View Full Version : Flyers?

06-21-2012, 01:24 AM
Just to clarify:

Are 'flyers' vehichles of the 'fast, skimmer' type... with the special rule 'supersonic'...
and 'supersonic' is essentially just a distance-boost when going flat out?

or are there extra definitions I have missed?

Any one know if 6ed is adding extra rules in this area?

06-21-2012, 01:30 AM
Strongly rumoured to be new rules. Like being BS1 when shooting at them

As for what counts, all the modern ones have fast skimmer and the aerial assault/supersonic rules

So what counts is

Guard - Valk, Vendetta
BA/GK - Stormraven
Marines - Storm Talon
DE - Voidraven, Razorwing
Orks - the 3 new fliers
Necrons -their 2 fliers

06-21-2012, 01:50 AM
I imagine that it will be defined in the rule book as a vehicle type, just as at the moment we have "fast tanks" then we could have "flyer"

06-21-2012, 03:26 AM
The Valkyrie and Vendetta do not have Supersonic or Aeriel Assault. They are just Fast Skimmers.

As to the OP's questions, yes Supersonic is just a distance boost when going flat out. However Aerial assault also allows them to fire all of their weapons when moving up to 12", extending their threat bubble significantly.

I would expect 'Flyer' to be a vehicle type in the new edition, incorporating both of these rules and applying to all of these vehicles. However, for the next week and a bit at least, no there aren't any further rules or extra deffinitions.

06-21-2012, 04:36 AM
Yep, Valks don't have those rules.

As if Vendettas weren't severly undercosted already, they'll now need 6's to be hit and be able to move further and shoot more, and probably won't be assaultable....

06-21-2012, 06:37 AM
I would expect the new BBB to establish a new 'flier' vehicle category and list all existing vehicles that the rule applies to.

The new flier specific universal rules we have seen for the storm talon and other new fliers would thus be applied retrospectively to already established models like the stormraven, valks and possible some of the Eldar and Tau skimmers.

In addition to the likes of Aerial Assault and supersonic, I would also expect something along the lines of 'dogfight' (or whatever they want to call it) to be a USR for fliers that allow them to shoot at other fliers at their normal BS, thus making fliers even more important to armies and that in turns = more sales of the new kits and $$$.

I doubt it is a co-incidence that GW has so very recently hiked up the prices of the likes of the Stormraven and Valk so much.

06-21-2012, 06:40 AM
and Stormravens. They don't have supersonic, either.

Diagnosis Ninja
06-21-2012, 06:55 AM
It's possible that the current wave of Fast Skimmers which look like planes will all be changed to the type Flyer, and that Supersonic and Aerial Assault are going to be Flyer exclusive special rules.

It depends on which direction they go.

If they make Supersonic the Flyer rule, like the January leak, then it'll be an optional movement mode.

If they make specific Flyer rules, then I'm guessing there'll be some of the mentioned vehicles which can either move as a Flyer, or won't make the jump.

06-21-2012, 06:57 AM
It is very interesting to see how things will fall.