View Full Version : That's my bike Punk!!!

Wolf Brother Hellstrom
06-26-2012, 11:09 AM
Now that 6th edition is out it seems that wound allocation has gone right out the door and been replace with “who is in front”. Obviously this nerfs nob bikers. I know that they are still tough as nails but wouldn’t war bikers be a cheaper more viable troop choice(if you take wazdakka of course). I for one will be revising my speed cult and see what comes out. what do you guys and gals think?

06-26-2012, 11:35 AM
I think it might move away from big nob squads to one big nob squad and a few little Ork bikers squads

Wolf Brother Hellstrom
06-26-2012, 11:52 AM
but at the same time you can save on alot of points by not taking all that wargear to make them unique for allocation mmmm.....

06-26-2012, 11:56 AM
but at the same time you can save on alot of points by not taking all that wargear to make them unique for allocation mmmm.....

AND give them all powerklaws. Yummy!

06-26-2012, 11:58 AM
I think we'll see a lot of changes in choices in armies.

For instance the Leman Russ with the Punisher Gatling gun will see a return i think. 20 S5, plus heavy bolter sponsons...that's a threat to everything except for T8 and AV12 and higher. Glacning shi* to death is a real option now

Mr Mystery
06-26-2012, 12:40 PM
So. Hold on. I'm confused.

When did 'not being easily abused' become 'nerfed'???

06-26-2012, 12:42 PM
Glacning shi* to death is a real option now

Necron warriors.


Mr Mystery
06-26-2012, 12:47 PM
You'll never park within 12" of my Warriors ever, ever again!

Hurrah for Gauss!

06-26-2012, 12:51 PM
Rapid fire rules are full fire power at 24" inches now if stationairy i think :P

06-26-2012, 01:01 PM
Rapid fire rules are full fire power at 24" inches now if stationairy i think :P

I believe they're still the same but you can move and still fire at 24".

06-26-2012, 07:48 PM
So. Hold on. I'm confused.

When did 'not being easily abused' become 'nerfed'???

To nerf something is to make it weaker. Remvoing the ability to control wound allocation makes a unit weaker, by killing it faster. Ergo, nerf.

Nor was wound allocation ever really abused, it simply slowed the game down significantly. Only Paladins and Nobz ever qualified as headbangingly frustrating to kill, and wound allocation is only a small part of their toughness.

Wolf Brother Hellstrom
06-26-2012, 08:27 PM
I always got so confused anyway with all the the different war gear. i literially would right down on little pieces of paper the different nobs and then mark down the wounds. plus nob biker lists are so boring. i move, shoot(maybe) anf then assualt. then its four rounds of assault as the rest of your opponents piles in. yay fun! NOT!! :D

i dont have a rule book yet but i foresee some big changes coming our way

06-26-2012, 09:49 PM
Streamlining is a big improvement, no question. It was slow, clumsy, prone to error, and served little purpose. It just wasn't really broken.

06-27-2012, 12:03 AM
It will really come down to the player base that your fighting against. If they know what to do to counter Nob bikerz then you might want to change it up a bit. If they still don't know, or can't figure out, how to deal with that squad then you should be fine for a while longer. ;)

Overall when i threw down a Speed Freakz list, i didn't have Nob bikerz at all, just 4 squads of bikerz and a boyz unit in a Trukk. The amount of bikerz gave my opponent fitz, more so with DOW deployment.:D

06-27-2012, 01:46 AM
I think it might move away from big nob squads to one big nob squad and a few little Ork bikers squads

Don't forget about the new sniper rules. I've been wondering how viable character/special weapon upgrades are going to be in practice.

06-27-2012, 02:00 AM
Streamlining is a big improvement, no question. It was slow, clumsy, prone to error, and served little purpose. It just wasn't really broken.

Streamling is very important, the improvement from 2nd to 3rd was a huge streamline and meant we could play larger games much quicker. Units were acting like that rather than individuals who happened to be close to someone else.
I look forward to more streamlining in 6th, but i would like to see that maybe a little balanced with some more complexity