View Full Version : 5th Ed Rumours!

06-19-2012, 04:57 AM
Yeah so 6th will be breaking over us very soon

So idecided to take a search through the BoLS history - and found the rumours posted for 5th edition.

Going through old rumours is funny

On the 15th November 2007 we got

OK, I'm going to post these other rumours appeared on GW Tilea: the source is trustworthy.

- First of all, WH40K V Edition will see the light before summer 2008 (yes you read it right), just after the Codexaemons.
There's not much in the new edition that is going to be radically changed, the things which will be modified for sure are:

1) rules about vehicles
2) damage chart for vehicles (MAYBE we'll have one only chart for glancing and penetrating hits, with modifiers according to the weapon which scored the hit - note that this is an uncertain rumour)
3) rules about psychic powers
4) small variations on HtH combat

the source denied any further explaination.

It has been speculated that the new Starter Box will include SM and Orks (both in plastic).


- Codex: Imperial Guard.
New miniatures are ready, the Codex is still undergoing the brainstorming phase
It is almost certain that the Combat Doctrines will remain in the Codex.
New plastic soldiers with great coats and different heads: we'll have Death Korps of Krieg and Valhallans!!!
Possible new Valkyrie in plastic.
New bits for the Sentinel in order to be able to field all of the four patterns in plastic!
New bits for Rough Riders.

- Dark Eldar.
The entire range is going to be redone with new design.
At the moment they're going to made the first new models!
The rules (according to the source) are NOT going to be much changed, except for some units (the source didn't specify which ones).

- Necrons
We won't see them before the end of 2009!!!
However, the Codex will be redone and will feature new models.
Pariah and Immortals are going to be redone.
Maybe new bipod/vehicle?

- Space Wolves
end 2008 - beginning 2009
The Codex has been planned, but nothing is certain.
MAYBE (uncertain rumour) the SW list will be integrated with the 13th Company's units and rules.

Unfortunately, the Codex:Inquisition is still not in schedule We won't see it for a veeeeery long time...

UPDATE: And this tasty tidbit from the pretty much 100% accurate Brimstone from Warseer:

"Some of this is correct and some is a bit inaccurate.

Vehicle rules are undergoing a pretty big overhaul which some will be quite unhappy about.
There will be one vehicle damage chart with modifiers for glancing/penetrating hits.

Overall most sections are being amended to a degree up to and including missions.

It's a new edition hence a new rulebook IIRC."

UPDATE (2): More word from Warseer's reliable sources:

Things I've heard about 5th edition:

It will be released in 2008. I’ve been hinting at this in
these forums for months now…I was told September/October, but maybe they are
pushing it up for some reason. Maybe they are launching the new edition before
they release the next supplement. Could have something to with the rules changes
that they need the new system out before the next supplement.

The new starter box will be Orks vs. Marines. Like BfSP it will have two small but complete
armies. The new technology lets them put so much more stuff on a sprue and I've
heard you get TONS of stuff in this box. I expect a vehicle or two (those rumors
of a plastic killa kan have been floating around for some time) but I have no
info to say what the contents will be beyond Orks vs. Marines (What do you think
they are making those plastic grots for?). As an Ork player I am so very excited
about this box…

Rules wise I’ve heard that the vehicle damage chart will look
like the Apocalypse one but for standard vehicles.

I’ve heard nothing of a nerf for skimmers or any other major
changes to the vehicle system. But that just means my source hasn’t told me
anything or may not know himself.

Two big changes I’ve heard about are changes to movement and
(everyone wait for it…) changes to Rending! I posted these in a “rules idea”
thread a few weeks back to see if anyone would notice…nobody did. I'm not going
to go into detail now as I've been tourtured by the =I=nqusition before and do
not wish to revist those dark places. But if you search for them, they are out
there...posted as my own idea. (see how I do that? Like a f'n ninja!)I’ve heard
that Combat Patrol and Kill Team are gone from the rule book. They will make a
reappearance as their own supplement in 2009 with expanded rules for "space
hulk" and "Necromunda" style games.They have been replaced with a much expanded
mission system and campaign rules that are based off the Mighty Empires system
for FB.

I've heard that there are a few 40K specific tiles in the works. One
being a hive-city tile.

Dark Eldar are next after Deamons, beyond that I have no

UPDATE (3): a warseer source offers a glimpse at what may be some of the rumored 5th edition rules changes:

Rending: A roll of a six to wound makes the shot AP1. A roll of a six to penetrate a vehicle causes an automatic glancing hit unless the total already exceeds the AV.
-I think this will tone down Rending a bit while still maintaining the
effectiveness of those weapons. This would also pave the way for all Gauss
weapons to have Rending.On that note I would also change FNP so it is negated by AP1 weapons.

Forced March: All infantry units may make a D6” move in the shooting phase instead of shooting as long as there are no enemy models within 12”. However they may not move in the assault phase unless they have the Fleet of Foot special rule. Models with Fleet may make this move even if enemy models are within 12” and may make a 6” assault move as normal.
-I think this would open up the game a little more as it would allow
units to sprint for cover/objectives in lieu of shooting. It would make the game
a bit more dynamic and allow for playing games on larger tables like you might
see in Apocalypse. This would also greatly benefit reserves allowing them to get
in the game much quicker than before.

Skimmers: Change the Skimmer rule so it counts as being obscured when moving at least 12” instead of the current rule.
-This would mean they would only benefit from the Skimmer ability on a
4+ and only if they stay on the move.

Interesting - They got 1 table for vehicles and modifiers right and the starter box

Guard Stuff - Largely wrong, but got the Valk!

Dark Eldar - New models yes, not changing the rules much no

Necrons - Not before 2009? Got that right

Space Wolves - Not much, but it seems wrong

Inquisition codex? YEp that never happened

Start Box - Plastic Killa Kan? Wrong! Plastic Grots? Wrong!

Missions "Kill team and Combat Patrol out, expect in their own book with new Necromunda and Space Hulk"
Well we did get Space Hulk....and a mission book

Rending Changes - Mostly right, but took more of a Nerf than expected

Running is a little off, but mostly correct

Skimmers were correct

Then came January 3 2008

There will be a new rulebook and new starter set which will be Orks vs marines, it will include both troops and vehicles (a marine dreadnought is likely and possibly others). The 3up grot seen at UKGD ’07 is also for the starter box.

Rumoured rules amendments
1. the addition of a ‘run’ option (similar to fleet but with a trade off to keep fleet special).
2. Improvements to the cover save rules.
3. Rending toned down (auto wound if you roll a 6 to wound & reduction in effectiveness against vehicles).
4. Template(Blast) weapons rules streamlined.
5. Sniper weapons rules amended (rending probable)
6. Close combat rules amended with a combat resolution phase similar to fantasy
7. Single vehicle damage table.
8. Vehicles without a WS in CC always get hit in the rear armour.
9. Vehicles able to ram
10. Other vehicle amendments
11. Mission rules changed in a similar manner to Apocalypse (no more Alpha, Gamma or Omega).
12. Only non vehicle non swarm troop choices are scoring units (Note I did not say infantry)
13. Vehicles types are adjusted (the rumoured skimmer nerf)

Still talking about plastic grots....

1) - Correct
2) Correct
3 - Correct
4 - Maybe? Dn't really remember 4th ed blasts
5 - Correct
6 - Wrong
7 - Correct
8 - Corect
9 - Partially correct
10 - ???
11 - Correct
12 - Correct
12 - Correct

Its interesting to see how all the rumours and comments came out and we're so used to it all now....

One of my favourite comments on the articles;

But revisions to the vehicle rules? Single damage table? Jesus H folks, what the hell? As if the fragility of vehicles wasn't already questionable.

So, Imperial forces take it in the pants while skimmers continue to have the advantage. Assume skimmers still downgrade pens to glance. With a single table using mods for pen/glance, skimmers gain an even bigger advantage, depending on the chart.


06-19-2012, 05:01 AM
True Line of Sight will ruin everything!

06-19-2012, 05:03 AM
'Dark Eldar after Daemons'. Lol, not quite.:rolleyes: There were also some wildly inaccurate rumours from other places from memory, these ones aren't too bad at least. There was some hilariously wrong rumours about 8th edition. The starter box was going to be Empire vs Orcs and units would be able to reform and turn as much as they like without limit, those were two favourites I remember. There were heaps of examples of things being partially right but getting crucial bits wrong too.

06-19-2012, 05:11 AM
This is why I've pretty much geiven up listenning to rules rumours. They are as often a miss as a hit, and even when they are right, they are often mislead or misinterpreted, so tyhe end effect is different from the one everyone was worrying about.

The sky may be falling, but I got me an umbrella!

06-19-2012, 07:41 AM
Well hopefullly this will reassure a few of the people whove been flipping out. (I still think that it will be move shoot assault, thats been the order for some 28 ish years now) Other than that, I do fondly remember all the rumors of 5th edition. I do recall much wailing and gnashing of teeth when we heard that only troops could score!

06-19-2012, 08:22 AM
About the 4th ed blasts: Wasn't it so that if the model was partially under the blast-marker, it was hit on a 4+ ?

Anyway, great that someone had the time and tenacity to dig these old jewels :) Funny how things spanned out.

Fast forward to the end of 6th ed.. would be fun to see how much cry and things taken for granted are going to be in that time :D

06-19-2012, 08:29 AM
About the 4th ed blasts: Wasn't it so that if the model was partially under the blast-marker, it was hit on a 4+ ?

Yes it was

06-19-2012, 08:49 AM
I like the post at the end whining about skimmers getting a huge boost. :P
Because skimmers are totally the dominant vehicle type in 5th, and Imperial armies with vehicles suck.

Hah. Rumours and people overreacting.

06-19-2012, 08:55 AM
I don't know, all those impossible to kill DE Raiders proping up on *every* table

06-19-2012, 02:29 PM
This was awesome! Thanks for the 'hindsight', DrLove42.