View Full Version : Finally annouced on GW

06-22-2012, 05:44 PM
Finally confirmed with the final trailer


06-22-2012, 05:46 PM
On the trailer I noticed:

The different type of vehicles are Chariot, Fast, Flyer, Heavy, Hover, Open-Topped, Skimmer, Tank, Transport. These types can be combined Fast Skimmer...

So now we are going to have chariots?!

Aerial Support - Flyers must begin as reserves
Flyers & Measuring - As is with currently to hull/base
Flyers and Other Models - Models that physically fit under a flyer can move beneath it and a flyer can end its move over such models but must remain 1" away from from enemy models
Zoom - If a flyer zooms it has a combat speed of 18", and a cruising speed of 36" but can never voluntarily move less than 18", if it is forced to move less than 18" it is automatically wrecked. While zooming a flyer can make a single pivot on the spot up to 90 degrees before it moves and thereafter must move in a straight line.

06-22-2012, 05:49 PM
Looks like mastery levels are in as per the GK codex and wide speculation, 1 power / level

06-22-2012, 06:22 PM
Blasts and large blasts always at full strenght if vehicle is even partially under the blast template ::rocknroll:: :D
Hard to tell from the text, but it would look like that even scattered, it will always be counted towards the armorvalue faced when firing.

06-22-2012, 08:34 PM
Flyers look a lot like I'd thought they would, although firing up to four weapons even at cruising speed at full BS is a wee frightful. Are they going to beef skimmers some? Because otherwise that's a huge jump....

06-22-2012, 09:44 PM
I'm fairly dissappointed with everything I've read so far, it seems like they've taken a game I've really enjoyed learning about and playing and turned it into its square based cousin.

Levels for psykers, levels for Mages, Pyshcic Pools, Magic Pools, Mysterious Forest, Unknown forest, AP values in CC, Str Mods vs armour in CC, Warlord Traits, Generals Inspiring pressence...Chariots, Chariots...Random Charges, Random Charges, rolling for pyshic powers, rolling for winds of magic...I'm just waiting for Psychic pool dice vs Pyshic disruption pool dice.

If I wanted to square base I would, now it seems like I have to square base, only with round bases. /:

(This doesn't really even deal with how I have to throw dice at EVERYTHING now) Or how it is going to be so easy to cheat with having to keep up with all the different Hull points vs. altering AP values, and pen/glance results, along with my opponents where objective markers are/were etc, etc. I mean it is definitely lame.

7 of the armies available can't even pull from the pyshic pools.

I'm really not happy about any of this, and unforuntately I'll still play, due to the fact that too much is invested not too. I'm hoping upon hope that after 6th becomes more learned, I'll enjoy it. But at first glance I should just go square basing.

06-22-2012, 10:51 PM
Or turned it into 1st / 2nd edition.

Checked the price conversions. USA gets a 5% increase on the exchange, Canada just under 30%, Australia & New Zealand get a 70% increase... no GW **** you.

06-23-2012, 01:34 AM
I'm fairly dissappointed with everything I've read so far, it seems like they've taken a game I've really enjoyed learning about and playing and turned it into its square based cousin.

Levels for psykers, levels for Mages, Pyshcic Pools, Magic Pools, Mysterious Forest, Unknown forest, AP values in CC, Str Mods vs armour in CC, Warlord Traits, Generals Inspiring pressence...Chariots, Chariots...Random Charges, Random Charges, rolling for pyshic powers, rolling for winds of magic...I'm just waiting for Psychic pool dice vs Pyshic disruption pool dice.

If I wanted to square base I would, now it seems like I have to square base, only with round bases. /:

(This doesn't really even deal with how I have to throw dice at EVERYTHING now) Or how it is going to be so easy to cheat with having to keep up with all the different Hull points vs. altering AP values, and pen/glance results, along with my opponents where objective markers are/were etc, etc. I mean it is definitely lame.

7 of the armies available can't even pull from the pyshic pools.

I'm really not happy about any of this, and unforuntately I'll still play, due to the fact that too much is invested not too. I'm hoping upon hope that after 6th becomes more learned, I'll enjoy it. But at first glance I should just go square basing.

There is something deeply ironic about someone called 'don't-be-haten' spilling a load of bile before the full rules are actually known... Why don't you take your own advice?

06-23-2012, 02:36 AM
There is something deeply ironic about someone called 'don't-be-haten' spilling a load of bile before the full rules are actually known... Why don't you take your own advice?
Exactly :)

06-23-2012, 05:02 AM
Well, I did say at first glance I was dissappointed, and I did say I would still play the game. I also said I was hoping upon hope that it was actually fun and that meant NOT like WHFB, did you guys even read my post?

All I did was make comparisons from 40k to WHFB. That IS a lot in common and no one can even deny that...There was no malice, no "bile" simple comparisons, and how I was not happy about them. I get flamed for it? Oh well, shouldn't have expected much, in the first place.

My biggest concerns are having to throw dice at too many things, let's face it, we know it is a game, but throwing too many dice can be too much, and lengthen time when at a tournament. The fact I might HAVE to have allies to pull from some of the psychic powers. i.e. My Orks shouldn't have to ally themselves with Chaos just to benefit from some of the other cool spells. I play Orks because I like Orks, not Orks and Power Armour.

I do also think it will be easier to cheat with hull points etc. I never played 2nd, but I'm definitely glad I wasn't around for that >D


06-23-2012, 05:30 AM
All I did was make comparisons from 40k to WHFB. That IS a lot in common and no one can even deny that...There was no malice, no "bile" simple comparisons, and how I was not happy about them. I get flamed for it? Oh well, shouldn't have expected much, in the first place.

My biggest concerns are having to throw dice at too many things, let's face it, we know it is a game, but throwing too many dice can be too much, and lengthen time when at a tournament. The fact I might HAVE to have allies to pull from some of the psychic powers. i.e. My Orks shouldn't have to ally themselves with Chaos just to benefit from some of the other cool spells. I play Orks because I like Orks, not Orks and Power Armour.

I do also think it will be easier to cheat with hull points etc. I never played 2nd, but I'm definitely glad I wasn't around for that >D

I'm not sure you did get flamed, but I am sorry if that is how you feel :(

You don't have to have allies to have psykers, the Weirdboyz still get their random codex powers, but will be unable to trade them for those in the rule book (as far as we can tell).
I'm not sure what you mean about cheating, I mean if people cheat then they can do that regardless of the game mechanism.
2nd ed was fine but slow and became increasingly unyeildy at higher points

06-23-2012, 08:35 AM
Well, when my Rhetoric gets refered to as "Bile" Or that it is Ironic of my name vs a complaint, it makes me think the drones don't want oppinions or other view points.

I can understand why BT, DE, Tau, & SoB don't get them fluff wise.

I understand that they still get their weird boyz powers, but none of the fancy-ancy powers, heck at least Eldar get 2 of them. And with Orks being as psychic-fluffed as they are, they should at least get Pyromancy for Heaven's sake! The whole point there was, why would a DE player want to have to field CSM just to be able to use the new Psychic abilities etc. Please understand, some people like it, others want to play race specifics and not have to make their armies look like hodge podges forces. I'm speaking about this, from first hand worries with other gamers in my area.

Daemons psychic powers = their shooting, but don't you at least think they would be able to pull from a couple of these as well? I mean...when I read Daemons abilities were XXXXXX ...I was like really? Same thing with the Orks.

Another of my biggest concerns is that so many things in 40k are being dilluted by Fantasy based stuff with everything I said before.

As far as cheating goes, if you've ever played in a premiere tournament, then you've probably experienced some form of cheating if you knew it or not. Some people just have to win at all costs, and being able to keep up with everything, ontop of making sure your opponents objective marker doesn't creep up a couple of inches by the end of the game, etc makes you have to pay even more attention than you would care too.

My first thought about hull points in a big tournament could have an example like this: PlayerA "Okay opponent I've shot your Vehichle enough by turn 5 that it has 1 hull point left", PlayerB: No it has 2 Hull points left!" PlayerA Reply: No, remember I shot it this turn and did this and that turn and did that..." PlayerB: "Prove it."

This is the easiest situation that I can relate too that I've had to deal with.

06-23-2012, 08:45 AM
You do know 40k was 'diluted' with a fantasy style psychic system in 2nd edition, don't you?

You also might like to note that GW will be selling a set of vehicle markers to facilitate keeping track of things like hull points. The gamers edition also has nifty dice holders so you can keep dice markers seperate from the dice pool and make it considerably more dificult to change the score on them surreptitiously.

Also, you might want to wait until you've actually read the rules before you pass judgement.:rolleyes:

06-23-2012, 08:56 AM
WD explains it as Orks and Deamons drawing their power to them in different ways than a Human or an Eldar

As for your "cheating" concern how is that any different to multi wou.d characters and models now? Or weapon destroyeds?

06-23-2012, 08:58 AM
I started playing 40k in 5th, I have no clue about any prior editions. So I'll just take your word for it.

I'm not judging so much as concerned, and un-happy about everything I've already stated. I did state that I hope it is going to be better than most of the stuff I've learned thus far, and that I'm simply overly-exaggerating about the changes. But if it turns out to be more like Square basing, then I'll just break the Elves & WoC back out.

I do like how Rage and Rapid fire are changing. I'm curious about terrain as part of the army, flyers, and AP in CC isn't that bad, unless you don't play a Power Armour army, and sounds like it could be cool.

I do like several aspects of what I've seen, but seriously, a lot of WHFB seems to have bleed over to 6th, and I moved over to 40k because of the differences between the two games.

As for the wound allocation and wep destroyed comment, It isn't. It is just one more thing you have to deal with.

06-23-2012, 09:07 AM
A lot being random charges and premeasuring, given that psychic disciplines are returning from 40k not coming from WFB. You can't say allies because the WFB allies system is for team games not single player armies.

06-23-2012, 10:21 AM
Did anyone else notice the bit regarding narrative play? This will give those who argue RAI a boost, as well as those who see some builds as a huge case of WTF. :D

Those who look to build broken lists will have to make sure that they are not called out by those that go by this part of the rules set. :cool:

Personally, I like what I have read so far... only one or two concerns, but which edition has been free of them?

06-23-2012, 12:44 PM
One thing that stood out to me was the cover photo. They haven't updated Black Templars since 2005, and there's no credible rumor of an update in the pipeline. Yet as far as I can tell, they put one front and center on the cover of 6th edition (correct me if I'm wrong, but black white and red with a tabard, cape and power sword is very specific.)

Have they finally gotten over their spiritual liege? Could such a thing be possible?

06-23-2012, 12:50 PM
One thing that stood out to me was the cover photo. They haven't updated Black Templars since 2005, and there's no credible rumor of an update in the pipeline. Yet as far as I can tell, they put one front and center on the cover of 6th edition (correct me if I'm wrong, but black white and red with a tabard, cape and power sword is very specific.)

Have they finally gotten over their spiritual liege? Could such a thing be possible?

Its a Dark Angel. Says so in a dev interview in WD

06-23-2012, 01:08 PM
Meh. Not worth $74 as far as I'm concerned. I'll be waiting until the pamphlet book comes out in the box set. By then the inevitable errata should be up. I don't see anyone in my group overly keen to switch editions anytime soon - too much interest in other game systems. If I absolutely need to play the new rules set, I'll always be able to borrow/find a copy.

06-23-2012, 01:40 PM
Its a Dark Angel. Says so in a dev interview in WD

That would explain it, dark angel green is pretty close to black in a 360p video. Makes a lot more sense now.

Mr Mystery
06-23-2012, 01:44 PM
I'm totally stoked for this.

It's going back to being about the story. Sorry guys, but stuff the tournament scene. It's been my sad experience that tournaments attract a greater proportion of people not interested in just enjoying the game.

Secondary Objectives are something I've wanted to come back as they were really cool in 2nd Edition, especially if you don't reveal them to your opponent (it doesn't say either way if all objectives are public knowledge). Likewise different values for each objective gives each player a variety of approaches. Do you concentrate on holding the high value, and threatening/contesting the lower costs, or concentrate on holding multiple smaller objectives against an elite opponent?

It sounds very much like 6th Edition is going to rock big ones!

06-23-2012, 07:40 PM
I'm totally stoked for this.

It's going back to being about the story. Sorry guys, but stuff the tournament scene. It's been my sad experience that tournaments attract a greater proportion of people not interested in just enjoying the game.

Secondary Objectives are something I've wanted to come back as they were really cool in 2nd Edition, especially if you don't reveal them to your opponent (it doesn't say either way if all objectives are public knowledge). Likewise different values for each objective gives each player a variety of approaches. Do you concentrate on holding the high value, and threatening/contesting the lower costs, or concentrate on holding multiple smaller objectives against an elite opponent?

It sounds very much like 6th Edition is going to rock big ones!
At least theres no virus bombs,that did so many players in while playing 2nd ed.:D

06-24-2012, 06:28 AM
Got my pre-order in for the gamer's edition.

I wanted to get the collector's edition but I'm not going to pay that much for a pretty book that will sit on my shelf.

I'm going to turn around and sell that satchel on ebay to recoup some of the costs.

06-25-2012, 12:22 AM
I just hope all the trees arent "Mystical Trees". I dont want to worry about them attacking my poor Necrons as they stumble through the cold pine infested wilderness on the way to Starbucks after their 60 million year nap....

06-25-2012, 12:24 AM
So don't use the random terrain rules? They are optional in WFB too.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
06-25-2012, 12:53 AM
So don't use the random terrain rules? They are optional in WFB too.

But Eldar beat Grey Knights this way! PSYCHIC BOMB!
*all Paladins grabs their heads and explode*