View Full Version : Forgeworld Vulture Question

06-25-2012, 10:41 AM
Hi all,
I am dusting off my Elysians for the summers release of 6th ed., and I want to bring them up to 1500 points. Part of this means the joy of adding a second Vulture to the list. I bought my first Vulture many years ago when they were all resin kits. I was wondering if anyone out there could tell me what the new resin/plastic kit is like? Obviously they ship some of the Valkyrie plastic pieces (Tail boom and wings are my first guess), but I am curious what actually comes with it when you get it from Forgeworld?
Do you get a few full sprues from the Valk box? Clipped off pieces?
Trying to plan ahead to see what to expect, and also to see if there are any extra's included that I could use for conversions.

06-25-2012, 10:59 AM
You get a full on plastic Valkyrie and a bag of Vulture resin bits meaning you have a ton of extras for conversions and bases etc. I am painting up a Vulture now for my Elysians. I put the punisher cannons on it. I can't wait to give it a go :)

06-25-2012, 12:21 PM
That is brilliant! Thanks for the information- For a Forgeworld kit its a really nice deal, only about 20$ more than buying the Valkyrie on its own.

06-25-2012, 01:05 PM
Glad I could help :)

How does your first Vulture do in games and what load out do you go with?

06-25-2012, 03:47 PM
Its been a while since I used it- I only ran it with a D-99 force in Apocalypse games when that supplement first came out.
My "all purpose" build at the time was to run it with a missile launcher and 2x MRP's. that way you could focus a twin linked missile strike on a vehicle, or fire all weapons for anti-infantry. I also had a pair of lascannon tarantula's for the HS in that list.
Now that the Vendetta exists (and I have 2), I am thinking to re-purpose my original vulture as dedicated anti-infantry. Probably 4x MRP's for now, but the punisher seems really tempting (mainly because it looks cool).
Vulture #2 might be fitted with HK missiles and and either an autocannon or the missile launcher- with the new flyer rules, it looks like something that can strike from more than 48" might be really useful!

06-27-2012, 05:53 AM
I didn't get a complete valkyrie with my vulture, so I wouldn't bet on that. I have one all resin and one hybrid, the plastic is obviously much better to work with and I am going to be replacing the resin parts on my first vulture with plastic wings and tail, it suffered an accident one summer when it got too hot and the wings became soft, the weight of the hull dragged it down so the wings bent in the wrong direction. I came home from work to find it in a total mess, and even after repairing it it was never perfect.

I have one with four rocket pods and one with the punisher cannons because as you say, the vendetta fills the anti tank role far better.

06-27-2012, 03:03 PM
Thats good to know. I won;t expect it either way. Did you pick yours up at GW store or did you order it in?

I too would love to get some plastic wings on my original resin vulture.. ONe of my wings sheds paint no matter how many times I wash the resin with cleaner. The rest of the model took paint beautifully, but one of the wings looks like it has a peeling sunburn!

I will post pictures soon. First squad of Elysions has been painted- 2 more to go.

06-28-2012, 04:51 AM
I'm really sorry if I gave you bad information. I have checked and I do indeed have all the valkyrie bits still on sprue in the big plastic bag. Was I just an anomaly?

06-28-2012, 07:08 AM
I ordered mine from the forgeworld website. Not bad information energon, maybe they just couldn't be bothered picking out the right valkyrie bits on yours and threw it all in :P either way, you don't need the extra parts obviously, so you don't really lose out.

06-28-2012, 08:49 AM
Do either of you have painted pictures of your Vultures? I went with a really basic scheme on the first one, and now am thinking of raising the bar a little. It would be fun to see what some other ended up like...

Btw, I have a picture of my Elysian troopers.

06-28-2012, 09:07 AM
The guy with the chainsword is a bad ***. Nice! :)

Here is my Elysian Log that i have woefully neglected. My vulture will hopefully appear on their soon, but it will be the same colours as the almost finished Valkyrie and the Tauros Venator.


06-28-2012, 09:38 AM
They look great mate. Looking forward to seeing what you make of a vulture too.

Elysian 137th
07-14-2012, 11:13 PM
Vultures rock, i have two with punisher cannons and one with four MRP's and they all wreak face in a really big way.

But if you really want to see your opponent cry combine them with a long range scanner.