View Full Version : 40k release in New Zealand & Australia

06-22-2012, 03:39 PM
So thanks to the international date line it's 9:30 in the morning here and I had been handed earlier this week the same 23 VI 12 card as the rest of the world. However there's no new release details on the either GW New Zealand or Australia sites.

I guess they're doing a simultaneous release time worldwide ...:(

06-22-2012, 03:48 PM
So thanks to the international date line it's 9:30 in the morning here and I had been handed earlier this week the same 23 VI 12 card as the rest of the world. However there's no new release details on the either GW New Zealand or Australia sites.

I guess they're doing a simultaneous release time worldwide ...:(

Release tends to occur at midnight BST. At least us yanks, get it 'early'!:eek:

06-22-2012, 03:55 PM
In GW there is only one timezone. (I was going to say GMT, but we are currently on BST)

06-23-2012, 02:12 AM
I'm struggling to describe how I feel about the price difference between the UK and Australia. Dismay comes close. Surprise didn't enter into it at all - I knew they'd screw us if they could.

06-23-2012, 02:33 AM
A straight conversion would never work for prices.
GW sells regionally, so each region needs to fund itself to be able to grow, aside from an an initial region launch obviously, so although the prices are higher, the player numbers are lower. As this excellent article (http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2012/06/editorial-gw-double-edged-sword-of.html) explains lowering their price doesn't mean more players and therefore would mean a cut or loss in revenue. Other consideration also need to be taken into account, differences in local taxation, cost of transport from Nottingham to wherever, also, the cost of living. I'm sure none of this goes to make you feel any better :( but I am sorry for you.

06-23-2012, 02:37 AM
What is really bizarre is that the extremely expensive ultimate bundle is sold out in Australia. It was around £300 or something. Bizarre. the collectors edition is sold out too. Ultimate bundle is sold out in the US also

06-23-2012, 02:48 AM
A straight conversion would never work for prices.
GW sells regionally, so each region needs to fund itself to be able to grow, aside from an an initial region launch obviously, so although the prices are higher, the player numbers are lower. As this excellent article (http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2012/06/editorial-gw-double-edged-sword-of.html) explains lowering their price doesn't mean more players and therefore would mean a cut or loss in revenue. Other consideration also need to be taken into account, differences in local taxation, cost of transport from Nottingham to wherever, also, the cost of living. I'm sure none of this goes to make you feel any better :( but I am sorry for you.

Cheers. I understand everything that comes into play but it's around a 70% markup which chokes me up a bit. Thank Jeebus for my British friends and the Royal Mail.

06-23-2012, 04:34 AM
The Gamer's Edition sold out first - hours before I got the release email describing it in awesome detail.

06-23-2012, 05:26 AM
:( Sad times

06-23-2012, 06:35 AM
Eh, I got the collector's edition so I'm ok - but it did eat up my (significantly reduced in recent times) slice of GW hobby budget for the rest of the year (and then some) so, yeah, won't be buying anything else from them for a while.

My biggest issue is, especially with rulebooks / codexes, that it hurts the initial buy in when for only $20 more than the base rulebook I could go to Target at the moment and get a Wii with 3 games; or a xBox 320gig with 4 games and a kinect unit at Target for less that a rulebook, codex and battleforce (sans paints etc).

Also having companies such as Privateer, Infintiy and Reaper sold here for direct exchange, or very close to, values just makes GW look really bad.
The new edition would have been a great opportunity to get a lot of the lost goodwill back.

06-23-2012, 12:25 PM
I'm also wondering why there's no new starter set yet. I thought the Fantasy box set came out the same time as the new book?

06-23-2012, 11:39 PM
Nope. WFB 8th came out in June/July and the starter in September and that is what is happening this time as far as we know. It isn't always like this, in one edition the starter set was out before the rulebook.

06-24-2012, 05:50 AM
A straight conversion would never work for prices.
GW sells regionally, so each region needs to fund itself to be able to grow, aside from an an initial region launch obviously, so although the prices are higher, the player numbers are lower. As this excellent article (http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2012/06/editorial-gw-double-edged-sword-of.html) explains lowering their price doesn't mean more players and therefore would mean a cut or loss in revenue. Other consideration also need to be taken into account, differences in local taxation, cost of transport from Nottingham to wherever, also, the cost of living. I'm sure none of this goes to make you feel any better :( but I am sorry for you.

Reread the article and I'm not convinced it applies. A 60% higher price suggests that NZ has a significantly lower price elasticity of demand for GW products than the US or UK. I very much doubt that given the nature of the product.

However that price makes more sense if you use exchange rates from 10 years ago. The more likely scenario is that GW has ignored the structural change in exchange rates that has occurred over the last 10 years and just kept applying the same percentage increases in this country as they have for the rest of the world. Assuming similar Peds this would mean over time demand here has become less here than elsewhere

This could be proved by comparing sales in this country over the last 10 years to elsewhere but I don't have the data. I guess that leaves me with little more than speculation.

On the taxation side the only thing that applies here is 15% GST (essentially VAT). As our rate is lower than the UK's I'd expect prices here to be less if anything.

Until a few years ago it was normal for veteran players to buy from UK suppliers and even after paying the postage and any tax still make a significant saving over buying locally. Hence the outrage when GW prevented that.

I for one won't be buying the new ruleset locally and am looking at other options.

Mr Mystery
06-24-2012, 05:54 AM
Don't forget the cost of getting the product to the Antipodes as well. It all adds up!

06-24-2012, 06:25 AM
Also having companies such as Privateer, Infintiy and Reaper sold here for direct exchange, or very close to, values just makes GW look really bad.
The new edition would have been a great opportunity to get a lot of the lost goodwill back.

To be fair, we didn't get the price rise this year.

06-24-2012, 06:59 AM
Don't forget the cost of getting the product to the Antipodes as well. It all adds up!

See my point about other, smaller, suppliers managing it. Shipping costs less in bulk, so either that's not a factor or GW are totally incompetent at being an international company. I don't think it's the second one.

@Gir - very true, but that's kind of like hearing the big four decide to do the right thing and pass on a full rate cut - yeah, it's good, but they shouldn't feel like they deserve praise for it.

Mr Mystery
06-24-2012, 09:36 AM
So where's the rest of it? The dice tins and that?

WD says they're coming out 30th, but no sign of them on the website:confused:

06-24-2012, 09:48 AM
However that price makes more sense if you use exchange rates from 10 years ago. The more likely scenario is that GW has ignored the structural change in exchange rates that has occurred over the last 10 years and just kept applying the same percentage increases in this country as they have for the rest of the world. Assuming similar Peds this would mean over time demand here has become less here than elsewhere.

The price makes more sense if you apply the minimum wage of the region/country in question and use it to determine the price

it works out to be about the same everywhere

Australian prices are higher because they are paid significantly more per hour than elsewhere

the other companies can maintain the lower price because they have no overhead having no stores to maintain or employees to pay like GW does.

06-24-2012, 10:05 AM
True, but our two most populous cities (where 40% of the country's population lives) are both ranked in the top ten most expensive places in the world to live. So while we may get paid more it doesn't mean we have any more money ;)

Stupid two speed economy.

hammer hades
06-25-2012, 12:33 AM
Heck, if you live in Australia like me, why not buy all the forgeworld you can, like I do.

06-25-2012, 01:34 AM
The price makes more sense if you apply the minimum wage of the region/country in question and use it to determine the price

it works out to be about the same everywhere

Australian prices are higher because they are paid significantly more per hour than elsewhere

the other companies can maintain the lower price because they have no overhead having no stores to maintain or employees to pay like GW does.

There's two flaws with your arguement. Firstly I was talking about New Zealand prices so Australian prices aren't relevant.

But putting that aside, a quick bit of research gives the average (mean) male salary in New Zealand at NZ$44,319 or GBP£22,412 at current exchange rates. However average salary in the UK is GBP£30,689 or 37% higher.

For a US example the NZ average salary works out at USD$34,905 versus a US average of $47,000 making it 35% higher.

Commercial rents here are also significantly lower. So with all due respect I'm calling BS on your theory. If it's any consolation we do have a high level of migration to Australia as underpaid NZer's move to get better wages.

06-25-2012, 02:06 AM
Make sure you are comparing the correct averages as an arithmetic/harmonic/geometric mean, median and mode can all be described as an average.

The mean tends to be skewed higher than perhaps it should, my quick bit of research I did on Saturday using the median had a uk figure around £25k and the Oz figure around £37k.

I think that GW may also need to pay an import tax on the product as well as the gst.

The half year annual results (latest figures) show that revenue in Australia, New Zealand etc has fallen £0.1m. Which given the global recession, and people putting off purchases in preperation for 6th, I would expect the full year results to that make that up.