View Full Version : Attention Apocalypse Players:

06-22-2012, 02:12 AM
Hello peoples,
My 40k friends and I take Apocalypse pretty seriously, and love to play it! We have some big apocalypse toys that we want to rumble with, and we're looking for other people around the region that want to get in some amazing rumbles on a massive scale.
So my question is, are there any big Apoc events being planned out there (especially in the South East USA), and if so, how do we find out where they are and how to join in the fray?

I'd love to run some kind of apoc league where we could maybe do a state vs state apoc rumble once or twice per year or something too. This would be totally exhibition/for fun only but I think it would be a blast to get together a team that represents your state and fight against others in Apoc for bragging rights and for total pure non-competitive fun!

I saw a thing called "Apocalypti-con" in Canada, and it looks pretty cool. Events like that are really fun, and a chance to use all of the fun Apocolypse stuff that is normally not able to be used. I know there are a ton of people out there with super heavies, titans, and other stuff that they would just love to use.

Anyway, if anyone is interested in this or knows info on something like this going on already, please let me know so I can spread the word! Thanks!


06-22-2012, 07:40 AM
One of the things that has 'ruined' recent Apocalypse games has been Necron Crypteks Solar Pulse'ing every turn.

Playing an Assault Army (Tyranids) Solar Pulses can keep the D-Weapons off the critters, but ask a Tau player what he thinks about Solar Pulses.

One cheese-head brought TWELVE Solar Pulses to the game. Six to keep the enemy in the dark, and six more to remove the enemy's!!

Would like to know how others have dealt with Solar Pulses.

Chris Copeland
06-22-2012, 09:51 AM
That's crazed! Apocalypse, even more than the regular version of the game, is really meant to be played in as fluffy a manner as possible! Apoc is not meant for competetive play. The above move seems like it could only do one thing: ruin one side's enjoyment of the game... /sigh

Black Hydra
06-23-2012, 10:43 AM
@Mystery Shadow: Necron Crypteks can only use Solar Pulse once a game. The people would have to be taking a full court filled with Crypteks to do that. And Tau are largely unaffected by Night Fighting.

@OP: Where in the South East are you? I'm in Florida and am going to finish a Necron Apoc force. Don't worry, I won't spam solar pulse.

And that Apocalypticon is sponsored by mniwargaming. This year they're going for a huge number of points. Half a million I believe.

06-23-2012, 05:53 PM
@Mystery Shadow: Necron Crypteks can only use Solar Pulse once a game. The people would have to be taking a full court filled with Crypteks to do that. And Tau are largely unaffected by Night Fighting.

It's Apocalypse. Where points don't matter much, and FoC restrictions are out the window. As my original post said, the CheeseCron player took 12 of them!
And please, explain how a shooty army is unaffected by night fighting.

Black Hydra
06-23-2012, 06:10 PM
It's Apocalypse. Where points don't matter much, and FoC restrictions are out the window. As my original post said, the CheeseCron player took 12 of them!
And please, explain how a shooty army is unaffected by night fighting.

One word: markerlights. Though I may be wrong about that one. Still when I told the Tau player at my group he said markerlights would largely negate Night Fighting.

Also, the court restrictions still apply to Crypteks. The Necron player would have to take an insane amount of HQ's to field those Crypteks.

Addendum: if he brought 12 crypteks it would mean at least 12 royal courts since you can't copy the equipment within the same court. Even if the FOC restrictions don't matter, he must've taken 12 HQ's.

Edit: I'm so stupid that I didn't realize what I said earlier about the courts contradicts what I said here. *self-face palm

06-24-2012, 01:35 AM
One word: markerlights. Though I may be wrong about that one. Still when I told the Tau player at my group he said markerlights would largely negate Night Fighting.

Also, the court restrictions still apply to Crypteks. The Necron player would have to take an insane amount of HQ's to field those Crypteks.

Addendum: if he brought 12 crypteks it would mean at least 12 royal courts since you can't copy the equipment within the same court. Even if the FOC restrictions don't matter, he must've taken 12 HQ's.

Edit: I'm so stupid that I didn't realize what I said earlier about the courts contradicts what I said here. *self-face palm

Also, markerlights in a stealth suit team, the team has acute senses, and lights up targets for rest of the army.