View Full Version : A new beginning

06-21-2012, 02:30 PM
First I would to preface this that this is a testimony of sorts so it will get long winded. I am sorry in advance for those that feel that I shouldn't be sharing this here. Second this will a first of I don't know how many posts on this.
I started Warhammer with my son in 2002 as a way to get close to him and to help him and I find new friends after a move. Fantasy was the big thing in our town so we started there. I fell in love almost instantly and so did my son. We had great times modeling, painting and gaming. We had such a great time that other s in our family joined too but only for short times. The most fun we had was sitting and imagining new armies. In 2004 we both started 40K and had even more fun. I excelled (in our group) in modeling(converting) and my son excelled in painting and gaming.
That all stopped four years ago I had an extreme tragedy and stopped doing anything except looking at the GW website and BOLS and reading Black Library books. While looking at BOLS I happened to see an aspiring young hobbyist that reminded me of my son and I when we first started. I contacted her and her enthusiasm and compassion literally blew me away. I started really looking at Warhammer and even bought the new Dark Eldar because they spiked my interest. I started building them and painted them for a tournament and even went to said tournament. I had a great time! I had missed this so much that I even found myself getting misty eyed. When I got home I decided to do a Fantasy army to commemorate my new beginning.
I had a Chaos army that I had wanted (still in the boxes) for my birthday that I received just before the tragedy occurred, but I didn’t like the new rules for it. Then while I was in my local hobby shop I picked up the Vampire Counts rule book(2008). I realized I had found my army. I wanted to use what miniatures I had (I.e. Chaos) but still have them count as Vampire Counts. I started making zombies out of Marauders, Chaos Warriors and old Tomb Kings bitz from an old army.I will try to up load pictures but I am having a hard time so be patient.

Capn Stoogey
06-21-2012, 05:18 PM
Hey dude, I just wanted to say how sorry I am for your tragic loss, I can only imagine how hard it must have been. I'm glad that you've found happiness and fond memories in gaming again. All the best mate, happy gaming! :)

06-21-2012, 08:38 PM
First of all im sorry for the tradegy that you endured and , wnat to say welcome back. From the land of Old Mexico Bienvenido!!!!

06-22-2012, 08:31 AM
Thank you for all the kind words. Also I failed to mention last time that I was inspired by GW Khorne banners and decided to create a Undead Army of Khorne. Here are a few pics of my first unit WIP.

06-22-2012, 08:38 AM
Here are some more pics of my first unit, actually these are favorites of said unit.

06-22-2012, 09:06 AM
I had so much fun making that first unit that I had to make another one! This time I got a little more creative and used Ungor parts as well as some Zombie bitz I got from a local player. I hope some of the older players out there recognize the old Chaos Warrior bitz I have been using. When I started this project I decided to use EVERY bitz that I had. I think they turned out well. Remember these are only pictures of the WIP look so be kind.:D I remember reading that John Blanche said that he always thought of zombies (in the Warhammer world) as whimsical creatures not the blood thirsty monsters that films portray them as. So I took that in account when I created my units and placed one whimsical zombie per unit. the first one was the one that had banner arms but my favorite one is the tired zombie sitting on a grave stone holding his horned helmet and leaning his spear.

06-22-2012, 11:40 AM
Around the time I started working on my second unit White Dwarf 379 came out with an official update to the army book of Vampire Counts. It also showed the new releases of some awesome new models! I t also had the banners of Rage that would inspire my Army. I realized that a regular Vampire would raise/consort with the Chaos god Khorne so when I saw the Ghoul King on a giant undead bat called a Terrorgheist I knew I found my army general. I also found my basing, the Garden of Morr would be my basing for most of my army. The Next white Dwarf would show Chad Mierzwa’s VC army with the added new models which intrigued me to look in back issues for the conception of his army. I found it in WD 366 and it showed how he used multi-basing for his army. I decided to do the same for mine. The next unit of Zombies I made I exclusively used multi-basing as well as a new model I purchased for the Champion. Up until then I had only used my two Warriors Of Chaos Battalion boxes. I needed one more zombie and when I happened upon the Nurgle Chaos Lord (while looking for the article on Chad’s army) I knew I found it! Oh, by the way this is the first completed unit because I had received my Banners of Rage, I added them to the two previous units afterwards.

06-22-2012, 11:47 AM
More pics (I wish I could add more than five at a time) Also I would like to apologise for my third posting, sometimes I just can't spell.(biginning instead of beginning)

06-22-2012, 11:50 AM
Even more pics

06-22-2012, 11:53 AM
Even more pics:o

06-22-2012, 12:00 PM
Rember when I said that I add a whimsical zombie per unit? Well I added a whole squad this time.I call it "the Evolution of Zombies after Darwin's evolution of man picture. I hope you like it. I think I have talked...typed enough for today so I will get off now.

The Girl
06-23-2012, 10:41 AM
I'm really glad you've made your way back into the hobby you love; it makes me sad when folks feel the need to back away from something they once enjoyed for whatever reason, so it's great that you've reconnected with it.... and the new force is looking really good :)

The Eldar army is still being added to. It's become a tank heavy apoc army over the past year... I'm hoping to get an article with photos up soon to show the work everyone has been putting into it in the next couple of weeks. Can't express how much of a joy it's been to work on and play with it. Thank you for connecting me to the hobby and the community in a way I never thought possible.

06-25-2012, 02:48 PM
I can't wait to see your army! It's been a long road back to the hobby but I have to say you were instrumental to showing me the way back.