View Full Version : 6th ed Physic Powers

06-27-2012, 04:50 AM
Ok so this was already quoted elsewhere, but it deserves it own thread cos its pretty important

Seems pretty fair...not much in the way of bad powers.

BUT i'm not sure these are genuine? Because WD talks about a power that effects vehicles, that you should always swap just in case you end up against Nids. And i don't see anything like that in the list

Red is my comments :P

from dakkadakka's rattman

ok so pyschic powers
primary power is a basic smite

caster gets D3 str and toughness
target unit get -1 str and toughness - Rad grenades for everyone!
target unit get FNP
assault 2 every unsaved would heals one off caster
pysker get +d3 init
target makes toughness test or take 1 wound no save, if slain jumps to model with in 2' and make save. continue till someone saves or no targets left - Argh! Virus bombs!

primary target unit rerolls failed hits - Eldar guide power now for everyone!
psycher and unit gain counter attack and get full BS for overwatch
target unit gain 4++
target unit must reroll passed armor saves - Inverse Fortune? Could be good!
psycher and unit ignore cover - Good against dug in units...or fast vehicles
psyker rerolls failed failed hits, wounds and armor saves - And Eldar fortune+
psyker roll 3 dicechoose the result you want when rolling for reserves, outflank and mysterious terrain - WINNING!

pyromancy unsuprisingly lots of fire!
primary flame breath (flamer)
psyker gains 4+ invo
target unit gains 4+ cover save
flame attack assault 1, sould blaze (no idea) blast, ignore cover
target model takes 1 wound , no armor or cover save allowed, place small blast template anyone hit takes a str 4 ap 5 hit
assault 2d6, blind, ignore cover attack - Blind?
str 8, ap 1 assault 1, melta

assault 1 str 6 . strikedown (halves init and target moves as if its dangerous terrain)
roll 2d6 target takes hit equal to strength (11 or 12 auto wound) ap is equal to seperate dice roll
remove models from table, deepstrike within 24 inchs of where they were - can they then assault? Or just last turn objective snatching
hostile unit must reroll hits and wounds of 6
assault D6 pinning attack
all friendlies with 12 inchs get 5++
str 10, heavy 1 blast - good, as longas it don't backfire...dno't try using this against Eldar

primary 3d6 - target leadership wounds to target unit
target unit has to make leadership roll or do nothing - A pinning test then?
target freindly stops falling back and gets fearless
hostile model makes an attack as if it owned by psyker - Depends on war gear limitations..and in C or Ranged?
target hostile losses fearless and treats all units as fear causing - He he he he....making demons run from combat
invisibility gains shrouding and stealth, hostiles charged by this unit lose counter attack and fight at WS 1 - could be great for units in cover
roll on table 1-2 unit pinned, 3-4 cannot run, shoot or stirke blows 5-6 attack own unit

What are your thoughts?

And just in case you missed it, or want to know what you can take....Powers Chart!


06-27-2012, 04:56 AM
Very interesting. Gto to remember every unit has their Ceny the Witch saves, so these may not bas quite as devastating as they might appear. Especially if you have enough psychcic hoods floating around.

Also, Telepathy power may not just be a pinning test. In 5th Ed, pinned units go to ground (may change, not sure). This might mean they are just standing up in the open, unable to move and very very vulnerable.

06-27-2012, 05:23 AM
Not everyone gets physic hoods. And Deny the Witch....and as anyone with Kroot, Wyches, Sisters or Wracks will tell you....how often do you manage a 6+?

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
06-27-2012, 05:32 AM
Not everyone gets physic hoods. And Deny the Witch....and as anyone with Kroot, Wyches, Sisters or Wracks will tell you....how often do you manage a 6+?

If you're me, quite a lot. (Mr. Average Breaker over here!)

I like the new psychic powers, should chop up the game a lot. Add variety.

06-27-2012, 06:15 AM
From what i gather, i believe eldar farseers may be psyker mastery level 4. this would allow them to use two warp charge 2 powers or four warp charge 1 powers.

I think.

06-27-2012, 07:06 AM
That'd be pretty good. I expected them to be 2, 3 if thye buy Spirit Stones, and Eldrad at 4.

Each of the Lores has a general theme i must say

Biomancy - Stat Line Changes
Divination- My favourite i think. Improving you, making your unit better than they should be
Pyromancy - Blunt tool for smashing people with.
Telekenis - Direct hits against the enemy. Hurting
Telepathy - Mind powers (unsuprisingly). Leaderships buffs and affected the table around you

06-27-2012, 07:12 AM
So basically a bunch of powers that we as Eldar already have, we get to choose from again? Thats rich.

06-27-2012, 07:13 AM
So Pyromancy & Telekenis are going to be the easiest ones to use, with teh buffing ones the hardest and possibly best (obviously it is all situational though)

06-27-2012, 07:55 AM
So basically a bunch of powers that we as Eldar already have, we get to choose from again? Thats rich.

Yep. It annoys the hell out of me for a few reasons

1) No unique ness anymore really
2) We have to pay for codex powers, then give them up, to get acess to the same powers marines get for free

When Eldar get a new book....urgh....we had better be awesome. our own lore or such kickass codex power we wouldn't even consider swapping

06-27-2012, 08:00 AM
1) We will get our own discipline in our next book
2) We get more powers and thus more chance of getting the ones we want and we still have the option to buy some so we can rely on getting things we need.

Honestly given how powerful Ghosthelm and our Runes are now if our Farseers are Mastery 4 to boot they are the best in the game. We can increase the odds of perils much more and thanks to Ghosthelm we get the only save against them.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
06-27-2012, 08:05 AM
eldargal is excite! :p

06-27-2012, 08:13 AM
1) We will get our own discipline in our next book
2) We get more powers and thus more chance of getting the ones we want and we still have the option to buy some so we can rely on getting things we need.

Honestly given how powerful Ghosthelm and our Runes are now if our Farseers are Mastery 4 to boot they are the best in the game. We can increase the odds of perils much more and thanks to Ghosthelm we get the only save against them.

I get that - but my complaint is that the fact that the powers are randomly generated, you could very well end up with a power that is a near duplicate of one you already have.

Plus, given how ridiculously powerful perils of the warp is now, and considering the nerf to Psy hoods... I fully expect that our Runes of Warding will get hit with a big ole nerf bat in a forthcoming FAQ.

06-27-2012, 08:24 AM
It's possible, but a bunch of things like holofields could be made useful in the FAQ too, no point assumung further nerfs there.

If they are randomly generated you re-roll duplicates and farseers at least can take one or more from each discipline if they want.

06-27-2012, 08:29 AM
What I'm saying EG, is that if I buy fortune, guide and mindwar, then trade in mindwar for a telepathy power that gives me the generic version of "guide" then All I get is a farseer that can cast guide twice :P

06-27-2012, 08:33 AM
Well you can't trade in one power apparantly. Its all in or nothing.

Also according to WD its only Farseers who can trade in. Warlocks are stuck with their powers

06-27-2012, 08:41 AM
Eldar farseer's might become an Allies fad, for those who can take em, if they're getting their proper psyker power levels.:D

06-27-2012, 08:44 AM
Thing is Eldar are only battle brothers with DE and Tau, so their powers can only affect these 2 armies. So no fortuning Grey Knights at least

Which brings in a new question....if the power affects the enemy units, not you (say the new "inverse fortune" thing can your allied units benefit from it if you're not best buds allies?

06-27-2012, 08:47 AM
Well you can't trade in one power apparantly. Its all in or nothing.

Also according to WD its only Farseers who can trade in. Warlocks are stuck with their powers

I see.

Well this makes the new powers pretty worthless to me then as I typically build a list where the farseer supports the army with his powers.

Oh well. I guess its a new era and I'll have to adapt.

Eldar farseer's might become an Allies fad, for those who can take em, if they're getting their proper psyker power levels.

Yeah - the "bring a farseer to work day" might be a trend that will be made possible via a stupid ally system.

The more the WAAC crowd tries to convince me that allies are good, the more suspicious of it I get.

That article on the front page by Reece was summed up quite nicely by a commenter:

This article reads like a coke addict telling you that everything is fine, with white powder on thier face and blood coming out of thier eyes.

Thing is Eldar are only battle brothers with DE and Tau, so their powers can't affect the allied units

Yeah- but how many Farseers sporting nothing but Runes of Warding do you think we'll see?

06-27-2012, 08:52 AM
Fairlysure Eldar and DArk Eldar/Tau are brothers in arms.

06-27-2012, 08:55 AM
Brothers in arms is what i meant. The top tier of buddyness. I've edited my post cos what i typed and what i meant were 2 different things. I meant to say can only affect those 2 armies, not all the rest...

As for just runes of Warding Farseers....urgh. But don't think its possible cos they have to buy one power at least.

06-27-2012, 10:18 AM
As for just runes of Warding Farseers....urgh. But don't think its possible cos they have to buy one power at least.

Also a unit of Troops as well, so that RoW Farseer is going to cost between 150 and 200 points!
I don't know actual points costs.

06-27-2012, 10:52 AM
Sorry to disturb the Eldar discussion ;) but as an Ork player I wonder if my enemies also get the "Deny the Witch" rule when I use one of the powers described in the Ork Codex (cause I can't use the 5 new disciplines)

Ork powers are already not really a certainty (the Weirboy's head may explode for example), so whenever he manages to cast something usefull, the enemy will aditionally get a special save to stop the casting or what ???

Does anybody know more about this ??

Anyways, just wondering about that... still going to use him though. It will be even more epic when he casts a game winning power :D :D

06-27-2012, 02:40 PM
So im assuming when you select a discipline you automatically get the primary power plus whatever power you roll for randomly. is this how it works in fantasy?

Mr Mystery
06-27-2012, 02:49 PM
Not everyone gets physic hoods. And Deny the Witch....and as anyone with Kroot, Wyches, Sisters or Wracks will tell you....how often do you manage a 6+?

I make people cry when I use Tesla......

06-27-2012, 02:56 PM
Fantasy is you roll based on your power level. Power level 1 giving you one power/dice roll on the chart. If you do not like the roll, you can default to the signature spell/primary power. That's how I remember it.

06-27-2012, 03:02 PM
Fantasy is you roll based on your power level. Power level 1 giving you one power/dice roll on the chart. If you do not like the roll, you can default to the signature spell/primary power. That's how I remember it.

ahh... damn. I hate randomness.

06-27-2012, 03:04 PM
ahh... damn. I hate randomness.

There is hope though. Someone mentioned a 40k version of Loremaster, and that there were some kind of rules to get around it. If not, there is always special characters.


Maxis Lithium
06-27-2012, 04:50 PM
My Broodlord will be running Telepathy and praying he rolls a 6 for his powers. THe ability to have awesome cover and such as he advances across the table with his brood will make stealers EPIC!

06-27-2012, 07:27 PM
It sounds like you can use the powers that are available in the codex or trade those in for the new powers. So all of the psychic powers that you use will be either in the codex or in the main rule book. No partials from both spots.

06-27-2012, 09:34 PM
Eldar farseer's might become an Allies fad, for those who can take em, if they're getting their proper psyker power levels.:D

My main army is GKs, but I have a mechdar army that I've only used once or twice, and enough sisters to max out their allied foc (in case anyone's forgotten that you could ally DH/Sisters around for years). Allies means I'll actually start using them.

06-28-2012, 01:53 AM
Wow, is it just me or is Divination an absolute no-brainer if you can get it? (hint: do you have an awesome army like Space Wolves or Grey Knights? Well, here is your power... cause you poor buggers really need the boost and all.) Fantasy analogue = Lore of Shadow / Lore of Life

Telepathy and Telekinesis look about tied as distant seconds. Fantasy analogues = Death / Light / Heavens, i.e. useful for armies without access to Divination.

Biomancy and Pyromancy. Meh. Fantasy analogues = Fire / Beasts / Metal. I expect you won't see these very often, except for very particular builds (Biomancy on a tough fighty psyker wouldn't be too bad, e.g. Mephy, 'Nids)

And if the Divination powers weren't already good enough, they would seem also to circumvent most 'Deny the Witch' by being cast on friendly units.

06-28-2012, 03:21 AM
Depends on how deny the witch works. It might be if a power is cast within range of a unit, it can still be denyed

Apparantly its a 6+ normal
5+ if the unit includes a Physker (so grey knights get more protection - joys)
4+ if Physic hood in 24"

I think Divination will be used a lot. And has been said an Eldar Farseer with access to it and Runes will be a VERY common sight i think

06-28-2012, 06:07 AM
caster gets D3 str and toughness
target unit get FNP
assault 2 every unsaved would heals one off caster

Tyranid monstrous creatures just became much more difficult to kill.

06-28-2012, 07:29 AM
My IG rejoice, get a cheap Psyker with Telepathy, give my tanks stealth / cause pinning tests without having to shoot / remove fearless from annoying units like crushers (the last two are very nice when you're running Psyker Battle Squads). However, eventually everyone will get an eldar farseer as an ally just to stop psychic powers...

06-28-2012, 07:35 AM
Unfortunatly I can see Farseers and their runes taking a pretty big nerf soon to stop such tactics.

Which as an Eldar player sucks. Making a unit weaker beacuae everyone can take it is another reason allies SUCK BALLS

06-28-2012, 08:44 AM
Unfortunatly I can see Farseers and their runes taking a pretty big nerf soon to stop such tactics.

Which as an Eldar player sucks. Making a unit weaker beacuae everyone can take it is another reason allies SUCK BALLS

A Farseer with 5 Rangers will likely become a staple for quite a few armies who can take them as some kind of ally... Whether that be Orks, Tau, Dark Eldar, etc. A lot of armies are desperately seeking some measure of defense against psychic powers, and have for a long time... Yeah Allies sucks balls because it's not really going to open up that much customization or creativity in list building. There are too many situations of "You'd be stupid NOT to include -x-".

06-28-2012, 09:47 AM
ahh... damn. I hate randomness.

Wow, are you playing the wrong game!

Over here on this table we have 40k and stack of 100 small d6. Over here on this other table we have chess, or Caylus, or the "family" version of Agricola, or...

06-28-2012, 09:58 AM
Fairly sure Eldar and Dark Eldar are brothers in arms which means there powers work on each other. Also I really don't see any compelling reaso nto believe Farseers will be nerfed. They aren't OP at all and while Eldar have been treated poorly in some regards there is no real reason to assume one of the few things going for them on tabletop (that matches their background) will suddenly lose the power boost that has been given to them deliberately.

Got to admit such fatalism really is getting into the spirit of being an eldar player though, so kudos.:p

Also, even if Farseers are great, why would someone take Eldar Allies just for a farseer when you will have to take at least some of our overpriced troops as well. Seems like a waste of an Allied FOC when you could go with GK or SW or even IG and get a bucketload of tanks.

captain nurgle pants
06-28-2012, 11:07 AM
well eldrad can switch out storm power for something useful unless going against orks

06-28-2012, 11:08 AM
Depends on how deny the witch works. It might be if a power is cast within range of a unit, it can still be denyed

Apparantly its a 6+ normal
5+ if the unit includes a Physker (so grey knights get more protection - joys)
4+ if Physic hood in 24"

I think Divination will be used a lot. And has been said an Eldar Farseer with access to it and Runes will be a VERY common sight i think

6+ is the norm
5+ if you have a psyker in the squad
4+ if your psyker is a higher mastery level

psychic hoods let you use the characters deny the witch save within 6"

06-28-2012, 11:18 AM
Would taking a farseer unblock warlock bikers for DE? Because that would be an incredible combo with either tau or de.

06-28-2012, 03:50 PM
Yes it would id imagine. But i dont think they will be as good anymore

06-28-2012, 04:23 PM
Tyranid monstrous creatures just became much more difficult to kill.

It gets better than that, he left a little off for some reason

(1) Iron Arm: Warp Charge 1
Caster gets +1D3 T and S AND Eternal Warrior

(3) Endurance: Warp Charge 1
Target Friendly within 24" gets FNP AND It Will Not Die, AND Relentless

So yeah, hard to kill is going to be an understatement. I'm already imagining DoM with Iron Arm will be a nightmare to stop.

Now that I look he left a bit more off thats good for Nids as well.

(2) Enfeeble: Warp Charge 1
Range 24"

(4) Life Leech: Warp Charge 1
12" range S 6 AP 2

(5) Warp Speed: Warp Charge 1
Caster gets +1D3 I and Attacks AND Fleet

06-28-2012, 07:08 PM
dunno if anyone else has mentioned this but the list of psychic powers and disciplines is exactly that same as the new fantasy flight Only War imperial guard rpg which is kinda interesting