View Full Version : How are you going to use Allies?

06-24-2012, 03:16 AM
I've had a couple of ideas for fun allies lists, post your own ideas!

-A combined Ordo Xenos radical and Eldar force. Farseer and bodyguard working with a radical Ordo Xenos Inquisitor represented by Imperial Guard.

-Grey Knight-Eldar Daemon strike force. Inspired from the bit in the GK codex where the Grey Knights send for the Eldar to secure the spirit stones of Malan'tai to prevent another daemon incursion. Indicates some level of cooperation between the two, this list takes it to a new level, joining forces to fight off daemonic incurions before they can spread.

-Craftworld Eldar/Corsair list from IA11.

-Dark Eldar/Imperial Guard. Dark Eldar raiding force accompanies by human slaves and mercenaries.

-Dark Eldar/Tyranids. Wych cult using a variety of wild beasts, uses a mix of tyranid models and other beasties to represent the 'nids.

Mr Mystery
06-24-2012, 03:26 AM
Necrons and their myriad Mindshackle Minions.

If I beat an army, I reserve the right to add a unit or two from it to my Necrons forces, and I'm tempted to not only stick to units my opponent fielded, but to paint them up in the same colour scheme where possible. I think this could be really perfectly awesome in a campaign setting. Given that you can have multiple units as allies (though one assumes not from multiple armies?) I could feasibly expand them very easily into 500-750 point armies.

Given the right campaign structure, I could use these in an attempt to manipulate the war. For instance if there is a strong IG presence in the campaign, I could use my 'allies' as a smaller army, attacking the other IG and Imperial players to sow distrust amongst them, using the distraction to push forward the rest of my agenda. Best bit is when my opponents figure out 'in character' what I'm up to, as I'd expect my opponents to launch a full on assault on my little empire!

Right up for this!

06-24-2012, 03:59 AM
Think i may add some dark eldar units to my collection, although all my armies, tau, eldar, wolves, grey knights and marines can ally with each other anyway.

06-24-2012, 05:00 AM
marines and eldar, eldar and tau, marines and GK or something simmilar!

as a painter this is great as i dont have to stick to painting hundreds of similar models and can have variety :D

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
06-24-2012, 05:22 AM
Grey Knights and Space Wolves because I like Armageddon. :D

06-24-2012, 06:07 AM
If Valeria ever gets a good model i might do guard or eldar with her as allies for an Ordo Xenos force

Or been tpying with a mid heresy Word Bearers force, and that could have inducted guard or deamons

06-24-2012, 07:10 AM
No ideas as to what I might add to my Imperial Fists with regards to an allied force as yet, but a friend is looking forward to adding some Imperial Guard to his Ultramarines as he's always liked the fluff about how Ultramar maintains many regiments of guards that it sends to help fight battles across the Imperium (even though it is exempt from having to do so) and how the Ultramar Guards have often fought alongside the Ultramrines themselves. No idea what he's planning to add though, but knowing him I'd guess it'll involve as many tanks as he can get!

06-24-2012, 07:13 AM
Sisters of Battle and Grey Knights - but not why you think! It's so I can use my SoB Land Raider and Venerable Dread and they'd have some awesome sacred powers to back them up rules wise.

06-24-2012, 08:04 AM
I'm making a mechanicus explorator army, basically a guard army sans tanks with a the new fortress rules and melta guns (lascutters from FW) to make a couple dig teams. then I'm allying in some type of space marine to be secutors coming to the rescue in drop pods. (which will actually be some old termites or some of the new ones from a third party if I can't find the originals.)

06-24-2012, 08:22 AM
Everyway I can think of and with Marines, Wolves, Blood Angels, Sisters, Grey Knights and Eldar that will be able to Allie. It will take 42 games to try every combination. By which time I expect I''ll have enough Orks, Chaos and Guard to add a few more to the pot. At the rate I play that should keep me going to 7th edition. :D

06-24-2012, 08:26 AM
I'll probably make a Tau/Dark Eldar force. This will be one of the armies from the fluff in the Dark Eldar codex when the Haemonculi made armies of creatures to help the Tau fight the Tyranids. More of the abominations became suspiciously more blueish-grey as the war went on, and eventually they turned on them.

So basically a Tau force with Haemonculi, Wracks and Grotesques.

06-24-2012, 08:45 AM
I have a perverse urge to create an "unholy alliance" of DE and Eldar:

Karandras & Scorpions and Drazhar & Incubi.

See which Phoenix Lord (fallen or not) and their respective Aspect perform better than the other. :)

06-24-2012, 09:12 AM
GK and IG just like in the old codex. And I still have all of my guard models that are painted in the colors of the inquisition. Sweet.

06-24-2012, 09:42 AM
I wanna do an Iron Hands fire base with Elysian drop troops swooping over head to jump straight into the meat grinder. :D
I think It will look nice on the table top ( assuming I can paint them o.k ) and I think it will be quite fun.

06-24-2012, 11:47 AM
Call me a purist, but I'm not going to do any of this allies shenanigans.

My Eldar will remain Eldar and my BA will remain BA.

Except in Apoc where I'll use the Battle of Traitor's Gorge datafax - because its cool.

Black Hydra
06-24-2012, 11:59 AM
Here's what I'm thinking for a future genestealer cult army. As a side note I believe the future 6th ed Tyranid codex will have a rule allowing IG to be used as allies.

Now the question remains, should the IG or Tyranids be the main force? I was thinking IG as the main force because the Tyranids are taking a huge nerf. Fleet only allows you to reroll one die from the 2D6. This means there will be no more running then assaulting. Ork and Tyranid players everywhere cry at this. So I'm thinking a list along these lines based on what we know.

*IG forces: 1491 pts
- Primaris Psyker (using rulebook psychic powers and would most likely be the warlord)

- 3x Veteran Squads with Chimeras and all the necessary equipment
- 1 full squadron of Leman Russ Battle Tanks with full weapons loadouts
- 1 Squadron of 2 Vendettas w/ Heavy Bolters

*Tyranid forces: 506 pts (taking into account the supposed 750 pts max req)
- Tyranid Prime (modeled after a Genestealer Patriarch)

- 1x full Genestealer Brood w/ a Broodlord

I think this describes a pretty accurate Genestealer cult. While it may not be competitive, having all the outflanking is nice. Also the Primaris Psyker can take warlord abilities that makes troops around him fearless compensating for the loss of orders. Would be fun to run this list or something better suited. I did just throw this together right now.

06-24-2012, 01:01 PM
Blood Angels with 20 man units of necron warriors to hold objectives, with res orb lords and sanguinary priests to see that they stay alive.

The Stormlord will see that my jumpers don't get shot down as they move in.

06-24-2012, 02:29 PM
My buddy has an old Genestealer cult army (complete with limos and the whole nine yards) that's been converted into IG. I'm excited to see the dust come off those old metal genestealers so it can feel like a proper Genestealer Cult again. Even if Tyranid allies aren't official, the locals will allow it because it just makes sense.

I've got both a combat patrol of Chaos Kroot and an army of regular Kroot Mercs. The Chaos Kroot can ally with my Chaos Daemons. The regular Kroot will probably ally with someone who has melta or good anti-tank because my horde of S4 AP5 guns can't deal with armor without a little help.

I've also got about 1000 pts of Sisters and 500 pts of Inquisition. It'll be nice to field them as one army again.

Black Hydra
06-24-2012, 03:21 PM
@Lerra: Your friend wouldn't happen to be the guy who has those pictures of Genestealer limos posted on the internet would he? (Apologies if it's a girl.) I thought the limos looked hilarious and cool at the same time. In the far future of the 40k universe, there are only stylish vehicles.

That's what I like about the allies rule. Now we can add units in that function like mercs. Orks can take human mercs like in the "Freebooterz" book or Tau can finally have legal human allies. Doom to all the WAAC's that'll ruin it for us.

06-24-2012, 03:38 PM
GK and Salamanders, I want to model Tu Shan and use Draigos rules and then add some fireborn / paladin bodyguards. Yes they will all be green but modelled fairly enough so my opponents know what they are playing against.

A BIG but though will be what I will do when the Chaos codex comes.

06-24-2012, 07:28 PM
I'll start using my sisters again, just like with the old DH rules.

Uncle Nutsy
06-24-2012, 08:56 PM
I'll probably change my DE roster a little bit to include crisis suits and either broadsides or hammerheads.

or I'll run my tau again using some DE as the assault portion.

06-24-2012, 11:15 PM
Angels of Death: DA+BA

06-25-2012, 03:44 AM
Well I think I must be psychic, as I have been painting up Imperial Guard allies for my Ultramarines since 2009. :D

I am the happiest bunny alive now that I can use the two armies together!

And as I have painted about half of each army by combining the two I have my first ever fully painted 40K army in over 20 years!!! :)

So my next project is going to be Tau with IG allies, all in desert colours and I am very excited about that.

My poor Dark Eldar may end up sitting unboxed for another year or so....

06-25-2012, 03:57 AM
The more I think about it, the more I would have liked to do an old school Genestealer Cult. A bunch of Guard, some hybrids thrown is as veterans or penal troops with a bunch of stealers. Chuck in a couple of guns and a limousine and I'd have been :D

06-25-2012, 04:16 AM
I was thinking possibly some BA + GKs since everyone loves psykers :D

06-25-2012, 04:22 AM
Well I think I must be psychic, as I have been painting up Imperial Guard allies for my Ultramarines since 2009. :D

I am the happiest bunny alive now that I can use the two armies together!

And as I have painted about half of each army by combining the two I have my first ever fully painted 40K army in over 20 years!!! :)

So my next project is going to be Tau with IG allies, all in desert colours and I am very excited about that.

My poor Dark Eldar may end up sitting unboxed for another year or so....

Tau and Guard, now your talking fire power.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
06-25-2012, 04:28 AM
Oh gods, Broadsides and Leman Russes. :eek:

06-25-2012, 04:32 AM
Wait how many S10 AP1 large blasts? :eek::eek::eek:

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
06-25-2012, 04:35 AM
Oh gods, my spleen!

06-25-2012, 04:36 AM
I took a Tau/Guard army to a double comp a few years back

it was actually a Tau/Armoured Battlegroup List.

That was a hellishly scary gunline. Got done in my Dawn of War deployment against Ork Bikers and Vendetta Sqn's...

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
06-25-2012, 04:49 AM
Hah, nice.

Allies are going to shape up the tournament scene a bit, I am suitably excited.

06-25-2012, 06:45 AM
I should clarify that I have a strict Eldar-only policy when it comes to fielding armies on the tabletop, my allied joint armies will be theme armies for display that will now be legal rather than just a hodge-podge of units on a display board.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
06-25-2012, 06:51 AM
Would that Eldar-only policy include Eldar Corsairs?

06-25-2012, 06:53 AM
What I love about allies, and I cannot express how much I love it as it opens up so many possibilities, is that from a painter's point of view it's a wet dream.

Even if you stick to just one Codex you can still break up the monotony of painting up lots of units in the same scheme.

Take Eldar as an example.

I love the colour scheme for Ulthwe, but wouldn't want to paint up an entire army in that colour.

So now I can have Biel Tan allies which will help break up all that black. :)

The only thing that bugs me is the Fortifications slot, as the scenery available is way too Imperial centric.

I wouldn't feel right having a non-Imperial army buying Bastions.

Although Orks and Chaos shouldn't have too many problems changing them up a bit.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
06-25-2012, 06:56 AM
The only thing that bugs me is the Fortifications slot, as the scenery available is way too Imperial centric.

I wouldn't feel right having a non-Imperial army buying Bastions.

Although Orks and Chaos shouldn't have too many problems changing them up a bit.

Fortunately, I'm quite skilled at making terrain. :)

06-25-2012, 06:56 AM
I got rougly 5.5k GK and 4k IG (plus super-heavies). Depending on the exact rules, and limitations it could be going either army being the mainforce.

But if IG as allies:
- HQ: Primaris Psyker
- Troop: Infantry Platoon (contents varying on the points and enemy, most likely a big blob of home objective holders + lots of heavy weapons (again, depending on the new AP rules against vehicles))
- Fast: Squadron of 3x Vendettas
- Heavy: Squadron of 3x Russes (variant depending on the points and enemy)

The Sovereign
06-25-2012, 12:12 PM
I'm thinking Catachans, Sisters, or an Inquisitorial henchmen retinue with my Space Wolves.

My Dark Eldar get a bit more tricky. Probably Orks or Kroot Mercenaries. Or I could do Daemons, as there's a fair amount of that in the Dark Eldar background fluff.

Maintain strict fluff adherence!

06-26-2012, 03:43 AM
Dark Eldar/Tyranids. Wych cult using a variety of wild beasts, uses a mix of tyranid models and other beasties to represent the 'nids.


06-26-2012, 03:46 AM
Yes, we now know 'nids can't ally with anyone so I'll just have to use them as counts as beasts from the DE book like I was already doing.:(

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
06-26-2012, 03:52 AM
That was a bit harsh.

06-26-2012, 07:27 AM
I am a little bit gutted that 'Nids can't ally with anyone, even themselves as there were lots of 2nd Edition builds such as Genestealer Cults that would have been great to bring back.

I can see why they can't from a gamer's perspective, but Genestealer Cults do still exist in current canon, the Ciaphas Caine novels spring to mind.

06-26-2012, 07:49 AM
i am plannning either to add a contingent of DE or Orks to my necron army, i just cant decide which!

Black Hydra
06-26-2012, 08:03 AM
I am a little bit gutted that 'Nids can't ally with anyone, even themselves as there were lots of 2nd Edition builds such as Genestealer Cults that would have been great to bring back.

I can see why they can't from a gamer's perspective, but Genestealer Cults do still exist in current canon, the Ciaphas Caine novels spring to mind.

Just do it anyway. I would tell the people I'd field a Genestealer Cult and if they say no, they're jerks. It's perfectly fine because points wise it's not easy to pull off anyway. A note about that: you should field an IG army instead, then add a Tyranid detachment. It balances the armies better. If you field Tyranids with an IG detachment, you'll be restricted on how much heavy support you can bring. Which is the only reason you'd bring an IG detachment for Nids.

06-26-2012, 08:09 AM
I'm with Black Hydra on this one; just tell your opponent you're fielding a Genestealer cult, unless they are total tools they will be fine with it. Of course, the flipside of this coin is that your GS cult should be modeled as such..

06-27-2012, 03:16 AM
I hope it's ok to post pics up in here, but this is how I shall be using allies:


It's almost like GW were reading my blog.....

Thank God for 6th Edition!! :)

06-27-2012, 03:20 AM
If you keep posting such pretty pictures carry on!

They look really good.

PDF with marine support, looks fantastic, brilliantly sits with the fluff and nice to see Ultramarines + Imperial Guard without snow bases.

I am thinking you need to find a nid player for some cynimatic gaming

06-27-2012, 03:34 AM
We have three 'Nid players in our group and I have been banging on at them for about a year to let me do a narrative campaign, if we do I will be sure to post pics. :)

06-27-2012, 03:38 AM
That would be super :)

06-27-2012, 04:10 AM
That's a very nicely constructed pdf force.
Any allies I get will do as they do now, sit looking pretty next to each other in the cabinet...

06-27-2012, 05:01 AM
I'm going to be modelling up a competitive tournament army based on the dark mechanicus, going to be either Mech or foot slogging depending on which is more appropriate with the new rules, think chaos Iron hands. its going to run with some allied traitor guard that will be based on traitor vostroyan's.

Im thinking a sort of dark mechanicum/chaos dwarves/bionic/daemon engine style list.

so things like as many sorcerers as I can pack in leading a very shooty army from hell.

06-27-2012, 05:06 AM
Im thinking a sort of dark mechanicum/chaos dwarves/bionic/daemon engine style list.

Sounds cool, would be nice to see some of the conversions when they come around

06-27-2012, 06:54 AM
My use for allies is pretty simple. I can put my Assassins and a Hereticus Inquisitor with my Sisters and do that army the way I originally intended it.

I'm also pondering doing enough Guard to add a Valkyrie to my Sisters, but that's down the road some.

06-27-2012, 08:55 AM
My Chaos will use Demons

Marines will use Eldar Dire Avengers and Farseer , and what comes to my mind

Eldar i dont know yet

Black Hydra
06-27-2012, 09:32 AM
My use for allies is pretty simple. I can put my Assassins and a Hereticus Inquisitor with my Sisters and do that army the way I originally intended it.

There's a problem with the assassins. Each one occupies one elite slot so you can only take one. If you go over 2000 points it won't be a problem with the extra FOC. But under 2000, it would be an even more limited list. I'd go for the Psyfleman dread instead. Combined with an Exorcist you'll have amazing heavy firepower. Though a Vindicare assassin can also fill the anti-tank niche quite well (3D6 for penetrating!) the 5+ cover save to almost anything kind of reduces his chance to live. He would only get a 4+ due to stealth I believe, and I think they already have 4+ invul saves.

Bitz Box Rob
06-27-2012, 09:42 AM
I'm now thinking of remaking a list of the "Adrantis Union" from the old BOLS minidex for the Macharian crusade. only question ?? Necrons allied to Tau but im leanning Tau allied with necrons.

06-27-2012, 10:20 AM
I plan on making about ~1000 points of GK and ~1000 points of Inquisition forces to use as allied detachments for my various Imperial armies.

Also thinking of turning my fledgling Dark Eldar army into a joint force with Eldar, and I might add some Daemons to my Thousand Sons army. Maybe.

Oh, and I'm taking a large allied detachment of Imperial Guard for my Tau, to use as Gue'vesa or however the hell you spell it.

06-27-2012, 10:51 AM
I'm now thinking of remaking a list of the "Adrantis Union" from the old BOLS minidex for the Macharian crusade. only question ?? Necrons allied to Tau but im leanning Tau allied with necrons.

holy cow, adrantis V? now that's some obscure fluff.

07-02-2012, 02:57 PM
Don't mean to blow my own trumpet, just a little bit chuffed, made the GW homepage today. :)


07-02-2012, 04:45 PM
My use for allies is pretty simple. I can put my Assassins and a Hereticus Inquisitor with my Sisters and do that army the way I originally intended it.

I'm also pondering doing enough Guard to add a Valkyrie to my Sisters, but that's down the road some.

You need a troops choice to go with that.

07-02-2012, 08:33 PM
For my CSM detached with Chaos Daemons, I'll use Fateweaver stay close to my 10-man terminator squad with Tzeentch icon. Should be pretty a lot tougher to get killed.

07-03-2012, 02:55 AM
Eldar/Grey Knights teaming up to protect or kill some daemon or psyker thing.