012, 02:07 PM
Absolutely beautiful paint jobs.

06-27-2012, 02:49 PM
Nice job! Love the scorpion paint job in particular! What color(s) did you use for the armor on him? Very natural!

06-28-2012, 04:23 AM
wow they are brilliant :D those scorpians are really nice!

06-28-2012, 06:18 AM
@ Dr. Love- Thanks man. I'm loving the boards so far.

@ House Cawdor- Thanks. The Scorpions are simply Tin Bitz with a heavy black wash, burnished gold accents, and Jade Green on their dread locks.

@ Everyone Else- Thanks for the warm welcome!

06-28-2012, 06:37 AM
Grand job mate. The simple scheme really help highlight the detail on the models. The smoothe and, more importantly, consistent finish really stands out! Personnally I think it's a shame you blacked out the cockpit of the razorwing, but that is the nearest thing I can think of to a negative comment. really love the Farseer and Scorpian.

Chris Copeland
06-28-2012, 06:48 AM
I really love how clean and smooth everything is. Well done!

06-28-2012, 09:11 AM
Really nice Bols chum. I'm really looking forward to seeing more. That metal is lovely.

Monkey Tom
06-28-2012, 09:30 AM
Looking great. I'm liking the nice crisp highlights.

06-28-2012, 10:05 AM
I'm not too keen on the jetbikes. I can see what you were trying to do, but it didn't come off as clean as the rest of the army. I'd really be interested in watching a video tutorial on how you did the warriors though! They look fantastic!

06-28-2012, 10:13 AM
All very pretty, and great to see another Eldar plog on here.:)

06-28-2012, 03:53 PM
@ SotonShades- Thanks man. Yeah I sort of regret blacking out the cockpit as well, but who knows, if the Void Raven ever comes out I'm definitely going to try tinting.

@ EnergonGoodie- Awesome name man. Bah-weep-Graaaaagnah wheep mini bong. :)

@Monkey Tom- Thanks

@Toaster36- Sorry you don't like the bikes. They're not finished yet so hopefully you'll like em when they're done. As for my warriors its pretty simple process; Mechrite Red (Mephiston now) basecoating (I used the GW spray gun, still in the process of getting my airbrush),Testors gold primed guns. With standard highlighting blood red to blazing orange, with mithril highlights on the guns.

@Eldar Gal- Thanks I appreciate it. *Eldar Fistbump*

This is my old Autarch. I'm currently in the process of creating a new one. Same head same blade, but incorporating Phoenix Warrior bits from the Fantasy line. BTW I know the basing is terrible :P




06-28-2012, 03:55 PM

These are all early vehicles. The Wave Serpent will still make it into my army, but I'm getting a badger 150 airbrush, so hopefully it'll come out better.

My Raider unfortunatly fell apart right after that photo as I tried to fix something with the deck. Since then I've not been able to get the prow to fit flushly together, nor on the second Raider I purchased. Any help would be much appreciated.

06-29-2012, 12:50 AM
Gorgeous! I especially love the infantry.

06-29-2012, 11:59 AM
@ Mitey Heroes- Thanks

Hey guys. Here's a WIP photo of a unit of Counts As Banshees I'm working on. Through trades, sales etc. I've managed to disown all the old metal banshees I've ever owned. So I order the new Finecast ones and they are ABOMINABLE. I was never huge on the latest Banshee sculpts, I always liked the 3rd ed ones, and that classic Banshee exarch with the power axe but alas they are all very hard to find, and outside of badly painted cheapies on Ebay, or the pro painted ones that way out of my price range. So I here's my latest conversion attempt. Its still a WIP but I like how its coming so far. I intend on having these be my go-to proxy unit for experimentation purposes (banshees, extra wyches, banshees, storm guardians, true born with CC etc.) Hopefully I'll be able to get some 3rd ed. Banshees at some point (or maybe new ones if they do a resculpt) but until these gals will have to do.


Here is a previous attempt:


07-03-2012, 08:05 AM
Hey guys. Thought I'd post some progress on my counts as Howling Banshee. They are meant to represent my renegade Autarch's elite corsair guard. The photos aren't great but its the best lighting I've been able to utilize in days, and even still its not great so again, sorry for the somewhat crappy photo quality.

This is going to be the Exarch with an executioner, but its still a work in progress.



Here are the models I wish I had, but alas they are very hard to find, and most of the one's I've found on ebay are drenched under globs and globs of paint, and as any who's ever stripped howling banshees knows, getting the paint of their hair is a total pain. So hopefully I'll find some unpainted ones at some point in the future but until then I'll continue to convert.


My only concern is I've heard some disturbing rumors about the new disembarkation rules that disallows assaults directly from transports (even if they've sat a turn). This could be bunk and I hope so, disembarking form Wave Serpents is already ridiculously annoying as it is. But if it turns out to be true I'm going to go all in with Shining Spears, I'll just have to wait to get my rule book which hopefully will be arriving in the mail today.

07-03-2012, 08:16 AM
Hehe, those second generation Bansheess still look pretty good with a decent paintjob, think I prefer the G1-3 helmets though.:)

Sadly units can't assault the same turn they disembark.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
07-03-2012, 08:19 AM
I can see Eldar getting an assault vehicle.

07-03-2012, 08:20 AM
They'd better.

Is there a single assault vehicle out there (that ins't open topped) that isn't a marine

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
07-03-2012, 08:27 AM

Anything for Guard?
Isn't the Monolith technically an Assault Vehicle?

07-03-2012, 09:44 AM
Wow. I can't believe you cannot assault after disembarkation even from a unmoved transport. Mind blowing. That really sucks. I'm glad I just bought the last 3 pack of Shining Spears from miniwargaming.com because now you can only buy them individually from GW and ebay is completley sold out.

But seriously that is so frustrating, about disembarkation. At least I won't have to buy or paint any wave serpents for awhile. Better take my thoughts to tactics board.

07-03-2012, 09:53 AM
*Goes checks GW*

What? WHy are spears now only available in individual units? Thats crazy!

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
07-03-2012, 09:55 AM
You know what that usually means?
"Don't buy these, they're coming out soon"

07-03-2012, 11:09 AM
Oh come on, Eldar before Tau or Black Templars.

Le sigh.

Anyway Offtopic rant done.

Nice army, really lovely. Hope my Tau army looks even half as good.

07-03-2012, 01:30 PM
Yeah, good work on the Banshee conversions. That's a great look.

Honestly, I'm not too keen on the white body though as the white makes the model look a bit flat. I prefer the darker end of your colour scheme. But then again, that's just personal taste.

07-03-2012, 01:42 PM
Your entire army looks grand =) (also the same colour scheme as my IG ;p) I really like your banshees as well. my exodite banshees are similar but using dark eldar corsair legs instead of wych legs

Do you have an army list you are working on specifically or just painting up stuff you have?

07-03-2012, 03:23 PM
Made some progress on my Reavers. Here's the guy I'm working on the most right now. Still very far away from complete but coming out well so far. BTW this is a blantant rip-off of one of the kitbashed bikes from the DE Codex.



@ Tzeench's Agent- You could be right. However they took the Guardian Jetbike 3 pack off the market 6+ years ago and we're all still waiting for the new JB's.

@GCsmith-Thanks. Good luck with your Tau!

@Meph- The white banshee was just a mock up model so it was far from finished. But it doesn't much matter as I wont be fielding banshees until we get an assault vehicle (which may never happen).

@ Melon Neko- Thanks! Red and Gold IG? That sounds cool, do you have any photos or a project log? As for a list. I had planned on running Prince Y'riel, 10 Banshees +Exarch, a kitted out Farseer, 6 Dragons in a Serpent, 10x2 Avengers in x2 Wave Serpents, with an allied force of DE. A kitted out Archon, x10 Wyches in a Raider, 9x Reavers with Cluster Caltrops and Void Raven...but that has changed since learning of the new embarkation rules.

So my new plan is to run a Autarch+Farseer+Shining Spears, Reaver Jetbikes, Avengers in Serpents, Wyches in Raiders, Hornets (or Fire Dragons have decided wich) and a Void Raven. I haven't made up a new list (I did for my previous idea) so I"m not sure what I can cram in...but Ill post my ideas in an army list thread and try and get some opinions before I finalize anything.

07-03-2012, 09:57 PM
Hmm, I did not realize all that was gold XD I thought it was a tannish color, especially on the first picture and the wave serpent it does not look gold at all to me. It does look gold in some other pictures though (so, my army is red n tan, not gold XD) Is that a metallic gold or non metallic? Not sure if its my eyes or the monitor >.> Anyway, the red is similar -_-

Last jetbike looks good. be nice if archons could ride jetbikes to join the autarch.

Good luck with the shining spears, I have a very difficult time getting them to do anything >.< (I still field 10 at 2k though =D)

07-04-2012, 03:08 AM
I like the sound of the army. I will vouch for hornets over dragons. I know some people will say i'm crazy cos the internet dry humps the leg of fire dragons, but Hornets are currently great. 2 Scatter lasers at BS4 thins out most things and is a serious threat to light armour.

I'm considering buying another 3....

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
07-04-2012, 03:13 AM
I like Hornets.
I'll be interested to see how they come out in the FAQ.

07-14-2012, 04:08 PM

Still a work in progress.... but as you can see I've been touching up my old Fire Dragons. I wish I had new ones to just start from scratch with (painting old minis is always difficult) but gotta save my dough for my new AIRBRUSH which I can't wait to get ahold of. Really pumped about painting my hornets, and wave serpents and trying out some weathering techniques. But anyway I missed everybodies comments after my last post so apologies for that.

@ melon-neko- Our armies would definitley look complimentary on the field. I like your scheme, especially the green on the goggles, very cool. And I definitley agree with it being a shame that Archons and Succubi can't ride jetbikes. Very disappointing. And as for my Shining Spears I'm pretty confident they'll work well with Reaver JB's backing em up.I n the past timing a aspect warrior assault disembarking from a Wave Serpent was damn near impossible. With Reaver's backing em up they have another CC unit that can assault on the same turn as the Shining Spears. So I"m pretty optimistic.

@Dr Love- Totally agree with you on Hornets and Dragons. While Dragons are great I think they're value against Terminators, and scary HQ's has been so overlooked. I think 6th will change that, as well the encroachment of FW models into everyday games.

@ Tzeentch's Agent- Looks like the Hornets faired pretty well in the FAQ. I'm also betting on them making an appearence in the next Eldar Codex, as well as Holofields being changed which could be interesting (gaining shroud or becoming like nightfields or something of that nature).

08-10-2012, 04:51 AM
I'd like to know how you did the gold?

As Melon-neko say's it appears different. Is it gold from the new paint range?

I've painted my DE dark-red and gold. I hate painting with GW gold (old paint range) so I'm really interested to know.

08-10-2012, 06:16 AM

Corsair Warrior (super glossy in this photo doesn't look that way in real life and all my highlights are totally washed out in this photo but still...)


Corsair Squad Leader (with Eldar powerfist WOOT)


Corsair Gunner (working name..but a Dire Avenger)


Same guy in the process of being painted.

Hey gang. Sorry for the lack of updates. But after seeing my minis on the BoLS front page I decided I better post some updates! First off thanks to Dr. Love and Shades for the writeup. I really couldn't belleve it when I saw. Definitely a highlight as a gamer seeing my minis on BoLS frontpage, so thanks again so much guys.

But on to the updates. As pictured above I'm working on my Corsair Warriors (wyches) and Corsair Gunners (Dire Avengers). Sorry for the somewhat crappy photos but the lighting is terrible in my house.

Everything pictured is still a work in progress, but my Wych squad is nearly complete and I couldn't be more pleased especially with the Corsair Leader (Hekatrix) with the Eldar power fist (agonizer).

As of recently I've assembled a HUGE amount of bits, and firmly committed to assembling an Eldar Corsair/Pirate army. So expect a whole ton of conversions and some special secret projects along the way.

@ dubhgilla- Quick answer: I use Testors gold spray and bring everything up from there with all infantry models. Its a whole different bag with vehicles though. Long Answer: A lot of people have asked me about so I think I'll post a little photo tutorial in this thread with photos showing all the colors, primer, bits etc. so other people can avoid all the pitfalls I've encountered. I've distilled to a very easy process now so I think you guys will enjoy it.

Anyway thats all I got for now, thanks so much BoLS for the writeup and thank you guys for your interest.

08-10-2012, 07:30 AM
Well done on the front page action BOLS chum. Your army looks fantastic. :)

08-10-2012, 07:35 AM
The pictures of the Fire Dragons have only just laoded for me (they've been red X's up to this point). They are simply gorgeous

08-10-2012, 02:12 PM
@ Energon Goodie- Thanks bud, congrats to you as well. ;)

@ Dr Love- Thanks Doctor :) Glad you like em, though I have to admit I'm leaning towards making a Corsair equivalent with forge world fusion guns, and a DE/CWE kit bash.

Also wanted to include some more photos of my Corsair Gunner (Avenger equivalent), and my DE Warriors.



08-12-2012, 03:25 PM

08-12-2012, 10:28 PM
This is seriously making me think of taking some DE allies with my craftworld eldar and kudos on the fantastic paint job.

08-13-2012, 06:01 AM
You are very welcome Autarch. Credit where credit is due; we just wanted to inspire other hobbyests, so it's your models that inspired us to put'em up there :P

On a more serious note, the new models are looking fantastic. I'm also very much looking forward to that "gold spray paint and up" tutorial as I think I could make use of it on a few of my veterans/HQ models for my Marines. My brain has just made a connection between your scheme and Iron Man, but I think that's a good thing :P

Newho, keep up the good work. I know I'm waiting with baited breathe. Hopefully a few more people are too!

08-18-2012, 05:07 PM
@ Sotonshades- So glad you like my minis. And don't worry that tutorial is on its way. As for the Iron Man connection...close but no cigar :P Its actually inspired by Rodimus Prime from the original transformer movie. So transformer inspired eldar models...wow thats gotta count for something geek street cred. As for the tutorial see the last bit of this post for details.

@ Couchviking- GO FOR IT. DE/CWE breathes a lot of life back into the Eldar. I want a sort of rogue trader style Eldar force. BTW I have a bunch of rogue trader models, justing waiting for a fresh coat of paint. Its part of my super secret project.

@Big Grim- Thanks pal!

Sorry for a non-pic update, but I just wanted to mention that I just picked up my first airbrush. Got a badger 150, and a BadgerAspire Pro Compressor. I am so pumped. I can't wait to employ it because I have finally assembled everything I need to complete the core of my army.

I'll be putting up some photos of everything for my 2k list once everything has arrived through the mail. And I'll also be posting not 1 but 2 tutorials for how I do the gold. There are basically two methods I use one spraying all the gold bits separate, and how to match it with GW golds, and another way where I prime the whole model gold and paint everything up from there. Hopefully I can steer people clear from the many, many pitfalls I've encountered. And hopefully I can add some airbrush tips as well...so stay tuned, the updates maybe slow, but there is avalanche of stuff soon to come.

08-29-2012, 07:55 AM


Little mini update showing my process. This guy isn't done, but this is basically how I do my gold bits/red body (that doesn't sound right) approach. I'll show the whole process in my tutorial (which I'll do soon waiting for replacement parts for the airbrush parts that fell down the drain :( )

Anyway to recap my lost post- I love 3rd ed. Eldar minis. The Dire Avengers and Banshees were my fav, with those weird Scorpions being second. These Avengers are going to represent my CW honor guard exiles who followed their banished Autarch into exile.

09-06-2012, 01:33 PM



Hey guys still plugging away. Just wanted to show you my new Reaver Jetbike. I'm using Khorne Red to basecoat with my brand new airbrush. I love Khorne Red its so close to Mechrite Red but a little more lustrous and its the perfect shade I've been looking for. Using the airbrush has been a dream come true, allowing me to get the nice smooth base coat I've been agonizing to achieve for a long time now. Its still a WIP and I wish I was able to take better photos but the lighting in my house is just so wonky. The model looks more desaturated than in real life, but a decent photo all-in-all. Hope you enjoy. I swear I will do that tutorial soon. I just need to get up to my hobby shop.

09-11-2012, 03:29 PM


This guy is my counts-as Hekatrix, who I'm calling a Corsair Lt. I really love the Eldar powerfist. I really hope they bring it back someday. I've hoarded a number of them so look for them to be sprinkled in as counts-as agonizers in the future. I also like the skull, its understated.



This guy is a WIP. I've got a Dark Elf cloak I'm just waiting to adhere to him. Not sure what he's going to be an Archon, maybe another Hekatrix... I haven't decided.

09-12-2012, 10:53 AM

Sorry my last post was such a mess. Minor emergency forced me away from the computer before I could put the resized images up. Sorry!

Anyway I added some extra photos and bumped the jetbike down due to the restrictions on number of images per post.

09-13-2012, 01:03 PM



09-13-2012, 01:04 PM

Hey guys putting the finishing touches on my Eldar close combat pirates (counts-as-Wyches). I'm having a lot of fun working on their bases. I really want to get some more basing stuff like skulls, mini-statues and what not. The idea of for the bases is to represent the rubble of ancient eldar crone worlds which my eldar pirates raid for artifacts and to do righteous battle with the forces of chaos.

BTW I would love some feedback from people. I'm not just fishing for compliments. I'd love to know what people of my most recent models, comments and crits, suggestions, or ideas for new conversions are always welcomed. I don't have any gamer buddies besides my brother whose not huge into 40k so please let me know what you guys think. :)

09-13-2012, 02:31 PM
I think most people are too busy staring at the lovely pictures to comment. Amazing paint job and the colours work so well.

09-13-2012, 05:28 PM
They look great, not what I imagined for corsairs from the little art that's around but now it's difficult to picture them differently. Love the atypical colour scheme on the DE models. If anything, I think there could be a bit more mixing of DE and craftworld bits.

The red on the latest models looks much brighter. Is that on purpose or a change in paints/lighting?

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
09-13-2012, 05:59 PM
Awesome paintjob!
Really like the use of Eldar powerfists, coold looking models.

09-14-2012, 05:40 AM
@ Lattd- Thanks, I'm glad you like the colors....though I'm searching for new accent colors for future squads. Think purple but I need more.

@isotope99- Glad you like em :) I tried to go in a different direction stylistically than the Corsairs FW is putting out. Don't get me wrong I love them, but I wanted to go for a more "Eldar Pirate" ala Rogue Trader look. I wanted to them to not look freshly exiled from their Craftworld, but not totally Dark Eldar either, more of veteran Eldar pirates, hence the bright bold color scheme, more armored, and no weird Haemoncului stuff. My Wyches as pictured above are going to be the most "Dark Eldar" looking of all my units. In my mind they are the wildest warriors in my army, barely restrained from the Dark Eldar ways by my renegade Autarch. I think when you see them with my Dire Avenger, Shining Spears (which I haven't primed, or photographed for the log) it'll have a more balanced look.

Also the bright red on these Wyches is a result of thinking Mephiston Red was the closest to Mechrite Red there was. Don't trust the 10 year olds at your local gaming store! :P After poking around on GW's site I discovered the glory of Khorne Red. Its perfect! Its like Mechrite red but slightly more lustrous. I love it. I'm going Khorne Red-Mephiston-Wild Rider and it looks sweet. Though on occassion I'll just go Mephiston-Wild Rider just to give guys that really gleaming, almost lacquered look.

@Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer- Thanks. I really love all the old OOP bits. I've got plans to use the old Eldar flamethrowers, and las-pistols as well. I've also got a bunch Rogue Trader models waiting for implementation for a secret project I'm working on.

09-16-2012, 09:02 PM
You have an eye for colors. The way you put colors together it just makes the minis pop. Well done sir. Well done.

09-27-2012, 02:08 PM




Hey gang. Making nice progress with my Corsair Avengers. Very pleased with the female Avenger. I wish I could get better clarity on the photo to show off her face, but oh well. Hope you guys enjoy. And thanks Amrogers, good luck with the painting!

09-27-2012, 02:55 PM
These are great. I love your color scheme.

10-11-2012, 03:34 PM
@ Magickbk- Thanks bud, all comments are greatly appreciated.





10-11-2012, 03:36 PM


Hey gang. Really cooking on my Eldar/Dark Eldar army. All 2000 points are rapidly nearing completion. Can't wait for these bad birds to hit the table. There is a really nice DE player at my LGS who I hope can take me under his wing, since I've not played a 6th edition game yet. So stoked, hope you guys enjoy, and as always I'd love some feedback, whether it be comments, criticisms or suggestions. :)

10-12-2012, 02:47 AM
The faces on these Eldar really are exquisite mate. Beautifully done!

10-12-2012, 03:40 PM
@Big Grim- Thanks man. I was pretty daunted at first when I started this army will all the faces I had to paint. But when my brother suggested blacking out the eyes, then dabbing a little white, and then dotting them again with the tiniest amount of black, I finally got the hang of it. Although there are a number of chaos-spawn have popped up along the way.

Still debating whether or not to convert up Shining Spears from Reavers..... or use the old models which I'm presently in the process of painting. Man the molds are really crappy on those old shining spears. the metal seems lumpy and miscast... sort of finecast-y. I know a real easy way of converting up Shining Spears using Dark Elf lances, and Dire Avenger scopes, what do you guys think? I'd still do the same paint job white riders, red bikes. Let me know what you guy think I'd love some feedback.

KrewL RaiN
10-12-2012, 03:51 PM
The age gap is drastic between the Eldar and Dark Eldar kits. Not all the Eldar models are ugly and static, but those Spears seem to fall in that category. If you can convert some Shining Spears, give it a shot for sure!

If you can make a dramatic posed rider for the old bike, it would spruce it up big time!

10-13-2012, 06:00 AM
Thanks for the reply Krewl. I think I have to agree with you. The Shining Spear unit is going to feature my Autarch and Farseer on jetbikes as well, and since it'll essentially function as my HQ unit, I want them to look as cool as possible. And these models are just not going to cut it. Perhaps instead of lances, I'll magnetize them with spears, from the scourge and raider kits. I'll have to experiment. Anyway thanks for the input its much appreciated.

10-20-2012, 08:56 AM



10-28-2012, 08:58 AM



Hey guys. As promised a long time ago (sorry for the delay) here's how I paint my models, and achieve the look I have going with gold. As my examples I'm going to be using the new Archon I made, and one of his Incubi.

Step 1: First off I prime the bodies Chaos Black, I then air brush them with a light coat of Khorne Red. I prime the principally gold bits with Testors Gold:


I just did all this, this morning so there will be more to come on a pretty much daily basis. Stay tuned.

05-31-2013, 02:49 PM
Hey guys long time no chat. I just finished painting my army last week, just in time for my new codex! So stoked anyway here are some highlights...





05-31-2013, 02:52 PM




05-31-2013, 02:53 PM


Guys from sideboard....


05-31-2013, 02:54 PM
Wow... I am utterly inspired by your army. Seriously original work and so incredibly beautiful. I'm inspired to mix some Dark Kin into my Eldar now... and with getting a new book tomorrow...

I almost bought an Incubi/Archon unit when they first dropped a few years ago, and looking at your work, it might just happen tomorrow.

06-01-2013, 06:07 AM
@ IronZOGZ- Thanks man. You'd be surprised just how compatible all the bits are. Skies really the limit in terms of kitbashing opportunities. Also the armies synergize SO WELL. Be warned though you can't go crazy with wargear, and upgrades if you are trying to build a balanced army. Hand out the upgrades, and wargear where its needed though and you'll be fine.

Here are some close ups....though just a note some of these photos were taken before the models were completley finished.





06-01-2013, 01:53 PM
Stunning paint scheme, I love how the blue spot colour really pops out, especially on the gems.