View Full Version : What are the colors of the Inquisition Orders

09-24-2009, 01:31 PM
I need the two or three colors for each of the Orodos of the inquisition.

Example I think they are....

Demon Hunters - Silver/Red
Witch Hunters - Red/Black
Alien Hunters - Black/Silver

are this correct?

09-24-2009, 02:29 PM
I'm not sure there -is- a set colour scheme for the particular Ordos. Nor is there any sort of standardised uniform as such. An inquisitor wears whatever he likes and his followers wear what he tells them.

Of course it's a bit different with the "Chambers Militant" which do have their set schemes.

Generally people seem to go with red and black for inquisitors, but I suspect that's more to do with habit and a few examples in Codex or White Dwarf than hard and fast rules.

If you have to have a scheme, then go with the colours of that Ordos Chamber Militant. Easy for Malleus and Xenos. Harder for Hereticus as each Order of sisters has it's own scheme. Though they're usually some combination of red, black, silver and white.

09-24-2009, 05:25 PM
I'm not sure there -is- a set colour scheme for the particular Ordos. Nor is there any sort of standardised uniform as such. An inquisitor wears whatever he likes and his followers wear what he tells them.

Of course it's a bit different with the "Chambers Militant" which do have their set schemes.

;) Yes I agree, Inquisitors pick their own outfits & colours. If you read any of the BL Inquisitor books you will also find that the retinues vary their outfits depending on the mission & each members special skill.

Inq Storm Troopers usually wear a combination of Red & Dark Grey Cadian style Flak armour & the Death Watch have black armour with the right shoulder pad deathwatch & the left one in their original Chapter Colours.

I guess you can really just choose whan you want though!:)

09-24-2009, 05:39 PM
I just started my first army who happen to be Witch Hunters. I couldn't find any definitive color scheme so I made my own. All the women have red armor with yellow robes/cloth and all the men have yellow armor with red robes/cloth. I have noticed that most SoB have red or black armor.

09-24-2009, 05:40 PM
The usual black, red, white and silver combinations are good, but I would add the odd figure in gold armour just to mix it up a bit. The Daemon Hunters Inquisitors look cool in gold armour with red lined cloaks and white details.

09-24-2009, 09:18 PM
Do not be fooled by the red/black sisters! That is only one of the chambers. There are other schemes as well, like the metallic ones, and the white ones (names escape me).

As for Inquisitors, echoing what has been said about personal wardrobe. For instance, look at name inquisitors like Solomon Lok, Inquisitor Rexx, Eisenhorn and Covenant. Each one is different, with a different scheme.

person person
09-24-2009, 10:15 PM
Black comes to mind when talking about anything =]I[=.

09-24-2009, 10:59 PM
;) Yes I agree, Inquisitors pick their own outfits & colours. If you read any of the BL Inquisitor books you will also find that the retinues vary their outfits depending on the mission & each members special skill.

Inq Storm Troopers usually wear a combination of Red & Dark Grey Cadian style Flak armour & the Death Watch have black armour with the right shoulder pad deathwatch & the left one in their original Chapter Colours.

I guess you can really just choose whan you want though!:)

IIRC, the left shoulder pad is the Deathwatch one. Also, the left arm and pad are painted silver, the rest of the body(excepting the original chapter pad on the right) is black.

09-25-2009, 03:43 AM
that's right, deathwatch are a little different in that they repaint their armour but move their chapter shoulder pad to the other side in the original colours so as not to upset the armours machine spirit iirc.

09-25-2009, 07:32 AM
Both the above are correct DW colors are black power armor overall with the left pauldron and arm in silver/gunmetal and the right pauldron in the SM original chapter colors.

As to inquisitors I also remember the minis in the demon hunters dex being painted in red and white.
Respects, Emperorsaxe