View Full Version : 6th ed facts part 2

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06-27-2012, 05:00 AM
So i decided to start a new thread so you wouldnt miss this big post i have for you guys. i know i missed a few questions but i have been working all day.

so MadCowCrazy i think asked these a few times.

MORALE CHECKS: same as 5th edition, forced at 25% shooting casualty's or by losing combat. also when losing combat you get a -1 modifier to your leader ship by however many wounds you lost by.



lots here, first.


1 - building breached it suffers -1 to armour on all facings.
2 - tremor - the building shudders making units inside only able to sanp fire for the following turn, additionally if they try to disembark from the building they may only disembark 3 inches rather then the normal 6.
3- partial collapse - the unit suffers d6 s6 ap- hits with no cover saves allowed.
4- structural collapse - same effect as above except 2d6 hits instead of just 1d6
5- catastrophice breach - reduce the building armour value by d3 on all sides
6 - the unit takes 4d6 s6 ap- hits, has to make an emergency disembark, if the unit cannot disembark it is destroyed. the building is classed as a ruin.
7- the building is utterly destroyed, the unit inside suffer 4d6 s6 hits with no ap, they then must emergency disembark as above, if they cant they die ect. and the building is treated as impassable terrain for the rest of the game, also any unit within d6 suffers s4 ap- hits, the amount of hits is how many models are in the unit that is hit 'OUCH'


amunition dumps - any unit withing 2 inches is allowed to reroll failed to hit rolls with shooting.
barricades and walls - 4+ cover save if they are behind it.
comms relay - any player with an unengaded model within 2 inches of a comms relay can reroll reserve rolls, it also offers a 5+ cover save if your behind it
defence lines- any unit that goes to ground behind defence lines gains +2 to cover instead of the usual +1

there is another 10+ to many to list.


skyshield landing pad - 75 points
eagies defence lines - 50 points + weapons
imperial bastion - 75 points + weapons
fortress of redemption - 220 points + weapons

THAT IS IT, sorry xenos players. though you could make your own buildings and just use the above fortifications rules.


3 types, blessings, malediction, and conjuration.
lots here will come back to it once iv read through it :p


zooming, must move 18'' - 36'', if it moves under 18 it is counted as destroyed, any units shooting at a zooming flyer have to resolve there to hit rolls as snap shots. flyers cannot be tank shocked OR tank shock themselves. you have to be zooming with a flier to gain the 'jink' special rules (5+ cover save)


flyers may only shoot 2 missiles per turn, looking at you storm ravens ;)

flyers MUST begin the game in reserve


both count your models as having the bulky special rule.

jet packs move 2d6 in the assault phase instead of assaulting (if you wish)

jetpacks count as relentless


acute senses - reroll outflank rolls
and they shall know no fear - as 5th edition for marines
armourbane - 2d6 armour pen in close combat against vehicles
blind - any unit hit buy a model or unit with this special rule must take an initiative test. if it fails they are reduced to ws and bs 1 till there next turn.
eternal warrior - same as 5th
daemon - gains the fear rule and has a 5+ invuln
fear - if in base contact with a unit or model with fear you must take a morale check, if failed reduces the opponents weaponskill to 1 for the rest of the tunr
fearess - as it is in 5th
feel no pain - +5
fleet - reroll run and charge move distnaces
fleshbane - always wounds on 2+ in CC
crusader- adds d3 to sweaping andvance move and rolls an extra diece for running allowing you to choose the highest result
furious charge - recieves +1 strength when charging into close combat, if disorderly charged you gain no benefit
gets hot - same as 5th
hammer of wrath - when the model charges into base contact, it gains one attack at initiative 10 (strength is unmodified)
jink - if a model moves flat out or turbo boosts it gains a 4+ cover save till the end of your opponents turn
monster hunter - rerolls all failed to wound and hit rolls against monstrous creatures
it will not die - roll a d6 on a 5+ the model ragains one wound (rolled for at the end of your turn)
rage - +2 attacks for charging
shred - rerolls cc to wound in combat
shrouded - + 2 to cover save
skilled rider - +1 to jink save
relentless - same as 5th
night vision - ignore the effects of nightfighting
night fighting - same as 5th
smash - reroll armour pen rolls, half attacks, gains double strength, ap 2
slow and purposeful - same as 5th
skyfire - shoots at nomral bs when targeting, flyers, skimmers, and flyig monstrous creatures.
splitfire - leadership test, if passed, one model may shoot at a different target to the rest of the unit

theres a few more but im tired of typing these :p


06-27-2012, 05:07 AM
So death company get +3 attacks on the charge, with an additional I10 attach that auto hits if they have jump packs?

Sign me up.

06-27-2012, 05:07 AM
A few USRs stand out - Acute Senses no longer lets you be good at night fighting? Its outflanking now. Makes one of the previous rules make more sense, but is going to suck. Expect lots of FAQing here

Night Vision - sure a few things will be FAQ'd to having this. Nerfs necrons a bit.

It will not die sounds a lot like Resurection Protocols, if not getting back up.

Any ideas on the random objectives things?

06-27-2012, 05:10 AM
I really like the idea of the "BATTLEFIELD DEBRIE", get bonuses for being near certain special features, plenty of modeling opportunities.

06-27-2012, 05:11 AM

06-27-2012, 05:11 AM

thats for you Chizal.

06-27-2012, 05:12 AM
So death company get +3 attacks on the charge, with an additional I10 attach that auto hits if they have jump packs?

Sign me up.

its +2 instead of the usual +1 is the wording :) still pretty beastly

06-27-2012, 05:14 AM

You sir are winning

06-27-2012, 05:16 AM

So obviously photoshopped ;)

06-27-2012, 05:19 AM
its +2 instead of the usual +1 is the wording :) still pretty beastly

They have furious charge as well.

06-27-2012, 05:21 AM

Can you post up some more info on CC weapons or power weapons on anything?

Thanks for the extra work you put into doing this for everyone!

Bitz Box Rob
06-27-2012, 05:29 AM
yes, like Balor said, thanks krittoris.

not to sound impolite, any chance for some of the story/fluff changes. Lots of speculation being made from the Allies Matrix.

06-27-2012, 05:39 AM
So Night Fighting hasn't changed? That goes totally against what other people claiming to have the book says.

And Furious Charge +1 attack instead of +1S/I, interesting.

Do you get a consolidate move after destroying a vehicle in combat?

06-27-2012, 05:40 AM

well guys, im sorry to say, the fluff is huge, im not going to post it up there is a TONNE of stuff. but to the point of the story line, it is essentially the same. GW have though, expanded the current fluff, adding in alot more battles and stories. they have also expanded on why the imperium is falling into rebellion, heresy, treatury ect. but essentially it goes as far as 5th did.
there is also a large story/battle were the pages fold out and you see a giant apocolyptic battle, chaos verse imperium, 3 reaver titans (or warhounds one of the 2) a wing of valkyries, super heavies, massive armies. it is litterally a scene of apocolyptic proprtions.

Gir: You are correct, my mistake, that is very awesome ;)

06-27-2012, 05:54 AM
Thanks for all the posts Krittoris

06-27-2012, 06:04 AM
I lied about night fighting, i just coulnt be arsed looking it up, thought id leave it as a surprise but. here is the nightfighting rule word for word:


while night fighting rules are in effect, the distance to your target becomes very important - the darkness makes it very difficult to aquire distant targets. the shooting unit cannot pick a target 36''+ away. units between 24 and 36'' are counted as having shrouding special rule, units between 12-24 away are instead treated as having the stealth USR, units less then 12'' away can be shot at nomrally. for the purposes of scattering blast markers, a unit over 36'' away can still be hit if it scatters from the targetted unit onto them.

if a vehicle loses the combat nothing happens, no sweeping advances, pile ins and no consolidation moves are performed.

PSYCHICH POWERS(just found them)


crush - Range 18, s 2d6, ap d6. also, if you roll 11 or 12 for your strnght roll, the model hit is auto wounded and if a vehicle is hit it is auto penetrated

shockwave - range 12, s3, ap -, assault d6 with pinning

gate of infinty - same as codex space marines, except if the librarian does it on his own there is no risk of a model dying.

objuration mechanicum - a unit within 24'' must reroll to hit and wound rolls of a 6, in addition if it is a vehicle or vehicle squadron it takes a strnght one haywire hit on each vehicle.

vortex of doom - same as codex space marines


dominate - each time the targetted unit (24'' inch range) attempts to move, shooot or assault, it must take a leadership test, if the test is faile dthe unit does nothing for that phase.

mental fortitude - a unit falling back within 24'' immidiately regroups and gains the fearless special rule for aslong as this power lasts.

invisibilty - grants a freindly unit with stealth and shrouded special rules, enemy models in CC hit at WS 1, also models assaulted by an invisible unit gain no benefit from counter attack.

hallucination - target an enemy unit within 24''. roll d6
1-2 target unit is auto pinned, unless it would normally pass its morale checks.
3-4 the unit cannot, shoot, run, or declare blows in CC or assault while the power is in effect
5-6 every unit in the unit immidiately inflicts a single wound ona freindly model from the same unit, using all weapons and strength at there disposal.

puppet master - lets you take over a unit within 24'' and shoot with it for one turn (cannot target your own unit)

terrify - target recieves no benefit from the fearless special rule and treat all enemies as having the fear special rule.

more after i have a shower

Bitz Box Rob
06-27-2012, 06:08 AM

well guys, im sorry to say, the fluff is huge, im not going to post it up there is a TONNE of stuff. but to the point of the story line, it is essentially the same. GW have though, expanded the current fluff, adding in alot more battles and stories. they have also expanded on why the imperium is falling into rebellion, heresy, treatury ect. but essentially it goes as far as 5th did

Thanks ... lots of frendly arguments over the table about "GW rewriting the background or making big changes to the ""state of the universe""

:cool: now i'm happy to hear the regular grim dark of the end times grinds on as i and friends have grown to love :cool:

06-27-2012, 06:09 AM
Thanks for this krittoris.

Are you sure that furious charge is+1 attack, not +1 strength as previously rumoured? That seems a bit odd. So now Ragnar gives his unit D3 extra attacks on the charge instead of +1, and an extra +1 for furious charge. That's a lot of attacks, but I suppose it's not so amazing if you lose them when multi-charging (if that's what disordered charge means).

Any change to rending?

There are a ton of special rules here that are new - things like crusader. Are we told who has these rules anywhere in the book, or will we have to wait for the FAQ?

I'm going to have to buy some flyers...

06-27-2012, 06:10 AM
Can i make one small request and confirm the statline of a chaplain crozius (if its in the book) and power weapons :D

06-27-2012, 06:10 AM
Woah, those telepathy powers are insane. +3 to cover save and enemies striking you in CC are WS1? I can see that being abused for some very nasty combinations. Hallucination and Puppet Master are also pretty awesome.

I'm guessing though they are harder to cast (i.e. warp charges).

Thanks a bunch by the way Krittoris, it's very generous of you to share with us :) I've been loving the stuff I've been reading, I can't wait to see how every codex is FAQ'd.

06-27-2012, 06:10 AM
QUESTION: How do vehicles that "snap fire" template weapons work?

06-27-2012, 06:11 AM
Cheers for all your efforts!

A quick question on a picture you posted in the first thread with the weapons. There seem to be a missile launcher with 3 different missiles behind it, so we have frag and krak as now, but what's the 3rd kind? And will all missile launchers now have an additional munitions choice or is that something new?


06-27-2012, 06:19 AM
Whoa. Those telepathic psychic powers are going to be huge for Eldar. But the thing that really caught my eye was the Skilled Rider. +1 Jink save on my Dark Eldar reavers? I'll take that any day of the week. With an Eldar allied Farseer that unit will be very resilient, especially if you're doing turbo-boosted bladevane attacks and caltrop bombardments.

06-27-2012, 06:19 AM

If a power weapon just says power weapon and has no addtional rules, use the following:

maces, and blunt weapons count as power maul
spears, lances count as power lance
swords count as power swords
axes and halberds count as power axes

power sword - S user, ap 3, melee
power axe - S+1, AP 4 melee, unwieldly
power lance - S+1/user AP3/4, melee
power maul - S+2, AP4, melee

power lance has 2 profiles, first being on the charge second being i normal combat.

06-27-2012, 06:21 AM
That's pretty cool.

06-27-2012, 06:22 AM
Excuse me krittoris, I was curious if we could get some enlightenment on how Tyranids are getting a major buff to compensate for the lack of allies? Others who have the rulebook early share your position; what else is there outside the new monstrous creatures? I know you mentioned that Tyranid monstrous creatures should expect to be FAQ'd as eternal warriors.

06-27-2012, 06:23 AM
One of the biggest changes I hoped for was a change to the way" Fearless" and "no retreat" works. I'm absolutely sick and tired of the 5th edition system where fearless models die in droves because of losing a CC while troops passing a moral test and deciding to stay in the combat suffered no further wounds.

Fearless should have been renamed reckless, or careless and really needed to be changed. If they don't change the way "no retreat" worked then they have really missed out on one of the biggest problems of the core rules in 5th edition, one that was seriously killing Ork and Tyranid armies, and wasn't particuarly kind to chaos armies either.

06-27-2012, 06:23 AM
Can you elaborate on how "battle-brothers" interact? What are the limitations? SC? Swapping transports? etc.

06-27-2012, 06:25 AM

you cannot fire them as nsap fire if the weapon shot is a template or blast


sorry mate, dont see anything for a third type of shot


thank you, just double checked, it is + 1 Strenght, my sincerest apologies with this one, my mistake.

06-27-2012, 06:25 AM
I don't really mind Fearless to be honest. Not when (hopefully it is allowed) Fateweaver will be giving me re-rollable saves with my Thousand Sons :D

06-27-2012, 06:25 AM
Excuse me krittoris, I was curious if we could get some enlightenment on how Tyranids are getting a major buff to compensate for the lack of allies? Others who have the rulebook early share your position; what else is there outside the new monstrous creatures? I know you mentioned that Tyranid monstrous creatures should expect to be FAQ'd as eternal warriors.

I second this. Please shed some light on this for us Nid players. :)

06-27-2012, 06:26 AM

If a power weapon just says power weapon and has no addtional rules, use the following:

maces, and blunt weapons count as power maul
spears, lances count as power lance
swords count as power swords
axes and halberds count as power axes

power sword - S user, ap 3, melee
power axe - S+1, AP 4 melee, unwieldly
power lance - S+1/user AP3/4, melee
power maul - S+2, AP4, melee

power lance has 2 profiles, first being on the charge second being i normal combat.

I just want to confirm....Power Axes are ap4? Everyone was saying AP 2....Lame if it's AP 4.

06-27-2012, 06:30 AM
So Furious Charge is nerfed (no more +1I). Another hit against Tyranids.

Night Fighting is apparently in ALL missions on 4+, roll efter every turn, on a 4+ it disappears for the rest of the game.

Distance 36" - can't target.
Distance 24-36" +2 to cover saves.
Distance 12-24" +1 to cover saves.

06-27-2012, 06:30 AM

allied independant characters may join your units and vice versa
are counted as freindly units for the intents and purposes of psychich powers aand abilities and so on
CANNOT embark into each others vehicles

06-27-2012, 06:30 AM
So... Do only Powerweapons have an AP value? I'd really like to know, if, for example, a Chainsword does have an AP?

06-27-2012, 06:30 AM
I just want to confirm....Power Axes are ap4? Everyone was saying AP 2....Lame if it's AP 4.

I understand that mauls, being +2 strength, are AP4 to compensate for the S advantage, but if axes make you strike at initiative 1 for only +1 strength they must have some other rule.

Ah there we go they are AP2 :)

06-27-2012, 06:31 AM
halberds count as power axes? the 'unwieldy' special rule seems to contradict the grey knights halberd that gives them an initiative bonus.


06-27-2012, 06:32 AM

while night fighting rules are in effect, the distance to your target becomes very important - the darkness makes it very difficult to aquire distant targets. the shooting unit cannot pick a target 36''+ away. units between 24 and 36'' are counted as having shrouding special rule, units between 12-24 away are instead treated as having the stealth USR, units less then 12'' away can be shot at nomrally. for the purposes of scattering blast markers, a unit over 36'' away can still be hit if it scatters from the targetted unit onto them.

06-27-2012, 06:33 AM
halberds count as power axes? the 'unwieldy' special rule seems to contradict the grey knights halberd that gives them an initiative bonus.


These rules only apply to non-special existing power weapons. Grey Knight Halberd will be +2i at AP3.

06-27-2012, 06:33 AM
halberds count as power axes? the 'unwieldy' special rule seems to contradict the grey knights halberd that gives them an initiative bonus.


It is strange, you'd think mauls being +2 strength would be the unwieldy ones.
Still, Nemesis weapons aren't affected by these rules; they are all AP3, which means SS can't decimate terminators with ease now.

I actually wonder how Hellblades will work, they'll probably just count as normal power swords I guess. Still, it was hilarious watching 20 bloodletters get charged by 10 terminators and Typhus and kill half the terminators. For the other player. I wasn't very happy :)

06-27-2012, 06:34 AM
I second this. Please shed some light on this for us Nid players. :)

yep i second this as well :-)

06-27-2012, 06:35 AM

grey knights force weapons for example benefit from there own statline rather then the rulebook force/power weapons. if it has a statline or special rule in the codex it is counted as AP 3 and follows the codex rules for the weapon, This comes under the rule unusual force weapons in the rulebook

06-27-2012, 06:39 AM
Did I miss it or was stealth and rending covered already?

Also if relentless is the same as 5th all that is going give you is move and shot heavy weapons and assault after shooting at this point.

Am I missing something?

06-27-2012, 06:40 AM
Maybe relentless will let you fire those heavy weapons without having to snap-fire as well as being able to still assault? That'd be the only reason it's the same.

06-27-2012, 06:40 AM
Couple of questions,

What's the ruling on shooting with weapons with the Assault USR in the profile? Has it changed in the new edition, does it effect overwatch or other things?

Just for clarification, someone armed with close combat weapon and pistol doesn't get the +1 bonus they had in 5th ed in close combat?

06-27-2012, 06:41 AM
Hmmm, I guess that mean more thunderhammer for Grey Knights now. Also Death Cult Assassins are in the same boat as Banshees when dealing with Terminators.

06-27-2012, 06:41 AM
Thanks for looking, another short one, but it was rumored a while back that pistols will be able to shoot in CC, just want to check if that is true or just more BS please?

*Wonders if I will regret chopping up all my plasma pistols to make combi-weapons now.:p

06-27-2012, 06:43 AM

counts cover saves as being 1+ better then normal


same as 5th edition


same as 5th edition

06-27-2012, 06:46 AM

pistols count as a close combat weapon in CC using the following profile

S user, AP -, melee

normal when shooting them, i dont think assault weapons effect much else except you may shoot before you charge.

you get plus one attack for 2 close combat weapons just like 5th pistols counts towards this (havent checked this but i would say its the same +1 attack for 2 CC weapons, in this case pistols would count towards that)

06-27-2012, 06:46 AM
thats for you Chizal.

lol fair enough but you did make a few mistakes, had me wondering for a while.

i know its a pain trying to type up the rules for the forums cause if you dont get it spot on the first time you are constantly having to answer more questions and repost stuff :p

The Shadow King
06-27-2012, 06:48 AM
Thanks for looking, another short one, but it was rumored a while back that pistols will be able to shoot in CC, just want to check if that is true or just more BS please?

*Wonders if I will regret chopping up all my plasma pistols to make combi-weapons now.:p

Pistols cannot shoot in combat, but can overwatch according to other sources. Relentless is Heavy, Salvo and Ordinance weapons, move and not needing to snap fire, and can rapid fire and still assault.

06-27-2012, 06:53 AM
lol fair enough but you did make a few mistakes, had me wondering for a while.

i know its a pain trying to type up the rules for the forums cause if you dont get it spot on the first time you are constantly having to answer more questions and repost stuff :p

lol yeah mate, im pretty much on the fly at the moment, just skimming through as people ask the questions. though i should have double checked a few silly errors.

plus i know the rules, 'pics or it didnt happen' lol

06-27-2012, 06:53 AM
Btw, thanks for the info krittoris.

One of the biggest imbalanced annoyances of 5th ed was that you didn't get a consolidate move after popping a vehicle in close combat. Has that changed?

And a bit on the same issue (vehicles being OP in combat) Preferred Enemy did not allow you to reroll to hit in combat against vehicles in 5th ed - has that changed?
And as PE now also allow rerolls 1's to wound, do you get the reroll to 'wound' a vehicle (they don't have wounds)?

06-27-2012, 06:55 AM
ok good night guys, ill answer some more in morning and post up the other psychic powers if someone doesnt beat me to it. hope you enjoyed reading and got some decent insight into what to expect.

night bols

06-27-2012, 06:56 AM
lol yeah mate, im pretty much on the fly at the moment, just skimming through as people ask the questions. though i should have double checked a few silly errors.

plus i know the rules, 'pics or it didnt happen' lol

lol tell me about it, i took 60 hi res snaps of my mates book to cover all the basics but **** me am i uploading all those to the forums

im off to play and get wasted so will post again tomorrow most likely bitter and broken

06-27-2012, 06:57 AM
Btw, thanks for the info krittoris.

One of the biggest imbalanced annoyances of 5th ed was that you didn't get a consolidate move after popping a vehicle in close combat. Has that changed?

And a bit on the same issue (vehicles being OP in combat) Preferred Enemy did not allow you to reroll to hit in combat against vehicles in 5th ed - has that changed?
And as PE now also allow rerolls 1's to wound, do you get the reroll to 'wound' a vehicle (they don't have wounds)?

i think from the wording you should still be allowed to reroll the hits, again with the wording your not wounding the vehicle so i dont think you get the wound reroll. also yes you still CANNOT consolidate off vehicles in close combat :p sorry

last one, night

06-27-2012, 06:57 AM
Btw, thanks for the info krittoris.

One of the biggest imbalanced annoyances of 5th ed was that you didn't get a consolidate move after popping a vehicle in close combat. Has that changed?

And a bit on the same issue (vehicles being OP in combat) Preferred Enemy did not allow you to reroll to hit in combat against vehicles in 5th ed - has that changed?
And as PE now also allow rerolls 1's to wound, do you get the reroll to 'wound' a vehicle (they don't have wounds)?

In 6th, vehicles are either hit automatically in combat or are treated as WS1 if they moved, regardless of how far they travelled. Flyers, however, if they are zooming, cannot be assaulted (except maybe by flying monstrous creatures? Hey, there's a swell idea!). Basically, you will now always either hit a vehicle automatically or on 3s, so it definitely reduces the irritation of assaulting tanks.

06-27-2012, 07:03 AM
FYI for all the Physic Powers can be found here


06-27-2012, 07:07 AM
BTW krittoris, thanks for being awesome and doing this!

06-27-2012, 07:07 AM
Can anyone give some specific details about the deployment types? Especially the one that you deploy on the short edges.

06-27-2012, 07:13 AM
I've got a question i'm suprised I ahven't seen yet.


In or Out?

06-27-2012, 07:19 AM
Games length is 6 turns it was in White Dwarf. Deployment was also in White Dwarf. Think standard, spearhead expansion and Apoc expansion. There's a bit more about deployment and missions here


06-27-2012, 08:03 AM
How do you select psychic powers from the rule book? And how do psyker levels come in to play? Can you list some of the pysker levels from different books (eldar!)?

06-27-2012, 08:11 AM
Is the rumour of needing a 6 to hit a fast vehicle true?

Or was it a *******isation of the 6's to hit fliers rule mangled through word of mouth?

06-27-2012, 08:16 AM
I think I have a pretty good picture after reading all of the information I can find. I'm looking forward to getting my book this weekend since I believe that the changes are pretty good and the game should be more fun.

The rules question I have is what happens to passengers in a wrecked or an exploded vehicle. In 5th, when a vehicle explodes, the S3 AP- hits with cover save tends not to have much of an effect (even on my IG). Wrecked vehicles don't have much effect on the passengers (I think there is a pinning test) at all. I saw that a destroyed flyer results in S10 hits on everyone on board which is certainly an improvement. What about the normal vehicles?

06-27-2012, 08:19 AM
Can we confirm is Furious Charge now just +1 Str or is it still +1 Str / +1 Init

Also do jump infrantry still take dangerous tests for moving into and out of terrain?

06-27-2012, 08:23 AM
OK - i have read enough and im curious

the fliers - you can target them normally with "Skystrike" weapons can you tell me what weapons are classed as this?

is it




the weapon on the top of a bastion?

thanks for all the information krittoris!


06-27-2012, 08:23 AM
What are the rules for Vehicle squadrons? Please Krittoris. :)

06-27-2012, 08:24 AM
Skilled rider +1 to jinx? My reaver jetbikes are very excited.

06-27-2012, 08:30 AM
Skilled rider +1 to jinx? My reaver jetbikes are very excited.

Don't get too excited. Jetbike base jink could have been reduced to 5+

06-27-2012, 08:36 AM
Thx Krittoris!

06-27-2012, 08:48 AM
So Fearless didn't change at all. Does that also mean combat resolution for Fearless hasn't changed? Is there any (much needed) changes to No Retreat?

06-27-2012, 08:56 AM
Apparantly Fearless loss in conbat no longer forces a bunch of wounds on you.

06-27-2012, 10:01 AM
Still no answer on Tyranids and what bonus they get?? I thought we were getting that answerd today what happened??

Tyranids need love too!

Colonel Kreitz
06-27-2012, 10:06 AM
Huh. So Acute Senses is now +1 to outflank? That'll be handy to DE who all have acute senses and no outflanking units.

I sense that one is going to get FAQ'd to Night Vision...

06-27-2012, 10:07 AM
Apparantly Fearless loss in conbat no longer forces a bunch of wounds on you.

That's a bonus for Tyranid hoard armies is then. :)

06-27-2012, 10:48 AM
Supposedly the Tyranid buffs will be coming via errata/FAQ. Id expect to get those within the next few weeks. Does anyone know hoew long the FAQ turnaround was for WFB 8th?
Still, our Nids should be fine. Mcs look improved, and a trend away from vehicles is good.

But sill, I want to kniow specific details on the last deployment type...

06-27-2012, 11:26 AM
The WHFB FAQ's were almost instantanious.

XV8 Crisis Suit
06-27-2012, 11:29 AM
both count your models as having the bulky special rule.

Anyone know what the bulky special rule is?

That's a bonus for Tyranid hoard armies is then. :)
Orks too ya git!

06-27-2012, 11:38 AM
Poison is exactly the same as 5th edition...lame-sauce! I was hoping high-Strength MCs could wound on 2s instead of a flat 4+. Oh well, thanks!

06-27-2012, 11:40 AM
Anyone know what the bulky special rule is?

Im betting it makes a unit take 2 slots in a transport like jump packs or terminators.

06-27-2012, 11:46 AM
Poison is exactly the same as 5th edition...lame-sauce! I was hoping high-Strength MCs could wound on 2s instead of a flat 4+. Oh well, thanks!

According to persons-who-have-the-book elsewhere (can't remember exact sources, as I've been constantly shifting back and forth between here, warseer, and dark city), models with poison have the option of using their normal strength to wound instead if it would give them a better to-wound roll (though, I assume that if you forego using the poison to-wound roll, then you won't get your wound reroll from S>T)

Also, apparently skilled rider gives an extra +1 to jink save. This means that DE Reavers get a 4+ jink normally, and a 3+ when turbo-boosting.

06-27-2012, 11:51 AM
Are transports still "One squad per transport" or can you have multiple squads per vehicle?

06-27-2012, 12:26 PM
Apparantly Fearless loss in conbat no longer forces a bunch of wounds on you.

Here's hoping that's the case. We might actually see Choppa/Slugga boyz fielded once again, as removing No Retreat would do wonders for bringing them up to par with the versatility and firepower of Shootas.

06-27-2012, 12:46 PM
Skilled rider +1 to jinx? My reaver jetbikes are very excited.

except keep them away from terrain...why are they excited...they are used to having 3+ turboboost coversave...now they just keep the 3+ and loose the terrain rule that made them better...

Night fight is amazing for us in this edition until we see what searchlights do but we LOST A LOT in this edition from what I can see...

Also For Mr Krit...

Can you please Check on Furious Charge please? Your 1st page says +1 A when everyone else has been saying +1 S

06-27-2012, 12:46 PM
Relentless same as 5th edition makes no sense, because necrons will have rapidfire at maximum range. So why should i take relentless (Phaeron) ever again?!

06-27-2012, 12:51 PM
Huh. So Acute Senses is now +1 to outflank? That'll be handy to DE who all have acute senses and no outflanking units.

I sense that one is going to get FAQ'd to Night Vision...
um i think our book says Night vision and wolves says acute senses...

06-27-2012, 01:07 PM

you cannot fire them as nsap fire if the weapon shot is a template or blast


sorry mate, dont see anything for a third type of shot


thank you, just double checked, it is + 1 Strenght, my sincerest apologies with this one, my mistake.

@Havik 110

I told you to read just a little bit more.

06-27-2012, 01:08 PM
except keep them away from terrain...why are they excited...they are used to having 3+ turboboost coversave...now they just keep the 3+ and loose the terrain rule that made them better...

Except that Reavers also get a 4+ jink save that they didn't have before when moving normally. Also, until I actually see the rulebook for myself, I wouldn't rule out the possibility of skilled rider still conferring the same benefit when moving through difficult terrain in addition to the +1 to jink.

06-27-2012, 01:09 PM
What are the rules for Vehicle squadrons? Please Krittoris. :)

Ya that would be great to know also ramming.

Thanks agian

06-27-2012, 01:30 PM
Poor Necrons. Immotehk and SPs took a shot to the jimmy. Now worthless vs DE horray!

06-27-2012, 01:40 PM
According to persons-who-have-the-book elsewhere (can't remember exact sources, as I've been constantly shifting back and forth between here, warseer, and dark city), models with poison have the option of using their normal strength to wound instead if it would give them a better to-wound roll (though, I assume that if you forego using the poison to-wound roll, then you won't get your wound reroll from S>T)

Well that certainly would be great; I do hope those other 'book-havers' are right. Thanks!

06-27-2012, 02:17 PM
you know as it stands in 5th poisoned weapons wielded by a model with equal or higher strength than its targets toughness re-rolls to wound. this 6th ed version would actually make poisoned weapons worse.

06-27-2012, 02:22 PM
you know as it stands in 5th poisoned weapons wielded by a model with equal or higher strength than its targets toughness re-rolls to wound. this 6th ed version would actually make poisoned weapons worse.

As I understand it, you get to choose whether or not you want to use poison (with reroll) or not. So, a MC with a 4+ poison weapon could elect to either a) use poison and wound on 4+, with a reroll, or b) not use poison and (likely) wound on 2+ without a reroll.

If this is true, this is a benefit over the 5th edition version, which *forced* you to use poison, whether you wanted to or not.

06-27-2012, 02:23 PM
Poor Necrons. Immotehk and SPs took a shot to the jimmy. Now worthless vs DE horray!

Hooray! But on the plus side they can gaus assaulting wyches with overwatch fire and laugh when they dont have enough inches to make the charge. Or cackle wildly as they easily gaus raiders out the air.

2 sides to every coin right?!

06-27-2012, 02:40 PM
I've read that units cannot assault when coming from reserves or outflanking. Does anyone know if this is true? I feel it could really hurt webway portals.

06-27-2012, 02:56 PM
I've read that units cannot assault when coming from reserves or outflanking. Does anyone know if this is true? I feel it could really hurt webway portals.

Yeah. I *really* hope that someone is misreading the rule on that one. It will kill WWP lists, as well as severely limit the usefulness of outflankers.

Black Hydra
06-27-2012, 03:13 PM
Poor Necrons. Immotehk and SPs took a shot to the jimmy. Now worthless vs DE horray!

Imotehk is a waste of time and points. Even more so with Night Fighting happening on a 4+. Why? Because his lightning attacks only happen during the Night Fighting he generates.

06-27-2012, 03:15 PM
What are the rules for the Skyshield landing pad?

06-27-2012, 04:44 PM
Does anyone know, does infantry assaulting vehicles still work the way it does int 5th?
I know vehicles are either ws0 (didn't move) or Ws1 ( did move) But I more interested in if you hit their rear armor in an assault or has it changed back to 3rd ed rules, where it is based on facing of the vehicle, eg, if you assault the fron of a rhino you are attacking AV 11.

How does melta work also? Is it still 2d6 + Str for half range?

What Str & AP value has been attached to Dreadnought Close combat weapons? Str 10 still and Ap 1 or 2?

Does the book happen to mention what the size of a standard game is? I'm fearing an escalation up to 2200 or 2500 to allow more use of allies and terrain.

06-27-2012, 04:46 PM
thanks for the info krittoris

regarding night vision. you say its the same as in 5h (reroll to see how far you can shoot)
as nightfight has changed significantilly i dont think the night vision rulesa re accurate. can you please re-read them and tell us?

06-27-2012, 04:48 PM
i wonder who will be brave enough to do a scan of the book and put it online????

06-27-2012, 04:57 PM
Imotehk is a waste of time and points. Even more so with Night Fighting happening on a 4+. Why? Because his lightning attacks only happen during the Night Fighting he generates.

Imotehk has his own rules for when night fighting occurs, which replace the rulebooks rules.

06-27-2012, 04:59 PM
about furious charge, i corrected it the next page so please read those pages for more up to date info.

nightvision allows you to ignore the nightfighting rules.

06-27-2012, 05:10 PM
about furious charge, i corrected it the next page so please read those pages for more up to date info.

nightvision allows you to ignore the nightfighting rules.

thanks a lot!

what about relentless? i know what you already posted but does it give any other benefit to that of the 5th? some leakers said it also grants rapid fire weapon a additional shot. making 2 shots up to 24" and 3 up to 12".

06-27-2012, 05:18 PM
Thanks for taking the time to write all this out.

Any chance you could explain combat resolution and/or how casualty removal effects who can fight in close combat?

06-27-2012, 05:49 PM

I was wondering if there were any special rules for monstrous infantry and cavalry (Like in Fantasy)? Such as Ogryns, Tyranid Warriors, Juggernauts, etc.

Thanks for the time you've spent answering questions, it's very interesting =)

06-27-2012, 05:52 PM
Relentless same as 5th edition makes no sense, because necrons will have rapidfire at maximum range. So why should i take relentless (Phaeron) ever again?!

I think you misunderstand what's going on.

Relentless makes you count as stationary, able to fire rapid and heavy weapons, and charge. That's better.

This means you can move and still count as stationary and gain the benefits of being stationary.

06-27-2012, 06:03 PM
One question. Is there a limit on the number of units a player may place in reserve at the start of a game? Is this only certain missions or all? Thanks in advance and thanks for everything thus far.

06-27-2012, 06:04 PM
I think you misunderstand what's going on.

Relentless makes you count as stationary, able to fire rapid and heavy weapons, and charge. That's better.

This means you can move and still count as stationary and gain the benefits of being stationary.

in the case of necrons wich makes no sense. assault weapons do not benefit from beeing stationary aswell as rapid fire weapons. assaulting is the only thing that would help but who wants to assault with necrons?

so you are misunderstanding the usage of the (in this case) pointless phaeron upgrade.

06-27-2012, 06:21 PM
in the case of necrons wich makes no sense. assault weapons do not benefit from beeing stationary aswell as rapid fire weapons. assaulting is the only thing that would help but who wants to assault with necrons?

so you are misunderstanding the usage of the (in this case) pointless phaeron upgrade.

I do. It's called: finishing what you started.
I would charge with Immortals: rapid fire gauss blaster, then charge.
Or with wraiths-- fire the dimentional wiggy wacky gun, then charge.
Even with necrons. Rapid fire, then charge. Eliminate, destroy. Last thing you want to do is leave an opponent within 12" of ya, so they can charge you.

06-27-2012, 06:50 PM
What's the new deal with Instant Death? Is it the same or is it handled differently. Also, can Monstrous Creatures be affected by instant death?

Also, what are the APs of Ork Close Combat weapons? Choppas, Big Choppas and Power Klaws?

Finally, what benefit do assault weapons give you if rapid fire weapons can fire up to their maximum range now? Do they provide a benefit in assault or something?

06-27-2012, 06:57 PM
What is the AP of a chainsword/chainaxe?

06-27-2012, 07:20 PM

Because they have so many monstrous creatures. all monstrous creatures have the fear rule now which means everytime they assault a unit that unit must take a leadership test, if it fails that unit has ws1 for the rest of the combat. fearless units and units that dont have to take leadership tests are immune to fear.

psykers, new psycic powers.... nuff said.

they also have hammer of wrath, move through cover, relentless and smash special rules.

your nid monstrosities are now fairly good in the game, there main buffs i beleive will be in the FAQ they should be playable again.


chanswords have an AP of - and use your own strength
heavy chanswords s+2, ap5, two handed
eviscerator sx2 ap2, two handed, armourbane, unweildly


instant death is the same as 5th edition 'the model is immune to to instant death'.


turbo boosting is done in the shooting phase.

bike - 12 inches
jetbike - 24 inches

you cannot shoot or assault after turbo boosting but you gain +1 to you jink save (making it 4+)


AGAIN please read the second and third pages, night vision special rule allows you to ignore night fighting rules all together

06-27-2012, 07:23 PM

Because they have so many monstrous creatures. all monstrous creatures have the fear rule now which means everytime they assault a unit that unit must take a leadership test, if it fails that unit must fall back 2d6 (same a fleeing). fearless units and units that dont have to take leadership tests are immune to fear.

You said in the USR breakdown that Fear causes a Ld test that can reduce WS to 1 (as other people have also reported). Now you're adding this effect. So does Fear cause both of these things? Or are there two levels of the USR like in Warhammer Fantasy (Fear and Terror)?

06-27-2012, 07:24 PM
can independent characters join battle brother units and if so can they use a transport?

06-27-2012, 07:28 PM
You said in the USR breakdown that Fear causes a Ld test that can reduce WS to 1 (as other people have also reported). Now you're adding this effect. So does Fear cause both of these things? Or are there two levels of the USR like in Warhammer Fantasy (Fear and Terror)?

apologies got to far ahead of myself :p edited correctly

06-27-2012, 07:33 PM
independant characters can join BB units, my understanding is they cant use allies transports even if they are BB, but it does not specify if characters joined to a llied unit may use the transport, probably will be FAQ'd later



reserves come on just like 5th EXCEPT i cant find were it says they do or dont get to assault the turn they move on, it does say it just move the model onto the board using there movement..

if an immobile unit is in reserve (i would be thinking weapons turrets here) it comes in using the deepstrike special rule. as it has been airdropped orteleported onto the field.

06-27-2012, 07:41 PM
THOSE STUPID ****ING ******* ****S!

So what armies like drop lists, DOA, reserve nids are absolutely ****ing unplayable?

06-27-2012, 07:44 PM
Another USR clarification, please;

You state that Poison works the same as it did in 5th. In 5th it allowed rerolls to wound if the poisoned model's strength was the same or higher than the target's toughness.

Some people have claimed that these rerolls no longer exist. Can you check on that?

06-27-2012, 07:48 PM
what are all the different fortifications in the BRB? Costs maybe?

06-27-2012, 07:50 PM
could you clarify what cavalry and beast do now? movement range, assault and the like? also do they profit of the hammer of wrath rule?

06-27-2012, 07:56 PM
what are all the different fortifications in the BRB? Costs maybe?
For god's sake, read the first post.

So sick of people asking the same questions for the 15th time.

06-27-2012, 08:08 PM
For god's sake, read the first post.

So sick of people asking the same questions for the 15th time.

first post only has aegis defense line and the fortress of redemption, the video said something about ork defensive lines, I.E. there is more than just the two in the first post.

06-27-2012, 08:12 PM
THOSE STUPID ****ING ******* ****S!

So what armies like drop lists, DOA, reserve nids are absolutely ****ing unplayable?

Only partially unplayable...

06-27-2012, 08:16 PM
first post only has aegis defense line and the fortress of redemption, the video said something about ork defensive lines, I.E. there is more than just the two in the first post.

Uh its the same ****. Just ork versions of it. The first post says that he posted everything on them. Soo....

06-27-2012, 08:28 PM
Uh its the same ****. Just ork versions of it. The first post says that he posted everything on them. Soo....

Might be the same **** but first post did not say that he posted everything about them. certainly left out what upgrades each can have, and the details that are important. so piss off and let him answer.

06-27-2012, 08:59 PM
Thank you so much for the info thus far.

Would like to know what are the rules relating to psychic powers. I understand that for each power the psyker have in general, you can choose to exchange them all for the new rulebook powers. How does it work? Do you get to choose, or do you have to pick only the disciplines?

For example, out of 4, you can choose 3 from Divination and 1 from Pyromancy (or any combination for tha matter) then pick randomly, or are you allowed to pick yourself what powers you'd like?

How does the warp charges work? Is it accumulated every turn? How much do your psykers get a turn? how does the mechanics work?

Any clarification would be great as the psyker rules seem very game changing

06-27-2012, 09:46 PM
Imotehk is a waste of time and points. Even more so with Night Fighting happening on a 4+. Why? Because his lightning attacks only happen during the Night Fighting he generates.

Yes but his night fighting is guaranteed to start the game. I have yet to not make his points back in wrecked vehicles with his attacks. I must just roll well with it.

06-27-2012, 10:30 PM
Yes but his night fighting is guaranteed to start the game. I have yet to not make his points back in wrecked vehicles with his attacks. I must just roll well with it.

It's also much more likely to continue for the first few turns.

06-27-2012, 10:47 PM
Would you be so kind as to post rules for beasts/cavalry?
Also, general movement/shooting rules for all Troops (Infantry/jump/monster/bikes) and vehicles would be AWESOME (Well, more awesome than you already are).
Also, I'm curious, does it look like they are doing new FAQ's for each army, or is it "built in" to the rulebook? (ie, conversion table in-book for 5th to 6th)
Lastly, Initial rumors said there was a chart for movement speed of enemy vs. to hit at range (like 5th's close combat). Word on that/details as necessary?

06-27-2012, 11:21 PM
Thanks for doing this Krittoris :). Four quick questions:

1. What are Witchblades now?
2. How are psychic powers chosen, do you roll on a chart, or can you just pick?
3. How fast can vehicle go and still have the squad inside get out? Does this change at all for an open topped vehicle?
4. Can units inside vehicles score?

Cheers, and thanks again :).

06-28-2012, 12:00 AM

already posted them up, you can only get the bastion, eagis defence line, skyshield landing pad, fortress of redemption ect so any kits that gw sell.

if you want ork ones, just model them so. but no there is no race specific buildings only the imperial ones.


s user, ap -, melee, armourbane, fleshbane


you choose a discipline that is available to your codex and roll d6 and see which power you generate. you get one power per psycker mastery level on the character.

to use a power each turn you generate a token for each mastery level you have, so a psyker with lvl 3 will have 3 tokens. the power then expends a token to attempt to cast it. you also use tokens to attempt to activate force weapons.


not so far, this is 6th edition only, all the rules conversion for you codex's will be in its FAQ's :)


cavalry have hammer of wrath and fleet
beast have move through cover and fleet

cavalry fall back 3d6
beasts fall back 3d6

beasts are never slowed by difficult terrain
cavalry take dangerous terrain tests when moving through difficult

all assault 2d6 range

06-28-2012, 12:05 AM

i can confirm right now that you get to reroll to wound with poisoned weapons if your strength is higher then the enemie's toughness, so yes rerolls are still in.

06-28-2012, 12:09 AM

i can confirm right now that you get to reroll to wound with poisoned weapons if your strength is higher then the enemie's toughness, so yes rerolls are still in.


bummer about witch blades, they got a slight nerf.

06-28-2012, 12:13 AM
is there a list or chart that shows the mastery levels of each psyker or is it based on how many powers they can have in their codex?

06-28-2012, 12:18 AM
like the new grey knights codex, the faq will update your psykers with a mastery level i would say.

theres no chart but it says that either mastery level x will give x amount of powers, on a one for one basis so lvl 2 gives 2 powers and so on.

i think it says something along the lines also, if your model has no psyker mastery level you may take powers based on how many they would normally be allowed to take. so im guessing that most will have a mastery level after the faq, but for now it seems like your librarians, rune preists ect could take 2 powers each.

06-28-2012, 12:19 AM
Could you double check about rending? Are you sure it is still on TO WOUND instead of TO HIT as many other sources say TO HIT?

06-28-2012, 12:22 AM

well guys, im sorry to say, the fluff is huge, im not going to post it up there is a TONNE of stuff. but to the

I understand that there is a lot of background, but what about the Tau/Space Marine best buds; Emperor's favorite rumor? Are Marines suddenly giving up on their years of rampant xenophopia?

06-28-2012, 12:23 AM

rolls to WOUND of a 6 count as ap2, also adding a d3 roll against vehicles, same as 5th. :)

06-28-2012, 12:26 AM
The IoM has had some kind of treaty with the Tau since the Damocles Crusade, them being willing to work together against a common enemy isn't something new, nor does it mean that they have somehow abandoned their xenophobia. America and the Soviet Union allied against the Na zis, for a relatively modern example of two utterly opposed states working together.

I understand that there is a lot of background, but what about the Tau/Space Marine best buds; Emperor's favorite rumor? Are Marines suddenly giving up on their years of rampant xenophopia?

06-28-2012, 12:31 AM
I understand that there is a lot of background, but what about the Tau/Space Marine best buds; Emperor's favorite rumor? Are Marines suddenly giving up on their years of rampant xenophopia?

iv just skimmed over the fluff, but so far its the same, so no tau and ultramarines are not allies per say :p

also just reading it seems to be the dawn of an evolution for mankind, the psykers are evolved humans and more and more are appearing everyday it also says that if humans can survive this change that it will bring forth a new golden age for mankind.

so this is the dark before the return to ultimate imperial power you could say :p and the dark is the era in which we are battling now and is were 6th edition is based for the story line.

06-28-2012, 12:35 AM
ILL just add that i can see why the rulebook is 120$, the artwork and the effort put in is simply amazing. the rules are worded alot better then previously, still no perfect but GW have improved so far. the book itself has excellent artwork :) well worth the buy when you compare it to nomral books.

06-28-2012, 12:36 AM
Can flying monstrous creatures combine their flyover Vector Strike and Smash rules?

06-28-2012, 12:38 AM
As a cron player, I will rejoice and be sad all at the same time.

Preferred Enemy makes Destroyers really nasty, but now I will have to drop 250 bucks to buy 15 of them:rolleyes:

06-28-2012, 12:44 AM
do you know what the new vehicle types do? ie; Heavy and Chariot. and what vehicles may have these types

06-28-2012, 12:51 AM
America and the Soviet Union allied against the Na zis, for a relatively modern example of two utterly opposed states working together.

Indeed. I rather like the Cold War/Colonial Brushfire War vibe between the Tau and Imperium. Diplomancy, "soft warfare", brinkmanship, and (realative) colonial skimishes are a nice variation from the rest of 40k's background.

iv just skimmed over the fluff, but so far its the same, so no tau and ultramarines are not allies per say

Whew "wipes forehead" That silly rumor being laid to rest puts me at ease being the Fluff **** that I am. Thanks a bunch!

so this is the dark before the return to ultimate imperial power you could say and the dark is the era in which we are battling now and is were 6th edition is based for the story line.

That fits in the pattern of GW making the game lighter and softer as of the past few years. Less real blood and gore, more heroic figures, no Doomrider and his "uncouth" sword.

06-28-2012, 12:51 AM
Rending on to hit would have been grand. Oh well...

Are psychic hoods really as shoddy as they say?

06-28-2012, 01:34 AM
Just two questions :

How Tau pulse rifle works now ? are they shot twice at 12" or at half range ?

Someone in a French forum post a table showing that armies of 2000 + points have twice more FOC choice and restrictions than now, ie : 2-4 HQ, 0-6 Elites, 4-12 troops, 0-6 fast and 0-6 heavy. is it true ?

thank you and sorry for my english :D

06-28-2012, 01:34 AM
Reserve rules are;

when deploying their army, players can choose not to deploy up to half of there units(rounding uo) keeping them as reserves to arrive later. units that must start the game in reserve are ignored for the pourposes of working out how many other units may do so.a unit and its dedicated transport are counted as a single unit for these purposes.

Reserve rolls are 3+ each turn and arrive automatically on turn 4.

Unless stated otherwise, a unit cannot charge, or use any abilities or special rules that must be used at the start of theturn, in the turn it arrives from reserve.

06-28-2012, 01:35 AM

cavalry have hammer of wrath and fleet
beast have move through cover and fleet

cavalry fall back 3d6
beasts fall back 3d6

beasts are never slowed by difficult terrain
cavalry take dangerous terrain tests when moving through difficult

all assault 2d6 range

Wait! So "Move through cover" means the unit ignores difficult terrain? Does this mean assaulting through cover doesn't set you back to I1 for units with this special rule? If that's true i would be a really happy tyranidsplayer ^^

06-28-2012, 01:40 AM
How Tau pulse rifle works now ? are they shot twice at 12" or at half range ? Half range

Someone in a French forum post a table showing that armies of 2000 + points have twice more FOC choice and restrictions than now, ie : 2-4 HQ, 0-6 Elites, 4-12 troops, 0-6 fast and 0-6 heavy. is it true ?
Above a total of 1,999 points, the force organisation chart becomes a very limiting factor.
this being the case, if you're playing a game of 2,000 points or more , you can take an additional primary detachment

06-28-2012, 01:51 AM
so fliers get out of this ridiculous half reserve bull****? if thats not trying to sell models I don't know what is.

06-28-2012, 02:18 AM

thats the maximum, i dont know were the french forum got the info from

06-28-2012, 02:23 AM

thats the maximum, i dont know were the french forum got the info from

Bigger games. on page 110

06-28-2012, 02:34 AM
just read it

WOW double the foc charts including allies

06-28-2012, 02:44 AM

Confirm something for me plz;
On the expanded chart, is it actually CALLED an allies chart?

I am getting a crazy idea that we maybe able to fill this expanded chart with our own units.

06-28-2012, 02:45 AM
Does anyone know how the vehicle damage chart works?
I've read several times that on 3-4 it is weapon destroyes/immobilized
Does that means that the attacker can choose or is it just bad wording so that it actually means that on a 3 you got a weapon destroyed and on 4 you are immo.

06-28-2012, 02:48 AM
Is rapid fire still 12" or is it now half of max weapon range?

06-28-2012, 02:49 AM
Does anyone know how the vehicle damage chart works?
I've read several times that on 3-4 it is weapon destroyes/immobilized
Does that means that the attacker can choose or is it just bad wording so that it actually means that on a 3 you got a weapon destroyed and on 4 you are immo.

4 is weapon Dest and 5 is Immo.

Is rapid fire still 12" or is it now half of max weapon range?


06-28-2012, 02:50 AM
Confirm something for me plz;
On the expanded chart, is it actually CALLED an allies chart?

I am getting a crazy idea that we maybe able to fill this expanded chart with our own units.

3 HQ and 7+ Troops?

06-28-2012, 03:00 AM
3 HQ and 7+ Troops?

My >>!Theory!<< is that you can fill the expanded chart with your own units. If this is true then 'nids are not as nerfed by this rule. Everyone keeps calling it the allies detachment and I was curious if this was the actual name for it. I have seen at least one other person call it by a different name.

Expanded chart being
Required 1 HQ, 1 Troop
Optional 1 elite, 1 troop, 1 FA, 1 Hvy

06-28-2012, 03:01 AM
allied detachments must be a different codex to the one used tor the primary detachment

Vehicle damage table (only for penetrating hits, glancing hits only take off 1 hull point)

1-2 Shaken
the vehicle can only snap fire until the end of its next turn

3 stunned
can only snap fire and cannot move until the end of its next turn.if the vehicle is a zooming flyer it instead can only move 18'' and cannot turn

4 weapon destroyed
same as 5ed

5 immobilised
same as 5ed and any more immobilised results suffered remove an additional hull point.

6 explodes
same as 5ed

06-28-2012, 03:05 AM
the Force Organisation Chart is made up of ;

Primary Detachment(Required)
Allied Detachment(Optional)

06-28-2012, 03:27 AM
I've seen conflicting information everywhere, can someone confirm 100% if a normal force with allies can have 2hq, 3 elites, 6 troops, 3 fast, 3 heavy as well as 1hq, 1elite, 2troops,1fast and 1heavy taken from an allies codex or do allies replace normal slots?
Finally do allies that aren't battle brothers act as enemy units for rallying falling back units?

06-28-2012, 03:32 AM
iv just skimmed over the fluff, but so far its the same, so no tau and ultramarines are not allies per say :p

also just reading it seems to be the dawn of an evolution for mankind, the psykers are evolved humans and more and more are appearing everyday it also says that if humans can survive this change that it will bring forth a new golden age for mankind.

so this is the dark before the return to ultimate imperial power you could say :p and the dark is the era in which we are battling now and is were 6th edition is based for the story line.

so basically Magnus was right all along? That's a kick in the teeth

06-28-2012, 03:45 AM
I've seen conflicting information everywhere, can someone confirm 100% if a normal force with allies can have 2hq, 3 elites, 6 troops, 3 fast, 3 heavy as well as 1hq, 1elite, 2troops,1fast and 1heavy taken from an allies codex or do allies replace normal slots?
thats right. the allies have thers own slots, don't replace.
Finally do allies that aren't battle brothers act as enemy units for rallying falling back units?
There are 3 types of allies

Battle Brothers; allies are treated as friendly units. can be joined by allied independent characters.
are counted as friendly units for psychic powers, abilities and so on.
cannot embark in allied transports

Allies of Convenience; are treated as enemy units that cannot be charged, shot, targeted with psychic powers or have templates or blast markers placed over them .cannot be joined by allied independent characters.

Desperate Allies; treated exactly like Allies of Convenience and the allied units are non-scoring, non-denial. In addition the One Eye Open special rule. at the start of your movement phases, each unit within 6'' of a Desperate Ally unit must roll a d6- on a roll of a 1, that unit cannot move, shoot, run, or assault that turn

06-28-2012, 04:00 AM
Finally do allies that aren't battle brothers act as enemy units for rallying falling back units?

I have heard that this rule has been removed from 6E.

06-28-2012, 04:04 AM
Thanks for clearing up the FOC issue but with allies of convenience, am I right that if for example my grey knight henchmen fall back they can't regroup if within 6inches of a tactical marine?

Edit: just seen wraths reply, really hope you're right

06-28-2012, 04:14 AM
How Tau pulse rifle works now ? are they shot twice at 12" or at half range ? Half range

Someone in a French forum post a table showing that armies of 2000 + points have twice more FOC choice and restrictions than now, ie : 2-4 HQ, 0-6 Elites, 4-12 troops, 0-6 fast and 0-6 heavy. is it true ?
Above a total of 1,999 points, the force organisation chart becomes a very limiting factor.
this being the case, if you're playing a game of 2,000 points or more , you can take an additional primary detachment

yep 2000+ points and you get the second FOC

had a game last night, 2 vs 2 with 1500 points each. was crazy to start with but once we had wiped out half of each others armies it was a lot more easier to manage.

all i can say is a full 50 man imp guard detachment in cover with a sanguinary priest supplying FNP takes forever to kill lol

06-28-2012, 04:20 AM
yep 2000+ points and you get the second FOC

had a game last night, 2 vs 2 with 1500 points each. was crazy to start with but once we had wiped out half of each others armies it was a lot more easier to manage.

all i can say is a full 50 man imp guard detachment in cover with a sanguinary priest supplying FNP takes forever to kill lol

This is one of the reasons I don't like allies. Bent as combos like this!

06-28-2012, 04:29 AM
Some of these rules are preposterous. No charging out of reserves? I hope the DE and Ork codices FAQ that. Can't keep more than 50% of your army in reserve? Oh, you got 2nd turn against mech IG. So sad.

Thanks for the updates.

06-28-2012, 04:44 AM
are you allowed to ally with yourself? this may sound ridiculous but i was wondering about a 2k Necron army and then using 6 Heavy Support (from Doubled FOC) and 2 Allied Heavy (im assuming the allied FOC doubles too) to allow me to take 8 Annihiliation Barges......

06-28-2012, 04:44 AM
This is one of the reasons I don't like allies. Bent as combos like this!

yep i can foresee a lot of major douchery to come in to games with the brothers in arms alliances, we all made our armies then randomised teams last night. being able to count as the same army for abilities is ridiculous

06-28-2012, 04:45 AM
are you allowed to ally with yourself? this may sound ridiculous but i was wondering about a 2k Necron army and then using 6 Heavy Support (from Doubled FOC) and 2 Allied Heavy (im assuming the allied FOC doubles too) to allow me to take 8 Annihiliation Barges......

nope can not ally with your self

06-28-2012, 04:49 AM
Some of these rules are preposterous. No charging out of reserves? I hope the DE and Ork codices FAQ that. Can't keep more than 50% of your army in reserve? Oh, you got 2nd turn against mech IG. So sad.

Thanks for the updates.
Where did you see this? The original poster said:

"reserves come on just like 5th EXCEPT i cant find were it says they do or dont get to assault the turn they move on, it does say it just move the model onto the board using there movement."

Why assume it would not allow them to assault?

06-28-2012, 05:18 AM
Do they still only give +1 attack when used with another PF/PK?? because I gotta tell you, thats what I hated the most on 5th edition, it killed the effectiveness of every Nob and Boss in 50%!! :(

Also, I don't quite understand the new vehicle damage table, does this means that I can destroy a land raider only with 4 glancings? (since it looses 1 hull point on every glancing) and when do I use the table? only for penetrant hits?

Thanks! :)

06-28-2012, 05:19 AM
Hmm, how are the 2000+pts FoC exactly:

a) 2000pts for the first foc, and then whatever left (500-1500pts for example) to the second FoC
- Result: 2x 2HQ, 6Troop, 3Elite, 3Heavy, 3Fast

b) If the game size is more than 2k, you get to expand the FoC
- Result: 4x HQ, 12Troop, 6Elite, 6Heavy, 6Fast

EDIT: And is it minimum of 2x or 4x troops?

There is a major difference in some cases..

Also, does 2000+pts doubling effect also affect Allies slots:
Totalling 2HQ, 4Troop, 2Elite, 2Heavy, 2Fast

And what about Fortifications? Are they separate 'extra' FoC entry, or do you get to take 2 Fortress of Redemptions aswell?

Clarifications very much appreciated. (as well as all your thus far contributions!)

06-28-2012, 05:23 AM
Also, I don't quite understand the new vehicle damage table, does this means that I can destroy a land raider only with 4 glancings? (since it looses 1 hull point on every glancing) and when do I use the table? only for penetrant hits?

Thanks! :)

indeed that is the case

not looking forward to playing necrons with these rules

06-28-2012, 05:27 AM
Hmm, how are the 2000+pts FoC exactly:

a) 2000pts for the first foc, and then whatever left (500-1500pts for example) to the second FoC
- Result: 2x 2HQ, 6Troop, 3Elite, 3Heavy, 3Fast

b) If the game size is more than 2k, you get to expand the FoC
- Result: 4x HQ, 12Troop, 6Elite, 6Heavy, 6Fast

EDIT: And is it minimum of 2x or 4x troops?

There is a major difference in some cases..

Also, does 2000+pts doubling effect also affect Allies slots:
Totalling 2HQ, 4Troop, 2Elite, 2Heavy, 2Fast

And what about Fortifications? Are they separate 'extra' FoC entry, or do you get to take 2 Fortress of Redemptions aswell?

Clarifications very much appreciated. (as well as all your thus far contributions!)

2000+ is 2 FOC with the min/max of each so 4x HQ, 12Troop, 6Elite, 6Heavy, 6Fast - min 2 hq 4 troop
and if i read it right its the same with allies you can take one ally FOC per 'primary' FOC

06-28-2012, 05:28 AM
Hmm, how are the 2000+pts FoC exactly:

a) 2000pts for the first foc, and then whatever left (500-1500pts for example) to the second FoC
- Result: 2x 2HQ, 6Troop, 3Elite, 3Heavy, 3Fast

b) If the game size is more than 2k, you get to expand the FoC
- Result: 4x HQ, 12Troop, 6Elite, 6Heavy, 6Fast

EDIT: And is it minimum of 2x or 4x troops?

There is a major difference in some cases..

Also, does 2000+pts doubling effect also affect Allies slots:
Totalling 2HQ, 4Troop, 2Elite, 2Heavy, 2Fast

And what about Fortifications? Are they separate 'extra' FoC entry, or do you get to take 2 Fortress of Redemptions aswell?

Clarifications very much appreciated. (as well as all your thus far contributions!)

From people who have books in hand it reads like this.

Option one at 2k: Normal FOC + Allies FOC (Allies FOC is 1 HQ 1-2 Troops 0-1 Elite/Fast/Heavy)

Option two at 2k: Normal FOC + Normal FOC (yes double the required units)

06-28-2012, 05:39 AM
a-ha, so it is a choice! either a double FOC or using Allies? how does this transpose to sub-2k games?

06-28-2012, 05:45 AM
a-ha, so it is a choice! either a double FOC or using Allies? how does this transpose to sub-2k games?

Allies are the only option in sub 2k, but to be honest I don't know how fortification fit in there. I think you might be hard pressed to fit an decent amount of allies in less then 2k with the normal FOC HQ+ 2 Troops and then Allies HQ +1 Troop.

Overall I like this set up, I don't think allies will break the tourney scene as long as the points stay below 2k, but above 2k (where I find games are a little more fun) the allies add an interesting and even more fun dimension to the game.

06-28-2012, 05:49 AM
Where did you see this? The original poster said:

"reserves come on just like 5th EXCEPT i cant find were it says they do or dont get to assault the turn they move on, it does say it just move the model onto the board using there movement."

Why assume it would not allow them to assault?

This is why:

Reserve rules are;

when deploying their army, players can choose not to deploy up to half of there units(rounding uo) keeping them as reserves to arrive later. units that must start the game in reserve are ignored for the pourposes of working out how many other units may do so.a unit and its dedicated transport are counted as a single unit for these purposes.

Reserve rolls are 3+ each turn and arrive automatically on turn 4.

Unless stated otherwise, a unit cannot charge, or use any abilities or special rules that must be used at the start of theturn, in the turn it arrives from reserve.

06-28-2012, 05:54 AM
indeed that is the case

not looking forward to playing necrons with these rules

Me neither! :D

06-28-2012, 05:57 AM
So Fearless is the same as it was in 5th? In a word: &#$*!!!!!

06-28-2012, 06:00 AM
This is why:

Good bye Snikrot and his Kommandos... :(

06-28-2012, 06:04 AM
How does the "Skilled Rider" USR work for things like jump infantry and bikes/jetbikes in 6th?

06-28-2012, 06:05 AM
And a lot of DE WWP portal lists
And Outflanking Genestealers

Why can't you assault out of reserve? That just makes no sense

"Sorry boys, that invisible line we crossed a minute ago shocked us so much we forgot how to stab people"

Skilled Rider adds +1 to your Jink save. So maybe no more rerolling dangerous terrain tests

06-28-2012, 06:15 AM
Damn. Skilled rider +1 jink save? My Reavers are going to 3++ after bladevaning??? With my fortuning farseer thats going to be awesome!

06-28-2012, 06:37 AM
all i can say is a full 50 man imp guard detachment in cover with a sanguinary priest supplying FNP takes forever to kill lol

Damn. Skilled rider +1 jink save? My Reavers are going to 3++ after bladevaning??? With my fortuning farseer thats going to be awesome!

Yep nothing to worry about with allies ... after all the competitive players told me it was all going to be a-ok. That none of this kind of douchebaggery would happen. Nope.

Diagnosis Ninja
06-28-2012, 06:45 AM
And I'm still amazed that people are missing the bit in Fortune which says "Eldar unit", not "friendly", like other things in the game have.

Don't go betting everything on getting that 3+ rerollable cover. Wait for the FAQ. And the actual rulebook, I suppose.

06-28-2012, 07:01 AM
And I'm still amazed that people are missing the bit in Fortune which says "Eldar unit", not "friendly", like other things in the game have.

last i checked it was Dark ELDAR not Dark Space Elves Not Really Eldar at All might not matter that much but they are both eldar units

06-28-2012, 07:08 AM
I now have the book and am answering questions over at my the Tyranid Hive forum


If anyone was interested.

EDIT: Clarity: Sorry, I say 'my' forum, I just mean it's my preferred online hobby forum, not that I own or help run it.

06-28-2012, 07:25 AM
Yep nothing to worry about with allies ... after all the competitive players told me it was all going to be a-ok. That none of this kind of douchebaggery would happen. Nope.

can someone explain to me why dark eldar and eldar are battle brothers? Aren't they like enemies or some ****?

06-28-2012, 07:27 AM
Can you give details on the Deployment types/ missions?

06-28-2012, 07:36 AM
is there clarification on the 40k designated Forgeworld modals?
are they in or not?

06-28-2012, 07:41 AM
Newer FW books say they can be used with permission. Thats not likely to change

FW have pulled their PDF's for the time being to edit

06-28-2012, 07:42 AM
is there clarification on the 40k designated Forgeworld modals?
are they in or not?

I would also like to know about this, the new Ork Flyers are ok (specially the Dakkajet!) but on forge world versions my boomers had WAY MORE DECENT missiles and rules, I mean I had Hunter Killer Missiles and now I have S5 AP4 Burna Rokkits?? WTF?? :(

06-28-2012, 07:44 AM
Again... does anybody knows anything about power klaws and power fists? are they still need to be used with another PK/PF to get the extra attack? this is really important to me guys :(

Diagnosis Ninja
06-28-2012, 07:45 AM
last i checked it was Dark ELDAR not Dark Space Elves Not Really Eldar at All might not matter that much but they are both eldar units
there's a difference between a Ford car and a Skoda car, but they're both still cars, right? "Dark Eldar" could just as easily denote something which is different to "Eldar". It could be something which affects Skoda's and not Fords, or it could be something which affects cars.

Like I said, wait for the FAQ.

06-28-2012, 07:56 AM
Just founf this on youtube:


06-28-2012, 08:00 AM
last i checked it was Dark ELDAR not Dark Space Elves Not Really Eldar at All might not matter that much but they are both eldar units

Dark Eldar and Eldar are different things.

Same way as a terminator and terminator sergeant are different, You can't give a terminator sergeant a assault cannon after all. So no Guide will not work with Dark Eldar. Eldar are Eldar not dark eldar.

06-28-2012, 08:04 AM
there's a difference between a Ford car and a Skoda car, but they're both still cars, right? "Dark Eldar" could just as easily denote something which is different to "Eldar". It could be something which affects Skoda's and not Fords, or it could be something which affects cars.

Like I said, wait for the FAQ.

But Dark Eldars and Eldars hate each other... right? is almost like Orks and Hummies....... right?

Battle brothers?? does not make sense to me sorry...

06-28-2012, 08:10 AM
Just founf this on youtube:


The Rulebook looks very nice... The new Psychic powers are for everybody? or only for SM, CSM and IG? Maybe something new for my Weirdboy? :)

06-28-2012, 08:19 AM
Physic powers are lsited elsewhere. Different armies can take different ones

Orks can't take any as you're too different in the way you generate powers

06-28-2012, 08:20 AM
But Dark Eldars and Eldars hate each other... right? is almost like Orks and Hummies....... right?

Battle brothers?? does not make sense to me sorry...

Not as much as they hate all the non-Eldar races.

Archon Charybdis
06-28-2012, 08:29 AM
But Dark Eldars and Eldars hate each other... right? is almost like Orks and Hummies....... right?

Not particularly. They don't necessarily like each other--they both think the other is doing Eldar-ing wrong-- but in more recent fluff they join forces as much or more often than they fight. Allies of convenience would probably more accurately represent the fluff, but I expect they didn't want DE to have no Battle Brother options. And of course, it's a good way to boost sales by encouraging people to dabble who otherwise might not buy DE or Eldar models.

Damn. Skilled rider +1 jink save? My Reavers are going to 3++ after bladevaning??? With my fortuning farseer thats going to be awesome!

Reavers already had a 3+ cover save when turboboosting, the only concern is if now Skilled Rider doesn't give the re-roll to dangerous terrain.

Diagnosis Ninja
06-28-2012, 08:32 AM
But Dark Eldars and Eldars hate each other... right? is almost like Orks and Hummies....... right?

Battle brothers?? does not make sense to me sorry...

I don't ever remember words "they hate each other" being paraphrased anywhere. Sure, I haven't read everything, but I'm fairly sure that some Dark Eldar hate some Eldar and vice versa, but I'm fairly sure that there'll be some who don't mind each other.

In the grim darkness of the 41st millenium, there are only sweeping generalisations and nobody who gets on.

Or not.

06-28-2012, 08:49 AM
is almost like Orks and Hummies....... right?

On a side note, the Blood Axe clan is well known for it's mercenary habits. There are many fringe worlds of the Imperium that will hire them to help fight their wars. Tau are also likely employers. In either case give the Blood Axes enough guns and vehicles, point them to something else to fight, and you've got yourself a decent ally. The bigger that *something else* is, the less likely the Blood Axes will double-cross you.

06-28-2012, 08:55 AM
On a side note, the Blood Axe clan is well known for it's mercenary habits. There are many fringe worlds of the Imperium that will hire them to help fight their wars. Tau are also likely employers. In either case give the Blood Axes enough guns and vehicles, point them to something else to fight, and you've got yourself a decent ally. The bigger that *something else* is, the less likely the Blood Axes will double-cross you.

mmmm... I will have to start looking at Hummies like a considerable option then... :D

But on other topic... has anyone read about the power klaw thing? does it still need another PK to add the extra attack? please Im dying here! :(

Diagnosis Ninja
06-28-2012, 08:57 AM
mmmm... I will have to start looking at Hummies like a considerable option then... :D

But on other topic... has anyone read about the power klaw thing? does it still need another PK to add the extra attack? please Im dying here! :(
unwieldy special rule: Needs a matching weapon.

06-28-2012, 09:13 AM
unwieldy special rule: Needs a matching weapon.


So sad... :(

06-28-2012, 09:16 AM
unwieldy special rule: Needs a matching weapon.

This is incorrect. Unwieldly strikes at I1. 'Specialist weapon' is the USR that means you don't get an extra cc attack unless the other cc weapon also has 'Specialist weapon'. So it seems a powerfist/ lightining claw will gain an extra attack, for example, as both weapons have 'specialist weapon'.

06-28-2012, 09:18 AM
I have a feeling the Eldar/Dark eldar alliance will get explained in the lore. It could be justified, considering the Eldar are still declining, and getting more desperate. The eldar are the only members of their race that's left, so they may start teaming up out of necessity. They're not given over to chaos like the marines are. Chaos is anathema to humanity and sentient life in general. Dark Eldar are just pirate space elves that got into some pretty weird stuff in their city of hedonism.
Are they bad guys? Do most Eldar hate them? yeah, of course, buy they can be reasoned with, and they want to survive just as well as the Eldar themselves do.

Think of it this way...if it was the height of WW2 and the aliens attacked earth, you bet your *** the ****s and the Allies would be tight friends in short order. When it comes to it they're the same race and that comes above all else, especially if you're as xenophobic as the Eldar.

06-28-2012, 09:20 AM
This is incorrect. Unwieldly strikes at I1. 'Specialist weapon' is the USR that means you don't get an extra cc attack unless the other cc weapon also has 'Specialist weapon'. So it seems a powerfist/ lightining claw will gain an extra attack, for example, as both weapons have 'specialist weapon'.

I believe they have to match type. needs to be 2x PF or 2x Claw.

06-28-2012, 09:21 AM
Is there a formal definition of casualties? Meaning, are Destroyed, Wiped Out, Crushed, Killed, Removed, Removed from Play, Removed from Play as a Casualty all treated the same way as far as what secondary effects/rules they may trigger?



06-28-2012, 09:21 AM
I believe they have to match type. needs to be 2x PF or 2x Claw.

This is not mentioned in the Specialist weapon USR.

06-28-2012, 09:24 AM
Wasn't unwieldy I1?

/Edit: I Was so slow! :)

06-28-2012, 09:24 AM
This is not mentioned in the Specialist weapon USR.

if i remember correctly its worded strangely, you need to have 2 specialist weapons to gain the +1 attack, doesnt have to be the same type. will badger my mate with the rulebook and try to get back to you

06-28-2012, 09:27 AM
Is there a formal definition of casualties? Meaning, are Destroyed, Wiped Out, Crushed, Killed, Removed, Removed from Play, Removed from Play as a Casualty all treated the same way as far as what secondary effects/rules they may trigger?



Not that I can find by the index entries for 'casualties' or 'removing casualties'.

06-28-2012, 09:27 AM
if i remember correctly its worded strangely, you need to have 2 specialist weapons to gain the +1 attack, doesnt have to be the same type. will badger my mate with the rulebook and try to get back to you

I'm looking at the rulebook =) It's not in the USR; just says must be using another weapon with 'specialist weapon'

06-28-2012, 09:32 AM
I'm looking at the rulebook =) It's not in the USR; just says must be using another weapon with 'specialist weapon'

ah ha cheers thought so (by same type i meant 2 weapons that had the USR not identical weapons)

Blood Lord Soldado
06-28-2012, 09:36 AM
Has anyone seen any updates / changes to tank shocking?

Inquiring deff rollas want to know!

06-28-2012, 09:41 AM
Hey, just wanted to double check something; CC attacks made by a weapon with the "Unwieldy" rule means they attack at I1?

06-28-2012, 09:43 AM
Hey, just wanted to double check something; CC attacks made by a weapon with the "Unwieldy" rule means they attack at I1?

yes, unless its a walker or monstrous creature

06-28-2012, 09:57 AM
The Eldar+DEldar=best chums thing is more a sales vehicle rather than based on fluff or balance.

Fluff wise, it had long been established that DEldar take particular pleasure and delight in killing their craftworkd kin or seeing them die in the arenas.

Both Eldar will work with each other, but they both work with the IoM too, does that justify them being battle brothers as well?

In terms of balance, the choice to make those two BB also jars since both are armies that benefit massively from powers and special rules, and allowing their powers and special rules to cross buff each other open up scope for massive abuse. This is but no means scientific, but most of the most 'broken' combos people have suggested so far are Eldar+DEldar hybrids.

Maybe it's hype, and maybe FAQs will clear things up, but at present, that choice ( and Tyranids not having any allied options) see like the biggest missteps of the allied system.

06-28-2012, 10:00 AM
Could someone confirm whether or not it is possible to assault out of Outflank? I've seen it as both yes and no on boards today. Thanks!

06-28-2012, 10:03 AM
So the Dark Eldar saved Iyanden from an Ork Waagh in the DE codex of November 2010 to boost sales in 6th edition 2012?:p Dark Eldar are incredibly selfish but while they regard the Dark Eldar with the same kind of uncomfortable contempt with which we treat our overtly religious relatives. There is certainly some level of minor conflict between the two but no more than there is within Dark Eldar society. In fact, significantly less. In fact we have no mention that I recall of large scale conflict between DE and CE, incontrast we know that Craftworlds go to war with each other, just very, very rarely.

Also people are looking at allies the wrong way. The allies chart doesn't represent formal alliances between races, it represents how far armies are going to go when applying 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' during a battle.

06-28-2012, 10:05 AM
Could someone confirm whether or not it is possible to assault out of Outflank? I've seen it as both yes and no on boards today. Thanks!

Can confirm NO assault if arriving from reserves including outflank. Restriction not in Outflank USR, but outflank USR says otherwise exactly as per arriving form reserves, and restriction is in reserves.

06-28-2012, 10:07 AM
There is a foot note of "unless allowed by a special rule" yes? Im thinking Ymgarls!

06-28-2012, 10:08 AM
Can confirm NO assault if arriving from reserves including outflank. Restriction not in Outflank USR, but outflank USR says otherwise exactly as per arriving form reserves, and restriction is in reserves.

So there is no override of the restriction in the Outflank description, gotcha. That explains the confusion on the boards. Thanks for the quick answer, even if it is not the one my poor genestealers wanted!

06-28-2012, 10:20 AM
There is a foot note of "unless allowed by a special rule" yes? Im thinking Ymgarls!

Your wording is close enough for now. Yes, Ymgarls + Vanguard can still play.

06-28-2012, 10:28 AM
What happens to infantry in a vehicle that is destroyed? I know that for flyers they all take a S10 hit. What about ground vehicles? Does wrecked have a different effect than explodes?

06-28-2012, 10:31 AM
What happens to infantry in a vehicle that is destroyed? I know that for flyers they all take a S10 hit. What about ground vehicles? Does wrecked have a different effect than explodes?

wrecked you get out safely, are placed within 3" and take a pinning test
explode result causes a str 4 ap- hit on everyone, models are placed where vehicle was (also place a crater) and then take a pinning test

06-28-2012, 10:36 AM
wrecked you get out safely, are placed within 3" and take a pinning test
explode result causes a str 4 ap- hit on everyone, models are placed where vehicle was (also place a crater) and then take a pinning test

This, no mention of crater that I could see though.

06-28-2012, 10:39 AM
This, no mention of crater that I could see though.

you can choose scattered wreckage (area terrain) or a crater of the same size as the vehicle

06-28-2012, 10:45 AM
you can choose scattered wreckage (area terrain) or a crater of the same size as the vehicle

Right you are sorry I was on the wrong page.

06-28-2012, 10:48 AM
More confirmation questions... is fleet roll "one OR MORE" dice on run and charge? Ie, I roll a 6 and 1 on my charge and needed an 8, I can choose to reroll only the 1?

06-28-2012, 10:53 AM
More confirmation questions... is fleet roll "one OR MORE" dice on run and charge? Ie, I roll a 6 and 1 on my charge and needed an 8, I can choose to reroll only the 1?

Its only one. So you could choose the 1 but not the 6 as well.

06-28-2012, 11:05 AM
Its only one. So you could choose the 1 but not the 6 as well.

Huh. At the risk of being a pest, could you double-check that? Most everyone else recently has been saying 'reroll assault distance', not just one die.

06-28-2012, 11:15 AM
Huh. At the risk of being a pest, could you double-check that? Most everyone else recently has been saying 'reroll assault distance', not just one die.

it allows you to reroll 1 or more dice when running or assaulting, your choice

06-28-2012, 11:22 AM
it allows you to reroll 1 or more dice when running or assaulting, your choice

Imma let you and Guidebot fight it out now. ;)

06-28-2012, 11:30 AM
it allows you to reroll 1 or more dice when running or assaulting, your choice

No this is correct. I didn't see that first time. Well. That's a bit better than I thought it was; hooray!

06-28-2012, 11:34 AM
No this is correct. I didn't see that first time. Well. That's a bit better than I thought it was; hooray!

W00T! That will make fleet charges significantly more reliable.

06-28-2012, 11:51 AM
yeah, that makes fleet quite bankable actually. good thing, as fleet units usually die when they dont make it, and the fact that they can measure now is a nice boost. cool!

06-28-2012, 11:53 AM
For Tyranid players everywhere: can you use Smash to double your strength on Vector Strike flyover attacks?

06-28-2012, 11:55 AM
For Tyranid players everywhere: can you use Smash to double your strength on Vector Strike flyover attacks?

And can Vector Strike be used against Zooming Flyers?

06-28-2012, 12:00 PM
For Tyranid players everywhere: can you use Smash to double your strength on Vector Strike flyover attacks?


smash only affects cc attacks, vector strike is a separate special rule that is worked out in the movement phase

06-28-2012, 12:02 PM

smash only affects cc attacks, vector strike is a separate special rule that is worked out in the movement phase

I don't like the sounds of that, with the loss of 2D6 armour pen. for MCs.... :(