View Full Version : WaaaAUGhhhUST

06-26-2012, 10:55 PM
Hey Guys I don't Normally post on this forum...but please give me a second and hear me out

http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/9531/waugustcopy.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/411/waugustcopy.jpg/)

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I would Like to Personally Invite you to Join me in celebrating “WaaaAUGhhhUST”

What is WaaaAUGhhhUST? Let me Explain.
I turn 30 on August 2nd, And Anyone who knows me know I’m an Ork Through and Through! So I’m dedicating August to my Boyz! And I invite all of you to Celebrate WaaaAUGhhhUST with me! Here’s what you can do!
First Sign up to follow the Waaaaagh! @WaaaAUGhhhUST (https://twitter.com/#!/WaaaAUGhhhUST) on twitter so we can all share with each other what we do!
You can talk about Orks or do an Ork Segment on your Pod Cast/ Make a blog Post / Make a Youtube Video (or series of Videos) / Paint or Model something Orky or some Orky Terrain and Share it Via Twitter! / If you don’t Paint or Play Orks and you don’t want to support the Waaagh! Then Do something Green with the Hobby! Start using a Cloth Towel to wipe your paint off on! Don’t use disposable water cups use a glass cup (or old ashtray like I use) Do something Green! For da Boyz. What Ever you do! Let the rest of da Boyz know @WaaaAUGhhhUST (https://twitter.com/#!/WaaaAUGhhhUST) !!!!!

What’s this really about?
Honestly Like any good Boss,I just want as many gamers as we can get to unite under one banner just for a little while and celebrate our hobby this is my birthday wish!. So let get a propa waaaagh rollin! There is no money to be made here, Seriously this isn’t advertising, I’m not trying to cash in on anything, just want to spread some love.

Please Pass This on, to everyone you know....Thanks
