View Full Version : Allies: What Do We Know?

Chris Copeland
06-20-2012, 07:48 PM
Troops, I know that all of our questions will be answered very soon. However, I just can't wait! The need for my gray plastic crack is seething through my veins and I need to know things NOW.

I don't really spend any time on other boards (besides Privateer Press, The Gaming Garage (http://www.thegaminggarage.co/forum/index.php), and the facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/175757472448931/) my club has) so I don't know what is being disseminated out there on sites such as Dakka and Warseer.

So I'm asking y'all: what do we know about Allies? Details! I need details!

Thanks in advance... Cope

06-20-2012, 08:26 PM
Your primary force needs to have the requisite HQ and two troops then to take allies you have to take an HQ and one troop then you can get additional units. At least that's what the guy said who was reading the WD said.

06-20-2012, 08:39 PM
Here's hoping that there are further restrictions.

If you have to take, for example, one FS choice from your main army before taking one from your ally army, then I think that may keep things under control.

I really like the idea behind allies, as I want to make some sort of non-GK Inquisition force, but an ally system really has potential for a lot of silly abuse. =/

06-20-2012, 09:28 PM
Here's hoping that there are further restrictions.

If you have to take, for example, one FS choice from your main army before taking one from your ally army, then I think that may keep things under control.

I really like the idea behind allies, as I want to make some sort of non-GK Inquisition force, but an ally system really has potential for a lot of silly abuse. =/

Agreed, but if everyone has the same potential for abuse, then it all balances out. Also, I doubt you'll be able to take any extra FOC slots (For example, still limited to 2 HQ's, 3 Elites, 3 FA, 3 HS).

There might also be a percentage or point restriction on how much you can take compared to the rest of your army. 25%, for example, may be devoted to allies, depending on cooperation level.

06-20-2012, 09:37 PM
Agreed, but if everyone has the same potential for abuse, then it all balances out. Also, I doubt you'll be able to take any extra FOC slots (For example, still limited to 2 HQ's, 3 Elites, 3 FA, 3 HS).

There might also be a percentage or point restriction on how much you can take compared to the rest of your army. 25%, for example, may be devoted to allies, depending on cooperation level.

Everyone doesn't have the same potential for abuse, though.
Tyranids, for example, have no allies.

I understand the fluff behind it, and I really am keen on creating certain flavourful allied forces, but I don't want it to become some sort of super-powerful un-fluffy mess that pushes hybrid army lists at the expense of other aspects of the game and background.

planet psyrum
06-20-2012, 09:50 PM
Yeah, there has to be restrictions. Imagine 6 heavy slots in am army. Yeah, i would take 3 long fang squads, and 3 squadrons of heavy imperial guard tanks.

It would work fine if they maintained the original foc. I would make a necron army with blood angel allies. I would take my standard list, take out my scarabs and deathmarks, and put in a librarian with to assault squads. That would round out my army pretty well. The addition of ATSKNF and chainsword assault squads combined with my tri-veil army would be sweet. Throw in psichic powers, and that would be a fun army. Oh know, wraiths amd assault squads are coming after me, noooooooo.

06-20-2012, 09:59 PM
All I know is i can finally make the mechanicus force or my dreams.

06-20-2012, 10:12 PM
I'm optimistic that I'll be able to use the GK and SM codices to make my dreams of a Deathwatch strike force come true.

06-20-2012, 10:15 PM
Yeah, there has to be restrictions.

There are. You must take 1 HQ and 1 Troops choice, and a maximum of 1 elite, 1 heavy, and 1 FA.

Frankly, I don't really seeing it being broken at all, even if not all armies can ally. In fact, I can see it balancing the game a bit. Some armies have difficulty at certain points levels because they either lack cheap, efficient units in certain slots for low point games, or have too cheap of units and run out of slots at higher points. This gives you more options so armies can be more competitive at the point levels they are otherwise weak at.

06-20-2012, 10:23 PM
@Darklink: I disagree, simply because those army that do NOT have the drawbacks you mentionned get even stronger, so while those armies that you described do get a bump, they still fall short of being as good as the top armies.

06-20-2012, 10:25 PM
Would this overcome normal force org restrictions? For example, could one have 3 HQ units (2 Standart, 1 Ally)?

Diagnosis Ninja
06-21-2012, 12:28 AM
I think that someone with little birds needs to identify whether the Allies slots are an additional Force Organisation chart, or if they're filling slots which you already have access to.

Is it

2 HQ
3 Elites
6 Troops
3 Fast
3 Heavy


2+1 HQ
3+1 Elite
6+1 Troops
3+1 Fast
3+1 Heavy

06-21-2012, 01:08 AM

I'm thinking Commissar lord as IG HQ, Al'Rahem with a massive outflanking platoon of goodness. Now we are at 1 HQ and 1 troops, add a tank or tank squadron of your choice.

I can't imagine many imperial armies that wouldn't get a nice boost out of this 300 - 700ish points worth of IG as allies.

06-21-2012, 01:24 AM
Allies is good. I don't think this will be allowing overpowered GK to suddenly take the 3 LR demolisher sqns that would round them off - but for my Khorne army to have decent daemons in again is awesome.

06-21-2012, 02:35 AM
I agree; there is of course a potential for beardy players to get insanely broken lists (SW/GK allies have been mentioned) but more importantly, it allows some of us who want some variety (or more fluff) in our armies to get that!

I'd love to paint up a single unit of Dark Eldar, but don't want a whole army! Maybe the DE and the Chaos Marines ally up for one battle! Love it.

06-21-2012, 02:44 AM
Ive read the rumors of min 1hq and 1 troop for allies, but where was it stated that its max 1 elite/fast/heavy slots?

Also, iv'e yet to see any rumors (only speculation) about the usage of FoCs, so is it max 2hq, or 2+1hq or 2+2hq etc..

And, if it is even one ally per mainforce..

And as i said, no rumors / solidness, only speculation on these parts.. (feel free to prove me wrong tho)

06-21-2012, 02:59 AM
I see your GK/SW and raise you Tau/Eldar or Tau/DEldar.:D

06-21-2012, 03:06 AM
I agree; there is of course a potential for beardy players to get insanely broken lists (SW/GK allies have been mentioned) but more importantly, it allows some of us who want some variety (or more fluff) in our armies to get that!

I'd love to paint up a single unit of Dark Eldar, but don't want a whole army! Maybe the DE and the Chaos Marines ally up for one battle! Love it.


Back in 2nd edition I had a crazy powerful Space Wolf army with Eldar allies, which had more Eldar models than Space wolf. It was broken and power gamery and it was brilliant! That was fun for the teenage me. Now though, I am just excited about having a unit or two from lots of armies that I do not want to collect fully but have always admired. I think it is gonna look great on the tabletop.

I am officially super mega hyper excited about 6th edition! BOOM! :D

06-21-2012, 03:13 AM
For someone like myself who struggles to stay focused on building and painting 1 army, having allies is awesome. I think it also helps those players who have older weaker armies add something extra to their lists to give them a little boost.

Now I can combine my Salamanders and GK I actually have a decent sized army. Even with the FOC restrictions.

The conversion aspect is awesome too, I can make a Tu' Shan conversion and give him Draigos rules and add in some super duper paladins as his fireborn bodyguards. The possibilities are endless :)

06-21-2012, 03:25 AM
I can see a mixed system being used for allies to try and balance things out for factions that don't get allies or are greatly limited in who they can ally with.

I would expect for most factions, the 1HQ and 1 troop minimum to count towards your normal FOC max. I would also expect other limitations, like maybe no name characters in the allied force, only name IC allowed in your primary force, limits to how many elite, heavy and FA slots you can take from the allied book etc.

For Tyranids, I can see allies being something of a booster if done right, so what if no-one wants to be your friend if it means you can take twice the normal number of units in critical slots like Elites, FA or heavy? Maybe HQ as well. Bet quite a few factions would prefer to play by themselves if it meant they could have more of the toys they love most to play with.

I see the reason for allowing allies as two-fold. Primarily, it is to boost sales as people are far far more likely to pick up that awesome model/unit from another book that they always wanted with allies than they are to start a new army. And hey, to have that awesome Ork dakkajet or DE venum, you need 1 HQ + 1 troop choice, add in the cool unit/model you really wanted in the first place and that's a solid start to another army. More $$$ for GW, and so much easier for people to take the next step and build a full sized second army. Thus even more $$$ for GW.

The second reason for allies could be practical. With psy powers becoming so much more powerful, those armies with limited or no psy abilities are missing out and potentially at a game breaking disadvantage compared to psy heavy armies.

Instead of having to FAQ in new anti-psyker units/abilities into existing codexes or new units that may not fit with the fluff of the army, far easier to just let those armies take psyker allies.

Necrons might not feel so shafted by the new powers if they get to take a Blood Angel librarian to cast his own powers and/or hood everyone else; Orks would love it to have Eldar farseers cast guide and fortune on them and doom on their enemies all game etc. In addition, xenos players might complain less about powered armour power creep if they get to share in the benefits a little with allies.

06-21-2012, 03:43 AM
I think people are overlooking the rumored allies chart. There are different levels of alliances too. The different levels wil probably affect what you can and cannot take. This may limit the abusive combos of most armies. Although most of the space marines are "trusted brothers" with each other. noone is trusted with GK, so I doubt they'll be able to get most of the broken stuff.

06-21-2012, 04:38 AM
From my understanding (although I haven't seen it so this is still just a rumour) the FOC is now more like tree, with different slots opening up other branches.

There are also two new slots, or branches on the FOC.

So the new FOC is:

Fast Attack
Heavy Support

Allies should be fairly self explantory, Fortification allows your army to buy things like Bastions, Aegis Defence Lines, Skyshield, tank traps, tanglewire, razorwire etc.

How the branches are opened up I am not sure, but I suspect it will be very similar to the old allies rules in the Witch Hunters Codex.

06-21-2012, 04:56 AM
We don't know what we know, and we don't know what we don't know, we also know what we don't know we don;t know or something.

...I was going somewhere with this but I don't know where.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
06-21-2012, 05:00 AM
We don't know what we know, and we don't know what we don't know, we also know what we don't know we don;t know or something.

...I was going somewhere with this but I don't know where.

*head explodes*

06-21-2012, 05:03 AM
I know what you meant. :)

I am just going by some of the rumours I have heard, but also by the battle Report in the WD.

It also makes a lot of sense regarding the new scenery coming in July and the scenery price hike last month.

GW really are quite cunning, now that you can by Bastions as part of your army they get a 56% price increase.

And let's face it, with the new hull points rule I would swap my guard Chimeras for Bastions in a heartbeat!!

06-21-2012, 06:41 AM
I kind of think that GW is also doing this so that Chaos Daemons and Chaos Space Marines players can share the love. CSM players have wanted their proper daemons for ages, and CD have wanted....well.....good stuff for ages. I'll be stoked if I can take a Lord of Change and Pink Horrors in my Thousand Sons army. It might not be competitive but who cares? The Flamers of Tzeentch would be decent too.

It would certainly make CSM much more fun and interesting until they are updated.
And wouldn't it be awesome for everyone to actually use their Bloodletters as proper Bloodletters? Assuming they would still follow the Chaos Daemons rules, you deep-strike them down from a personal icon (maybe), run them into cover and then charge next turn - or alternatively hide them behind onrushing units that your opponent places a higher emphasis on.

I can see this kind of thing having restrictions in place so that we don't see Long Fang/Leman Russ spam lists, or so that non-Grey Knights players can't take a Draigowing out of nowhere. I'd imagine special characters from the secondary force will be a no-no.

06-21-2012, 07:56 AM
I'm personally not going to participate in this Allies silliness.

My Eldar will remain all Space Elves, and my BA will remain all Space Vampires in tin cans.

Nary shall the two ever meet - unless its Apoc in which case I use that cool "Battle of Traitor's Gorge" datafax formation. I just replace a BA Captain for Lysander :P

06-21-2012, 08:08 AM
We don't know what we know, and we don't know what we don't know, we also know what we don't know we don;t know or something.

...I was going somewhere with this but I don't know where.
Socrates would be proud.:p

06-21-2012, 08:33 AM
I can see a mixed system being used for allies to try and balance things out for factions that don't get allies or are greatly limited in who they can ally with.

I would expect for most factions, the 1HQ and 1 troop minimum to count towards your normal FOC max. I would also expect other limitations, like maybe no name characters in the allied force, only name IC allowed in your primary force, limits to how many elite, heavy and FA slots you can take from the allied book etc.

For Tyranids, I can see allies being something of a booster if done right, so what if no-one wants to be your friend if it means you can take twice the normal number of units in critical slots like Elites, FA or heavy? Maybe HQ as well. Bet quite a few factions would prefer to play by themselves if it meant they could have more of the toys they love most to play with.

That bit right there is contradictory.

If the allies count towards your FoC you can't double up on slots.

And even as a Tyranid player, I really hope you're not allowed to ally with 'yourself'. No thank you, 6x GK psyfledreads for ~800 pts.

06-21-2012, 08:45 AM
That bit right there is contradictory.

If the allies count towards your FoC you can't double up on slots.

And even as a Tyranid player, I really hope you're not allowed to ally with 'yourself'. No thank you, 6x GK psyfledreads for ~800 pts.
I think he was saying only Tyranids would be able to. And IIRC you can still get 6 GK psyfledreads right now, just a bit more expensive for the venerables.

06-21-2012, 08:50 AM
I think he was saying only Tyranids would be able to. And IIRC you can still get 6 GK psyfledreads right now, just a bit more expensive for the venerables.

You can, but the venerables add up around ~180 extra points which is a lot, especially in an army like GK.

On the other hand, however, I am looking forward to the notion of using GK/Inquisitorial/SoB units as allies with my other Imperial armies, seeing as I love the models and fluff but don't know if I'd want a full army for any of those. Well, especially SoB...but painting one pewter squad should tide me over to the day they eventually get a book and some plastic kits.

06-21-2012, 09:04 AM
We don't know what we know, and we don't know what we don't know, we also know what we don't know we don;t know or something.

...I was going somewhere with this but I don't know where.

You didnt write speeches for Bush did you? :)

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
06-21-2012, 09:26 AM
So apparantly Grey Knights and Space Wolves are a thing now?

06-21-2012, 09:35 AM
http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2010/12/15/163734_sm-Blood%20Angels,%20Brofist,%20Fist%20Bump,%20Fistbu mp,%20Humor,%20Necrons.jpg

Brothers in Arms.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
06-21-2012, 09:37 AM
That would actually be an amusing army. :p

The Sovereign
06-21-2012, 11:11 AM
While we all know this is a ploy by GW to get us to buy more products we normally wouldn't, I think we're mostly in agreement that in this case it's totally welcome and rad.

Sisters of Battle for my Wolves (Wolf and Sister style) and Kroot for my Dark Eldar!? What's not to like?

The Madman
06-21-2012, 11:30 AM
My Word Bearers will finally have their daemons back and in force, just how chaos should be.

http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2010/12/15/163734_sm-Blood%20Angels,%20Brofist,%20Fist%20Bump,%20Fistbu mp,%20Humor,%20Necrons.jpg

Brothers in Arms.

if that ever happens i want the guy who owns it to have a model diorama of that fist bump.

06-21-2012, 12:25 PM
There are. You must take 1 HQ and 1 Troops choice, and a maximum of 1 elite, 1 heavy, and 1 FA.

Frankly, I don't really seeing it being broken at all, even if not all armies can ally. In fact, I can see it balancing the game a bit. Some armies have difficulty at certain points levels because they either lack cheap, efficient units in certain slots for low point games, or have too cheap of units and run out of slots at higher points. This gives you more options so armies can be more competitive at the point levels they are otherwise weak at.

Pretty much how I feel. Like I used to take a Grey Knight Brother Captain with a Psychic Hood for some psychic defense for my Templars until Daemonhunters became obsolete. With the new rules a Grey Knight Librarian with like two powers will be joining my troops.

06-21-2012, 12:52 PM
Pretty much how I feel. Like I used to take a Grey Knight Brother Captain with a Psychic Hood for some psychic defense for my Templars until Daemonhunters became obsolete. With the new rules a Grey Knight Librarian with like two powers will be joining my troops.


06-21-2012, 01:03 PM

They're Grey Knights. I'm ok with them using psychic powers because they are the chosen of the Emperor himself and incorruptible. No worries of them falling to the temptations of Chaos and losing their stuff dabbling with psychic nonsense, unlike lesser cursed beings...

06-21-2012, 01:09 PM
Am I the only one who thinks that being able to intorduce allies into your own army is an utterly terrible idea? Fantasy has nice ally rules for mutiplayer games, but they got rid of allies from other books and Dogs of War long ago since they broke the game. If you want to do fluff themed armies, that's cool, but convert models to use counts as (as i have done with my genestealer cult), but letting people take models from other armies is a terrible idea. My gaming group shall be introducing a blanket ban on this if it pans out.

06-21-2012, 01:35 PM
They're Grey Knights. I'm ok with them using psychic powers because they are the chosen of the Emperor himself and incorruptible. No worries of them falling to the temptations of Chaos and losing their stuff dabbling with psychic nonsense, unlike lesser cursed beings...

That sounds double heretical.

Sorry, I can't help ribbing you. :p Just because...you know, Black Templar. :)

Am I the only one who thinks that being able to intorduce allies into your own army is an utterly terrible idea? Fantasy has nice ally rules for mutiplayer games, but they got rid of allies from other books and Dogs of War long ago since they broke the game. If you want to do fluff themed armies, that's cool, but convert models to use counts as (as i have done with my genestealer cult), but letting people take models from other armies is a terrible idea. My gaming group shall be introducing a blanket ban on this if it pans out.

I'm wary of it, because I see it for the problem it can be.
That being said, I don't think it will be too bad if the restrictions are done right.
It would be really cool to have certain allied forces - in particular sprinkling a big of Inquisition from the GK book into other Imperial armies.

That said, I'm a little concerned that it could wind up allowing armies to take choices that nullify their inbuilt weaknesses...which would be kind of stupid.
And while I understand the occasional Imperial-Xeno team-up, I really, really don't want to see a ton of those types of armies.

06-21-2012, 01:48 PM
Am I the only one who thinks that being able to intorduce allies into your own army is an utterly terrible idea? Fantasy has nice ally rules for mutiplayer games, but they got rid of allies from other books and Dogs of War long ago since they broke the game. If you want to do fluff themed armies, that's cool, but convert models to use counts as (as i have done with my genestealer cult), but letting people take models from other armies is a terrible idea. My gaming group shall be introducing a blanket ban on this if it pans out.

I agree. I'm hoping there are some serious limitations on when it can be used, and its just there to use for fun games. Anyone who has ever played in a fairly open doubles tournament (ie one that allows all combinations) will know how broken the game gets at that stage.

I fear its another GW idea of "hey this would be fluffy fun, they will love it!" Like the missions book. I can see a lot of tournaments banning it early on. I'm not digging it, and like the scenery is just another way to make us buy their crack. I know a lot of gamers who only have one army, if they start getting dominated by powerful combos then they will spend money on allies too, and a fortress of redemption.

Emerald Rose Widow
06-21-2012, 02:10 PM
That being said, I don't think it will be too bad if the restrictions are done right.

The question is has GW ever done restrictions right? I mean usually it just seems that they do one of those "HEY, this is a GREAT idea, lets just do it and not check if it totally breaks the game" things

06-21-2012, 02:20 PM
The question is has GW ever done restrictions right? I mean usually it just seems that they do one of those "HEY, this is a GREAT idea, lets just do it and not check if it totally breaks the game" things

I know. They tend to favour the lazier approach to design in that they've stated they're not a 'tournament' game, so they think that balance isn't so important because they expect people to play in the spirit of the fluff/game.

It's aggravating, really. I'm a casual/fluff player, but I want a solid set of rules, damnit. I still play for the -core gameplay- aspect, and having a tight rule-set is pretty important, there. Even the fluffiest of players benefit from it.

06-21-2012, 02:51 PM
It's clear to me that if they were going for balance, they would have let everyone ally with everyone at some form of cooperation level, even Tyranids. "Allies of Circumstance" for example, or one ally manipulating the other into acting a certain way. This would have opened up all of the potential combinations for Codexes to intermingle and nobody would have room to complain.

Instead, they're going with the 'fluffy' approach, which cements the idea of them making a 'hobby' game instead of a competitive game.

We've still yet to see how different 'cooperation' levels will impact the allies chart, as well...

I'm not concerned with Space Marines being able to ally with other Space Marines. They're all Space Marines at the end of the day and die like Space Marines, so what do I care if my opponent wants to field a rainbow of them? I'm more worried about different races intermingling. Eldar and Dark Eldar cooperating has my blood running cold, and Tau allying with any Space Marines has me very worried. Chaos Marines and Traitor Guard will certainly prove to be formidable as well, especially when CSM get their update.

Again, GK, SW, BA, BT, DA, and SM allying with each other doesn't worry me. I think a lot of people will try to break the game with it and create all sorts of 'net lists'. This doesn't worry me one bit for a large number of reasons, one of which is that it opens up for so many different variations of army that I'd be amazed if anyone, even a math wiz, was able to min-max all of the Codices together to create the perfect combo of Imperial forces. It'll be even easier to undo said army, since it'll all be Power Armor at the end of the day.

06-21-2012, 03:07 PM
Maybe the huge amount of variety available will "kill" the net list approach to games. Of course there will be some super combos, but I hope with so many options no one list will be seen to be the auto win we "think" they are now.

06-21-2012, 03:23 PM
They're Grey Knights. I'm ok with them using psychic powers because they are the chosen of the Emperor himself and incorruptible. No worries of them falling to the temptations of Chaos and losing their stuff dabbling with psychic nonsense, unlike lesser cursed beings...

You imply that the Imperium, the Black Templars of all people, use logic and reasonable thinking.

06-21-2012, 03:35 PM
Eldar and Dark Eldar cooperating has my blood running cold....

Eldar and their dark kin cooperating happens often enough in the fluff, though. Especially when Harlequins or corsairs are involved.

I'd think the Eldar would prefer working with the DE to Imperial forces, most of the time. In a 'strictly business' sort of way.

After all, fallen or not, they're still part of the same dying race.

I see it happening a lot easier than any Imperial-xeno alliances, at least...
I know they happen, and it's fine...I'm just not sure how keen I am on seeing xeno and Imperial units on the same side of the table. I hope it's not that often...I'd rather it be a once-in-a-blue-moon sort of scenario, with a narrative explanation.
I guess my real beef there is that sort of alliance tends to require more of a narrative explanation versus, say, Eldar/DE, Chaos/IG (they're just corrupt guardsmen), GK/any Imperial army, Tau/non-human races (somewhat less xenophobic than the Imperium, and the Tau are all about cooperation, even if it's temporary - any exposure to the Greater Good is good for all of the older races!)...
Though I guess the problem exists elsewhere...Necrons tend to need a bit more nudging to find allegiance with other armies, similar to the Imperium.

Ah well...guess we'll see.

Emerald Rose Widow
06-21-2012, 05:25 PM
The whole "nids get no allies thing" is frustrating too, just another way to screw the nids over, yknow, because we didnt have enough problems with GK screwing our lives over already, let us just make it worse.

Plus we all know that blood angel necron combination in the past was bullcrap, I mean I rage inside just thinking about it. I mean its far more possible than it used to be with the old necron fluff, but still, ugh.

06-21-2012, 05:57 PM
Monstrous creatures do sound like they're getting some nice bonuses in 6th, though. I dunno if it will overcome some of their weaknesses in 5th...namely the issues with cover rules for MCs and high-strength weapons being abundant.

But it seems like it'll be easier to hit vehicles in combat, at least. And winged MCs get that 24" 'swoop' attack or whatever, so they can finally catch skimmers/flyers.

06-21-2012, 06:38 PM
Eldar and their dark kin cooperating happens often enough in the fluff, though. Especially when Harlequins or corsairs are involved.

I'd think the Eldar would prefer working with the DE to Imperial forces, most of the time. In a 'strictly business' sort of way.

After all, fallen or not, they're still part of the same dying race.

I see it happening a lot easier than any Imperial-xeno alliances, at least...
I know they happen, and it's fine...I'm just not sure how keen I am on seeing xeno and Imperial units on the same side of the table. I hope it's not that often...I'd rather it be a once-in-a-blue-moon sort of scenario, with a narrative explanation.
I guess my real beef there is that sort of alliance tends to require more of a narrative explanation versus, say, Eldar/DE, Chaos/IG (they're just corrupt guardsmen), GK/any Imperial army, Tau/non-human races (somewhat less xenophobic than the Imperium, and the Tau are all about cooperation, even if it's temporary - any exposure to the Greater Good is good for all of the older races!)...
Though I guess the problem exists elsewhere...Necrons tend to need a bit more nudging to find allegiance with other armies, similar to the Imperium.

Ah well...guess we'll see.

I didn't mean I was scared because of the infeasability, I meant in a strictly strategic sort of way. Combining the best of Dark Eldar with the best of Eldar... I'd start with a Dark Eldar base army and then Ally with Eldar, using Eldar's specialized troops to buff out the Dark Eldar's tank busting and elite-hunting ability, and then use the Dark Eldar's incredible anti-infantry and anti-MC abilities to create a very squishy but well-rounded army.

06-21-2012, 06:49 PM
Ah, yes.

Well then, you and I share the same fear: that the ally system is rife with the potential for armies to be able to cover weaknesses that, well, kind of define those armies.

Hopefully it won't turn out too bad. Competitive play is going to suffer the most from it if there's anything awry, I'm sure...
Here's hoping whenever I manage to find a local play group it consists of people who are in things for the fun and fluff in equal measure, and not just to crush people.

06-21-2012, 06:56 PM
I'm going to enjoy the ally thing as currently advertised. Especially as a marine player. I enjoy army's that have a fluff connection. Having a large BA army
I'm going to love bringing my fledgling White Scars that we're fun at first to paint,but now the idea of painting more power armor has become unattractive. Seeing there connected..
I think everyone has looked at certain models within another army range that they wold love to paint,but they may not have any interest in painting 2000 pts worth..I know I do...
.I know there will be people that will build exploiting type army list with these ally rules,and these people arent fun to play with under any rule set.. Focus on having fun flexability ,and these ally rules sound fun

06-21-2012, 07:03 PM
I think everyone has looked at certain models within another army range that they wold love to paint,but they may not have any interest in painting 2000 pts worth..I know I do...

Yeah, that's the part I'm looking forward to.

I like the GK models and Inquisition stuff, but I really didn't want a full army of it.

Now I can create a small core of GK/Inq. models and attach them to any of my Imperial armies for fun.

Which -does- sound fun.

06-21-2012, 07:27 PM
Ah, yes.

Well then, you and I share the same fear: that the ally system is rife with the potential for armies to be able to cover weaknesses that, well, kind of define those armies.

Hopefully it won't turn out too bad. Competitive play is going to suffer the most from it if there's anything awry, I'm sure...
Here's hoping whenever I manage to find a local play group it consists of people who are in things for the fun and fluff in equal measure, and not just to crush people.

I'm not worried about covering weaknesses. I think it's going to be a balancing force for a lot of armies. And, as was said before, it'll let me dip into other armies that have neat models, but that I wouldn't want to build and paint a full force for. I could see myself collecting a large number of armies that I wouldn't normally.. I currently have Chaos and Dark Eldar, and enough to make a detachment of IG, but I'd love to dip into Daemons, Necron, Eldar, Tau, Sisters of Battle, and even Space Marines and Grey Knights.

I do wish I could have a detachment of Tyranids though.. that's one big downside.. I'd love to have some Tyranid Warriors and Gaunts goaded along by my Chaos Marines.

06-22-2012, 02:08 AM
Gah! I've just realised that I STILL can't have the army I wanted, even with allies. I know, I know; some people are never happy, but it seems you can only have 1 troops choice from allies. Well, I was planning on a unit of Bloodletters and a unit of Daemonettes.

Something tells me I'll purposely play 2000pts games JUST to field this combination, if the rules allow as much.

06-22-2012, 08:40 AM
Personally, I am excited about this simply because I have a box full of Kroot, and its known all the way back to third edition (possibly second edition) that they are galactic mercenaries, even before the Tau emerged.

Today's White Dwarf will reveal it, but here's hoping I will get to finally field my Elysian strike force with their unit of Kroot Mercenary scouts. Hopefully when the new tau codex comes out it will have a kroot HQ option, so I don;t have to make a "counts as" hq from an ethereal.

06-22-2012, 08:45 AM
IIRC Kroot came out with Tau in 3rd, but they were very much galatic mercenies, that seemed to only accept tau currency

06-22-2012, 10:30 AM
Eldar and Dark Eldar cooperating has my blood running cold....

Hmmm. A group of game players who fights through deceit and lies, pulling at the strings of other races, organising things so that the best outcome benefits them and only them. Compare this with a group of sadistic, violent , debased villains with access to an unlimited supply of weapons, narcotics and human slaves.

My Eldar HQ will be Farseer Walkerbush and my Dark Eldar HQ will be Archon Noriega. :rolleyes:

06-22-2012, 10:42 AM
Actually Eldar and Dark Eldar have been known to cooperate, DE helped Iyanden fend of a Waagh for lulz.

06-22-2012, 10:52 AM
There are multiple instances of Eldar and Dark Eldar working together throughout a number of books. Its mentioned in the Dark Eldar codex, and a memorable mention in the Planestrike book where the Craftworlders open portals to Cormoragh in a number of Hive Cities then trapping the cities inside huge forcefields while the Dark Eldar just go crazy.