View Full Version : Nob bikers and Battle Wagons Question

Wolf Brother Hellstrom
06-19-2012, 09:24 AM
this may be a dumb question but if i take nob bikers can i still take a battle wagon as a transport and just stick another squad on it turn one. i dont see anything in the codex and i dont have rule book in front of me.

06-19-2012, 09:31 AM
The codex does say '(except Nob Bikers)' so no. Admittedly, it says that as preface for a Trukk transport. However i believe the second sentance, alternatively means they could take a battlewagon as opposed to taking a trukk, not that Nob bikers would be able to take a battlewagon as they can't take a trukk.

06-19-2012, 09:44 AM
The codex does say '(except Nob Bikers)' so no. Admittedly, it says that as preface for a Trukk transport. However i believe the second sentance, alternatively means they could take a battlewagon as opposed to taking a trukk, not that Nob bikers would be able to take a battlewagon as they can't take a trukk.
If it's not explicitly stated for battlewagons, the rule doesn't apply to battlewagons.

I don't see why not, that's hilarious.

06-19-2012, 10:19 AM
Never thought of it that way...

If the rules don't specifically say that it can not, then I think it is legal.

Personally I would frown when my opponent would tell me that because it looks like exploiting the rules a bit (it could be an oversight on GWs part)

BUT if my opponent told me he had converted a Battlewagon as Transport for his Ork Nobz Bikers so they could jump out of the back of the moving battlewagon I would find it so hilarious and cool I would let him play with it. :D

hmmm... gets me thinking

06-19-2012, 10:42 AM
If the rules say Nob bikers are able to select a transport, then there is nothing with deploying it empty and sticking another squad in it first turn. I don't have the Ork codex, but I would imagine that Nob bikers do not have the option to take a transport, therefore they can't.

06-19-2012, 11:44 AM
"Nobz Mobs (except Nob Bikers) may take a Trukk as a dedicated transport. Alternatively, they may take a Battlewagon..."

seems pretty clear cut that nob bikers cannot take a dedicated transport.

06-19-2012, 12:04 PM
"Nobz Mobs (except Nob Bikers) may take a Trukk as a dedicated transport. Alternatively, they may take a Battlewagon..."

seems pretty clear cut that nob bikers cannot take a dedicated transport.

This is correct, you can't take the battlewagon as its an alternative to the truk for Nob mobs, which Nob bikers can't take. You can't have an alternative option if you're not entitled to the first option

Wolf Brother Hellstrom
06-19-2012, 05:02 PM
my bad i read the dex wrong.

it says that "nob mobs(except Nob bikers) may take a trukk as dedicated transport." then it says " altermatlively"( im guessing that means "instead of truk") they may take battle wagons.

i thought it just said that truk and battlewagons are dedicated transports and thats it

thanks for the clarification

06-20-2012, 08:20 AM
So it wasn't an oversight on GWs part thus Nob Bikers can't take a dedicated transport.

(damn, I would have really loved to see those Nob Bikers jump out of the back of a Battlewagon)

06-20-2012, 08:24 AM
I would love to see a Nob Biker transporter in an apocalypse game

Wolf Brother Hellstrom
06-20-2012, 09:10 AM
i was just going for a extra battlewagon for another squad, but a battlewagon nob biker transport would be friggin sweet