View Full Version : Jervis on a Black Ship?

06-22-2012, 08:22 PM
For those who have not gotten copies of WD, Jeremy Vetock has taken over the Standard Bearer column in White Dwarf, and it looks like that will be the case for awhile. He also seems to be writing from a more competitive standpoint, especially compared to Jervis. Jervis was also missing in the pictures of people playing 40K in the release trailer. What is Jervis's standing at GW now? Any birdies willing to chirp?

06-22-2012, 09:39 PM
Longshot theory that just came to me now, but he could be back in the Studio... working on something... maybe Hobbit material? Which would explain his vanishing from the map.

06-22-2012, 09:44 PM
Nah, he's on the Rock, working on the totally brutal, kick *ss DA codex that will make the GK codex look like so much rubbish.

06-23-2012, 11:06 PM
Nah, he's on the Rock, working on the totally brutal, kick *ss DA codex that will make the GK codex look like so much rubbish.

I think he's giving mouth-to-mouth to Lion El'Jonson.

06-23-2012, 11:50 PM
IF your insuating what I think you are, I can neither confirm nor deny such practises.

06-23-2012, 11:53 PM
Probly just working on something else (Cough*25thanniversaryBloodBowlmaybe*uncough*) or taking a break.

06-24-2012, 03:15 AM
Probly just working on something else (Cough*25thanniversaryBloodBowlmaybe*uncough*) or taking a break.

That would be cool

06-24-2012, 04:21 PM
It sure would! Would that be due out this year then?

06-24-2012, 11:14 PM
Could be this year's "Mystery Box".

06-25-2012, 01:10 AM
Probly just working on something else (Cough*25thanniversaryBloodBowlmaybe*uncough*) or taking a break.

That would be my guess to. Although I'd think it's a bit late in the year for that, unless he's trying to get it finished.

I did notice he did contributed to other sections in WD this month. I was hoping Standard might not just be a case of, aren't our models cool, isn't our fluff great, I remember when this was all fields, people need to stop being competitive with Warhammer and have fun with their mates.

I was hoping there would be some good tactical stuff in there, but I was disappointed.

I do hope it doesn't become, I don't remember when this was all fields, isn't it fun to take the pee out of your mates, isn't it good to game in groups because your mates help you remember to roll dice. I may give it another read to check there wasn't something else in there.

06-25-2012, 04:18 PM
I was hoping Standard might not just be a case of, aren't our models cool, isn't our fluff great, I remember when this was all fields, people need to stop being competitive with Warhammer and have fun with their mates.

I was hoping there would be some good tactical stuff in there, but I was disappointed.

I thought that about the rest of the issue. Absolutely sod all of any of detail about the new rules, just pages of advertising spiel with an occasional tidbit, god knows how many pages of pictures of people's armies and them talking about how excited they are and two half aresed battle reports. Utterly lame. What happened to the in-depth interviews they used to do about the creation process of the new rules and their meta, the impacts of the changes, a retrospective of the progression of 40k up to 6th? I was bitterly disappointed with this months WD to the point I haven't bothered reading most of it.

06-26-2012, 01:15 AM
Does anyone else not think it's a little odd that one of the biggest old guard personalities still at GW couldn't find the time to write a page, page and half to coincide with the release of a new edition of one of their two major systems?

I think JJ days are numbered if he's even actually still there...

06-26-2012, 01:32 AM
He was replaced by a clone in the early 2004s.

06-26-2012, 01:52 AM
Not really, could be any number of reasons. He has been more actively working on fantasy more recently (co-wrote the OK book) we may not have had as much to do with 40k. He may have been busy when the WD articles were being written a few months back etc. Really not much point speculating when we have such little to go on.

Does anyone else not think it's a little odd that one of the biggest old guard personalities still at GW couldn't find the time to write a page, page and half to coincide with the release of a new edition of one of their two major systems?

I think JJ days are numbered if he's even actually still there...

06-26-2012, 02:24 AM
Not really, could be any number of reasons. He has been more actively working on fantasy more recently (co-wrote the OK book) we may not have had as much to do with 40k. He may have been busy when the WD articles were being written a few months back etc. Really not much point speculating when we have such little to go on.
Even though they've also taken his name off the write to address?

It's not like they didn't know 6th was coming there was plenty of time for him to write something at some point...

06-26-2012, 07:24 AM
Not really, could be any number of reasons. He has been more actively working on fantasy more recently (co-wrote the OK book) we may not have had as much to do with 40k.
Indeed, don't think he's actually been credited on a 40K book in ages now.

Also, if they'd really given JJ the heave-ho, they wouldn't so casually joke about it in the intro. When GW lets someone go (including 40K's creator), that person becomes a non-entity right quick.

06-26-2012, 07:42 AM
IDK I'm sure I remember them joking about fat bloke when he stepped back from editing WD...
And Jervis has always had something to say on any topic within the hobby, just look back through his standard bearers, they cover just about everything...